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Everything posted by 2long

  1. I am sure many of us getting annoyed by the lack of warnings for dangerous corners, speed humps or rail crossings. Equally, many of us get frustrated by there being TOO MUCH warning for nothing special. I would like to invite members to post pictures of stupidly-painted roads or road signs, or the lack of them when needed. I will get the ball rolling with some "watch your speed" 'rumble strips' on a brand-new road that comes from nowhere. Just 325 metres before these warning strips the road is a dead end. All that happens there is taxi drivers sleeping and maybe some illegal meetings. This is the location and a screenshot as well I hope. https://goo.gl/maps/eExNmP3wqQdkphgm6
  2. The road through Khao Lak is lethal! Oh, and they're making it even faster and wider! Ok, from Phuket to Khao Lak needed widening, but THROUGH Khao Lak has pedestrians, song taews, local motorcyclists, tourists and more. RIP poor lady! ????
  3. Please don't get me started on road paint! I went out of LOS for 6 weeks and returned to see some more/new POINTLESS paint markings on the road. My pet hate is the rumble strips of about 15 thick lines of paint close together to warn drivers of a corner or other hazard. These can sometimes be on the wrong (both) side of the road or already on the apex. They can be a warning to road users of a corner, or other hazard. Here on Suan Phak Road, rumour has it that the owner of a restaurant was a relative of a high-ranking government official and had them painted approaching the restaurant from both directions! https://goo.gl/maps/9ZfVZKS8CmjHdMTYA It's not helped that I'm a grumpy <deleted> at the best of times, and I drive a small car that until recently needed its suspension bushes replaced. But I feel me and my car being extra sensitive helps to highlight the utter stupidity or lack of thought involved when painting the road here! The trouble is, they give extra warnings (such as paint, road signs, speed limits and lights) when it's not necessary, and no warning when it is! This will only lead drivers to ignore the painted warnings! Look here for example! A fast corner outside the Criminal Court is covered in paint, but you could safely (although illegally) make that turn at 100km/h. https://goo.gl/maps/5pzRXkDZMrFmhFEv6
  4. I've been vaxxed, and had Covid since. I'm sure they have nothing to do with it. So what does? My question is, if not relax mask mandates now, then WHEN?
  5. If we can't stop wearing them now/soon, then WHEN? They've had two years to vaccinate people. The time is NOW!
  6. Quite a dramatic and xenophobic attitude if you ask me. Why are you thinking like this? Are you planning to run away from him and your GF? Did you not think about the commitment when you got him? How would YOU feel if your gf was contemplating ending YOUR life because of her other commitments? I know many people (all around the world, but we see it a lot here) treat animals cruelly, but how could you even think about having him put down when you're asking people on this forum?! If it really came to it, give him to me or another caring member!
  7. I think we all know it's nothing to do with areas of low infection or good management. It's all about money and which areas are attractive to tourism and any other form of income. Also, they don't want to be seen as 'opening up fully' but try to appear to be doing it in a clever bit-by-bit way.... the Muppets, that they are!
  8. In 2023 they will still have the Thailand Pass, but with a PCR test for alcoholism, or Syphilis, and every year after that... something new to keep their silly emergency decree and tabs on every foreigner who steps through the door. Except that fewer and fewer will be doing that! RIP LOS.
  9. 'A benefit of bad traffic is that you're less able to drive fast enough to be killed in an accident.' His words, not mine. ????????
  10. Even in this woke world where we are afraid to judge someone's gender, guys should never beat women up, or even hit them. But also as @OneMoreFarangpoints out... he shouldn't be beating anyone up, regardless of their age or gender. Let's hope karma deals him a big dose of sh*t.
  11. I really do not like Liverscouse fans or Kloppy. Not keen on Madrid either, but I do like Ancelotti. Madrid in E-T, after 1-1 or 0-0 90 minutes. If it goes to penalties, I fear the bindippers might nick it!
  12. Does having 250k subscribers mean you're famous? Is that why b-rate celebrities here are regarded as 'superstars'? I can't even find his channel.
  13. I always told both my daughters that this will/would never happen to them. And if a teacher tried to do it, they get the hell out of the building immediately. Followed up by if the teacher did succeed, then I would be giving that teacher a haircut, the style of my choice!
  14. So, this wealthy businessman fathered his daughter when he was 16/17 years old? Or am I misreading something? Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging... I just see it as strange, or something to be expected from the working or lower classes in Isaan.
  15. My (daft) wife wears one alone in the car and on the bike. I only wear one in shops, when I have to. I had no idea they wear supposed to be worn by solo motorcyclists.... but let's not worry about crash helmets, which (the lack of) cause more deaths per day than almost anything else here. It really is an amazing society where a few senior members of each community are still brainwashed enough (or don't do any research or using rational thought) and are then followed by their juniors/lessers! There's something good to be said for younger Thais being able to see the rest of the world in social media!
  16. Thanks. I can't find a nest, and there's a local stray cat. But we will do our best and I reckon it'll be fine. Thanks again.
  17. I found this chap in the road, quite docile, but seems healthy. I reckon he had fallen out of his nest. Any idea of the species or what to feed him until he's strong enough to fly away? Thanks in advance.
  18. Any idea what species this is, and what it might eat? I think it had fallen from its nest, but looks ready to fledge anyway. Thanks in advance.
  19. They MIGHT be genuine tourists who bought and used the goods outside Thailand, in which case duty is not due. Whether or not they plan to take them when they leave makes no difference. However, there are many cases of people claiming that items are for personal use or have already been worn, but plan to sell them for a profit, in which case the Customs guys are just doing their jobs. Who are we to know for sure? But as @Dmaxdan rightly points out, if they're wealthy enough to have these items, then they can afford to pay the tax.
  20. I know it's not the same, but if a motorcyclist is lucky enough to be wearing a proper helmet and is involved in a crash where they're unresponsive, you should NOT remove the helmet. Now, I think it's ok for the school to not try first aid if they know they're not properly trained, and an hour will not affect that broken arm. If they had done something and been wrong, it's worse than not doing the right thing. Also, sometimes the kids have private insurance and the parents might have complained that the kid should/could have been taken to a hospital of their choice, not the one the school sends her to.
  21. As @worgeordiesays, they do that well enough themselves and this is a ridiculous situation! Does anyone remember Spitting Image? Goodness me, how would that go down here!?
  22. I'm seeing a bit more in out BKK, but not much. In Phuket last week LOADS of locals (not Thai tourists) were not wearing masks. May it continue!
  23. Does this figure include (or exclude) chaining boats to bridges to help the flow out to sea.... because a few boats are stronger than the moon's gravity, as we all know!
  24. My wife bought her first automatic car, and took it back to the dealer within a week! She said it wouldn't move in the dark, but only in the day! She salesman pointed out that N was for neutral and D for Drive. I'm here all week. / I'll get my coat! ????
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