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Posts posted by rotary

  1. In the future when you have to buy again I would go with Apple. I am not a computer geek at all now. I have used computers since the days of DOS and have used all the Windows versions on PCs and the last 6 years have been using Mac OSX. I surf the Net quite a bit and at work use Office. All in all I have a OK-Hate relationship with PCs and a OK-Good relationship with Mac OSX. To me as a user and not a geek the Apple computers and Mac OSX is just better, more stable, gives less trouble, and far far fewer lock ups.

    All the above is a personal opinion now.......rolleyes.gif

  2. Of course the USA needs the money to pay for the free services and babies of the illegal aliens from Mexico, central and south america.

    The northern neighbors who actually contribute to the states is the only good thing about the region. So lets punish them!!! IDIOTS

    Truer words were never typed. The US Govt is determined to further do more damage to their sinking economy.

    • Like 1
  3. The bill was bs...in America you have background checks regardless of where you buy a gun legally. Criminals don't follow the laws, don't do background checks. Eric Holder is guilty of running guns illegally to Mexico, and should be arrested. This bill was nothing more than an attempt to control the population by an elitest, statist government. That's not a statement against Democrats alone, the Republicans are just as guilty. America is in trouble, it's freedoms eroding daily, and the sheep lining up mindlessly. Obama lied in his press conference, 90% of Americans don't agree with this bill. To buy a gun online requires it to be shipped to a federally registred gun dealer, who then runs an FBI check on you before he allows you to take the gun home. Gun shows the same way. It's the mindless sheeple who fall for the lies that Obama, Bush and their kind spew.

    All true, great post.

  4. O.K

    That's opened a whole new world for me.I will have to leave it till the morning.

    Can you drop a few names of these other eBay alternative sites.

    And how do they compare price wise with eBay.

    It's mainly clothes I buy online,

    thanks a lot

    Have a look at some of these road side seller with "Used" clothes. Several years ago, and I guess its the same now, they have farang size clothes from Old Navy, Banana Republic, Eddie Bauer, Van Husen, etc. Many are new never worn and farang sizes.

  5. Many years ago I had 2 kids going to a Multi-Lingual school in a large town town up North. While not as expensive as International schools it was still expensive for what it was. The kids learned nothing much, the teachers turn over was high, and the quality was low but it all looked nice. After 3 years we took them out and they went to Thai school. They learned more(Believe it or not) and liked it better. Now their English suffered but in that multi-lingual was teaching bad English and bad Thai. At least their Thai caught up then we managed to get the English up to par when the oldest one started University in Bkk. In the end looking back that Multi-Lingual was a mistake.

  6. None of the Thai guys I know on the estate I live in are getting anywhere near 40k a month.

    The combined wage of most Thai families I know is 24-28k a month.

    Generally the wife seems to have a better education (degree) and wage (14k) than the man (10k).

    This is in a middle class, Thai only, estate just outside CM, bank staff, office workers, teachers, nurses, police, etc.

    I bet they are not paying Farang prices though........

    Why would even a farang pay farang prices? If anything is not normal price just walk and find it somewhere else. Simple.

  7. Run a mile. If your financial status is all that's important, the rest of the relationship will be a failure.

    I had a gf named Jeab in Udonthani. Spent 4 days with the family; liked her alot. But I wanted to get her alone, so I suggested we fly to Phuket for a week. She said, "Cannot. Must marry first." Well, I thought about it and replied, "Sure, let's get married - but monks only, not officially." That way her family saves face, she saves face, etc. I figured a ceremony followed by dinner might cost me $400 max.

    But then she brought up the "wedding portion." I asked, "Are you talking about a dowry?" "Yes." "How much?" "300,00 Baht." "Whoa... that's $10,000. Who get's the money? What's it for? What guarantee do i have that you will stay with me and be a good wife?" Her: "My uncle get's it. No guarantees. Must do." Me: "Okay, how about this. I will pay your parents the money, but not up front. Rather, for each year of successful marriage, I will pay them 15,000 baht. That's $500 per year - forever - as long as you are a good wife to me, with me as the judge." Her: "No, pay now!"

    End of relationship. She never loved me. She was acting the part to get a payday. This was a test. If she really loved me, she would have married me without any sinsod. If her family really loved her, they would want her to be happy. Obviously, i would have paid for our life together. But no - they were using her as bait to make money. Deplorable, greedy people.

    Finally, for people who claim honorbale men care more about their financial status than love, you miss the point and are simply helping to promote this piracy. Shame on you!

    Great Post!

    • Like 2
  8. If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

    Is alcohol illegal? Is there a published law saying you get death for trafficking in alcohol? OK thats what I thought, no laws on that but do they have laws on drugs-yea, well let him be punished as per law then. He knew the fine when he did it. When they have laws on alcohol trafficking they should follow those laws also.

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