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Posts posted by rotary

  1. This was in a condo, 16th floor. But when the building is essentially one large block of concrete which abosrbs heat and then realeases it slowly, double, triple. quadruple glazing doesn't mean anything.

    Then it depends on your neighbours and the layout. If they use aircon also there shouldn't be any heat transmission.

    Certainly all the heat in my unit comes from outside via the patio doors/windows, as these cover one entire wall and are the only surface that gives onto the outside at all. Above and below are other people who also use aircon.

    Many condos are built in sort of a clover leaf so while you share floors and ceilings my condo only has about a 10 ft wall that is shared by the condo next door. The other walls have outside exposure. Of course thats not all condos but a large percentage of the better class ones are like this. I guess its a design and or noise thing.

  2. What do the Americans need special security considerations for?

    They've set themselves up as the ''worlds police force'' thus they should be able to contain any threats real or imaginary.whistling.gif

    Could they be one of the most disliked races nowadays and therefore under threat at times?

    Americans are not a race. In fact, America has one of the most diverse racial profiles of any country. America has whites, blacks, asians, etc.

    Don't forget the part about the US being a boiling pot of problems about to boil over as we have seen the last few weeks.

  3. Hello !

    Chiptuning is mostly waisted money and there is a risk to make your combustion work less good at some revs (lots of black smoke can occur). There is also a legal matter when you increase the output of the engine. It can be problems with tax and the fact that the car no longer are correct when it comes to registration requirements. In theory this can result in no plates and the insurance may be invalid. As some says after having put in a chip , I hardly feel any difference. While other people are very eager to tell the car now is like a race car, and the fuelconsumtion is much lower. Maybe they also beeleave in santa clause.

    The fact is that the amount of fuel the car use is almost directly proportional with the amount of horsepowers the engine produce. If you really get a lot more horsepowers, which is possible when you have a turbo, you will also increase the thermal load on the engine. Especially the temperature on the pistons top surface can increase and cause the pistons to crack. ( expensive).

    Conclusion: chipping an engine can be done with a good result if the person who performs the job really know the game, but then the price of the jobb will be higher than just adding a smart box, and the legal side will still be a problem. Any guarantee on the car will also be gone.

    As a student at the university, where I studied internal combustion engines, we did a lot of crazy things with engines and turbos.

    The thing then was we did not pay for ruined engines, it all took place in a garage and not on the road.

    Boys and engines is a dangerous mix.


    In the USA chipping diesel pick ups has been very common. In the 2014 Ford Super Duty manual, in so many words, it warns that chipping the engine voids the warranty & the computer memory records the fact the engine has been chipped, even removal of the chip will still leave evidence of previous chipping which voids the warranty. I wonder if this is being done in Thailand or will be in the near future. Of course with a Ford Power Stroke at 400Hp and 800 ft.lbs of torque there is little if any need to chip this engine.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I agree that life is hard for most people, it's just sad to see that once again the blacks see themselves as the sole victims. If this was a white guy holding up a convenience store then getting shot in the aftermath, nothing would be said except he got what he deserved. Instead, the black and liberal communities portray him as the victim, a "good kid" who was about to start college, and not the robbing thug that most people know him to be.

    So what your saying is that you know this kid as a thug or is that what you buying into. Regardless he never got his day in court because he was shot down unarmed. That is the fact! Say what you want it doesn't mean squat! I don't agree because if Mike was white he wouldn't have been shot dead being unarmed. In that particular suburb it is a statical fact that white people have the most arrest's for contraband. So why is that black people are targets for a disproportionate substantially white police force. The fact is that Mike Brown made some poor choices that day and the cop made an even a poorer choice to use deadly force against an unarmed kid.

    He did get his "minute" on video showing he committed a crime which has nothing to do with race, colour, or creed

  5. So much for having his arms and hands in the air when he was shot. Just try holding up your arm with four bullet wounds in it. And the head shot being the last shot fits in with the story from witnesses that Brown was bum rushing the policemen when the policeman fired on him. It's spelled E-X-O-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N.

    OR the officer was attempting a headshot as the victim was turning with hands raiswd, rapid fire .... maybe spelled E-X-E-C-U-T-I-O-N. (?)

    Gosh you could be right but just for the record is this the same guy who robbed the store 15 minutes before this event happened? Poor little passive good citizen Michael.bah.gif

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  6. Several years ago I looked at shipping a new car bought in the Middle East to the USA. With all the emission standards & other safety standards it is next to impossible. If I remember right one compampany in the US quoted $5000 just to inspect the car to see what they needed to do to make it pass a US inspection. Forget it unless it is a Rolls Royce I would say.

  7. If you can afford it, buy a Ford.

    My mechanic friend says Ford is most expensive truck to maintain.

    I have owned 2 in Thailand and thats not true. In fact they are cheaper than the others to maintain. Also most parts OEM are cheaper in case of an accident.

    My first Ford pick up 400,000 kms without any repairs, 2nd pick up now on +/- 260,000 with no repairs.

    Try that with a Toyota.

    • Like 1
  8. Capital punishment is wrong. It is no more than legal murder. Further it has been proved that it is no deterrent. So why use such a n inhuman way of punishment. Isn't it better to sentence a murderer to life imprisonment with hard labour??

    Agreed it is of little value as a deterrent but it does get rid of a useless POS and protects the general public.

    • Like 1
  9. I have posted this several times over the years, whatever you do, do not use the insurance company that starts with a "V". We had a vehicle stolen and they refused to pay many years ago. I took them to court twice, won both times, and still they refused to pay. They told me to my face they would never pay. They are good with accidents but terrible with vehicle theft. Beware of these guys.

  10. I had to correct a few errors.....................................................................

    “Our prisons and jails are already overcrowded with people who desperately need compassionate the death sentence , evidence-based treatment for the disease of addiction DOES NOT WORK—not THEY NEED a jail cell,”

    Very progressive.

    You believe people who smoke cannabis should get the death sentence?


  11. I think one thing might be IF YOU CAN sell it. Pretty limited amount of people with money who want to buy a used house in the village. In most cases the Thai girls want to build their own "show off" house down their own dirt road and in some cash get their own % of profit from the builder when they knock up the price for the farang to pay.

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