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Posts posted by rotary

  1. Are you taking into account all the software updates with Windows that seem to almost be daily. Or the fact that Windows is much more prone to virus attacks than Macs. Of course there are always the major operating system upgrades that cost double with Windows over Mac. Then all the issues with some versions of Windows software not opening other versions. Certain things I do not like about Mac for sure but overall better than a PC

  2. Follow the old Anti-Drug commercials they had many years ago on TV............."Just Say No".

    Many people do exactly what she is telling you. Buy a vehicle with no driving experience or license. Then they make a mess out of the whole thing and want more cash to sort it out. In the end better to say NO as once you start this type of thing you will never be able to stop until you change the wife.

  3. Well, I may be in your situation in the future , I have gone through it before when I brought my Russian bride which I met when working in Saudi Arabia.

    1. She was funny to watch the first time I brought her to a safeway. Unlike here in Thailand they have a Lotus store, so, not to much shock.

    2. Does she speak any English? My current girlfriend speaks English very well. So, as other members as stated check into a college language course to help and meet other foreign people learning English.

    3. Driving, well, I wait a while on that.

    4.As for standing out as a young and Asia is something you must support as people in the US will come quick to her and she might shy away fro our in your face way.

    5. Asia food shopping is a very good Idea

    6. Missing family will be a big thing but you better plan on bringing relatives there and providing the cost. I had to bring her brother and his to the US and her mother.

    or provide tickets 1-2 times a year.

    7. Meeting other Asia women near by or in the town.

    I wish I was a Thai women married to you.......ha ha

  4. My hands on experience with Thai women going to the USA...........

    • First Trip before going to the USA they cannot wait
    • On the return to Thailand after a month they say it was nice
    • Second Trip to USA before going they are ready to go
    • On return to Thailand after 1 month it was ok
    • Third trip to USA is OK I will go but do I really have to?
    • On return to Thailand after one month they always say it was boring and food no good
    • Fourth trip to USA well it is like trying to make a dog stop chasing chickens when you try to get them to make that 4th trip.

    Of course there are exceptions but finding a Thai girl who likes living in the USA is like finding a farang who really likes living in Nakorn Nowwhere 10 kms down a red dirt road.

    They might say they do, but as soon as possible they run back to Thailand or out of Nakorn Nowhwere.

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  5. Obama was dragged in to this mess kicking and screaming and absolutely with his heart

    not in it, he would have paid a fortune that this mess will fall in the lap of the next president,

    so now, let's see what this Johnny come lately of an action will result in...

    No doubt Obama would have borrowed more cash from China if he could to get out of this mess that he was way too late on admitting there was a problem.

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