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About 2long

  • Birthday 06/30/1971

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  1. Lots of back and forth here, but no comments on the reason she did it. GAMBLING is the the single worst habit of so many Thai women. It's a disease and a drug and very dangerous.
  2. Moderators and the newsroom, PLEASE STOP posting reports like this from the Daily FAIL. It's not news, and you're just lowering yourselves to the Daily Fail's very low standards. They need to fill column inches but Asean Now doesn't. Come on guys!
  3. Can I ask any successful applicants what they supplied for 3.?πŸ‘‡πŸ» Would it be a hotel reservation in the country of application (for example Vietnam) or something else?
  4. So, how does one go about getting a Non-O spouse visa that enables trips abroad during the year? Is it a case of single entry (90 day), having to stay here and keep cash in the bank for those 90 days, and then applying for an extension? Sorry for appearing thick on this topic. Although I have been here 25 years, I was on a WP until a year ago.
  5. However, if I end up with a single entry, I presume a re-entry permit will fix that, will it? And does the 400k have to be seasoned if applying (first application) in HCMC? Thanks again
  6. Thanks Jack, That's perfect. I was thinking HCMC would be the best / easiest place. Ideally I want a DTV, but I'm not sure if I can convince them. I own 50% of a UK company that requires me to work online, ideally in this time zone.
  7. I asked the same question last year but never got a clear answer. I would like a non-o based on marriage, and am more than happy to leave the country. The multi-entry non-o sounds ideal. My question is, 'Can I leave the country more often than once every 3 months/90 days?' because I'm often in and out and prefer not to be restricted in dates. If I can do as I ask (leave every 3 months or less) how does that affect the period of validity of the visa itself? 12 months is fine, 15 months better, but less than 12 months would be a pain. Another option is the DTV, which is my preference, but I need a back-up plan. Thanks in advance.
  8. Like some should HAVE taught you proper grammar? πŸ™ƒπŸ«£πŸ˜‰ However, I agree with your point entirely. βœ…πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
  9. I know that burning fuel off to reduce weight is a standard safety procedure, but there's a lot of innocent marine life in the Andaman Sea that now has become polluted... but if s diver touches a piece of coral, oh my what a drama!
  10. It looks like we have a similar YouTube viewing algorithm, as I recently watched that video. As for 'choosing your life partner' on physical appearance alone, well there are some shallow people in this world. I wonder how many AN members are physically perfect. 😏 Bear in mind that sometimes people 'lose the will or ability to remain in a healthy shape' after they get into a long-term relationship.
  11. It sounds to me that Meow was cheating on her husband all along, and didn't want to get caught. Any rapist is stupid, but could one be THIS stupid?
  12. Because Thais love a reason to be in a lynch mob when they have no knowledge, reason or right to be doing so.
  13. While part of me doesn't want to promote his channel by pasting this linkπŸ‘‡πŸ»the winning part of me wants to say how really fckn annoying this guy is, especially his voice/accent. https://www.youtube.com/@CBMedia404

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