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Everything posted by 2long

  1. "dead jingjoks inside and cobwebs" Come on, we all do it to a certain extent... we all use Thai when we are communicating in English! ????
  2. During today's press conference, standing next to his buddies... inside!
  3. This woman needs to be punished so that she won't do it again, and so that others will learn! Also, the Muppets who paint the roads unnecessarily all over Thailand could/should spend their time and paint in highlighting zebra crossings, ESPECIALLY outside schools!
  4. Has he been found guilty? Or is that today's verdict? Has he confessed yet, because if he has, then they won't execute him. If he hasn't confessed, then he will wriggle out of this... they all do.
  5. It would be interesting to see how the same driver reacted if a motorcyclist accidentally 'touched' his car and gave a wai to say sorry. It's wrong to punch another person's car. And it's silly to be drunk out alone at night... but we've all been there. They should both put it down to experience. Far too many of these cowardly Somchais keep weapons in the boot for times like this... and it's WRONG!
  6. @Bert got kinky & @The Hammer2021 Please note that I wrote "among the most dangerous in the world."
  7. I notice that a lot of these little Somchais who often race along the roads, weaving in and out of traffic, are too busy trying to be fast or macho or dumb or whatever to remember to TURN THEIR INDICATOR OFF! This is in addition to a lot of slow riders, including my wife!
  8. How do they know it's the same individual? Did it confess? And if yes, was that after the plastic bag treatment?
  9. I agree that it's wrong, but does anyone on here really believe that the decision makers care if a handful of bitter expats on here boycott the parks? Especially, when there are bound to be thousands of tourists who are happy to pay!
  10. Could it be that someone who makes and sells masks sent a brown envelope to someone who makes decisions?
  11. I am NOT saying that Harley riders are gay, but to me they're like gays... In that I'm not 'one of them' but if they want to do their thing in public (be it loud and colourful or whatever) then good luck to them. Ok, if they were revving engines outside my house early in the morning, it would be annoying. But them just cruising through town is not hurting anyone more than a loud truck or a Somchai with his racy exhaust or loud music. Live and let live!
  12. Amazing that the country which is famous for 'mulling' decisions that take forever to be made is the same bunch of Muppets who make it official one way, then officially the other way just hours later! Anyway, I was recently in Phuket and a lot of locals don't wear masks in public anymore.
  13. Interesting that they have already calculated the exact sum of the damage caused. Very efficient!
  14. We really do not need police investigators, do we? Sherlock Holmes, Inespectors Morse & Clouseau & Bergerac are all here on AseanNow! I can bet that not one of those posting their expert opinions were there at the scene. And it seems wrong that specific details of the case have been leaked to the media.
  15. This guy has brains. Many people like him. How long will he last in this place? I hope a long time, but I worry!
  16. The tide is turning... - Hair cuts in school. - Thinking for oneself. - How they view people who stole authority through the use of tanks and the invisible shield. - 56x2 - No longer believing everything that is told to them by 'elders & betters' from a young age. It's not all for the good, but most of it is. ????????????????????????????
  17. Just last night my daughter told me that a girl in her school tried to end it all after being repeatedly raped by her step dad. It's clearly not the same case, but I sincerely hope that the same awful fate befalls both evil pr*cks! Personally, I just cant see the point or fun in having s*x with anyone unless they are enjoying it. This goes for ladies of the night and anyone. I guess it's just a power thing for these scum.
  18. So in the past five years how many of those (fewer) kids are at school yet? Oh, and what about a thing called inflation? This guy is a proper one! ????
  19. Can we still say this, in 2022, especially in Thailand? I mean it's so black and white, isn't it? I identify as a cucumber on every third day.
  20. Many members have already summed it up - there are masks to be sold, and profit to be made - the Muppets in charge like to keep their power - no one bothers with science or common sense here, anyway It's time to let the public and business owners decide for themselves. Many will keep wearing them, and many businesses will tell customers and staff to wear them... but freedom of choice is what's needed.
  21. Imagine how quickly they would have caught him if he had killed someone, like by dragging a policeman to his death... Oh hang on! ????
  22. RIP to that poor lad, but why is the report saying 'the remains' of a person who received one gunshot wound to his chest? Surely the 'remains' would suggest his body had been broken into more than one part or had started to decompose. Can't they just use the word 'body'?
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