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Everything posted by 2long

  1. Anyone remember the 700B cash fee to LEAVE Thailand?
  2. May I ask what the duty of a lifeguard is if it's not to save people in cases like this? I know, I know, he did warn them etc. But that would surely mean he's just a guard, not a lifeguard.
  3. So, will you continue to be boosted every few months and wear two masks for the rest of your life? Because this virus isn't going to just give up and walk away, and there doesn't appear much more society can do other than vaccinate and change everyone's behaviour. Diseases (and the actions of humans) kill millions every year. I'm not sure what makes this one so special, other than it arriving in the era of social media, influenced mass media and greed from global corporations.
  4. Pure fearmongering. If the whole world hasn't 'fixed' Covid yet, it never will. Governments tried lockdowns and promised her immunity through vaccines. And look where we are now! There is nothing more or new that they can do, and most of us have had Covid already. It really is time to move on, but the power-hungry Muppets in charge are milking it for all they can (supported by bug Pharma).
  5. It's impossible to (justifiably) blame a slippery road, or any other inanimate object. As we all know, the only one to blame is the nut behind the wheel, who didn't adapt his driving in accordance with conditions.
  6. I'm a dog lover, and many 'soi dogs' are my friends. However, this lady is making the problem a bit worse than it needs to be, by feeding them and I'm sure other less-worth humans have 'donated' their pets to her. But if she's getting them neutered then good luck to her and the world needs more people who care for other species instead of increasing the human population. Can we get her to neuter some AseanNow members? 555+
  7. Then, may I ask why you bothered to open, let alone comment on, this thread? ???????? I never go into other forum threads that have no interest to me, and especially never comment on them.
  8. "She said she only did this once. She claimed she was poor and had no money and now says she won't do it again. She recognises now that what she did was wrong." How can a MOTHER not only do this to her dependent, but claim that it's the first time and suggest that she didn't know it was wrong! This poor child needs to be taken far far away from that woman... forever!
  9. Does the virus know what we call it? Will it change its behaviour once we start calling it endemic? You know, like it knows the time and when to come out or hide and it knows when we're eating etc. Or is it like an oak tree that doesn't think at all, and even if it could think it wouldn't understand its new name or care to change its behaviour just for us? What is it was a trans-virus, where it decided what it wanted to be called all of a sudden? What would we do then?
  10. It was nice of the guys to film this, but one of them could have used his phone to call the police!
  11. Because of his 'family connections.' Things will never change here, but this video is a nice message to people (often me) who are in the right on the road, but wind the wrong people up after them driving like they own the road. Sadly, this will happen again, and most likely involving the same person... and I'm not talking about the scooter rider.
  12. It's also worth bearing in mind that a lot of airlines track your cookies and IP address. So that if you keep coming back to their search page from the same device and IP, they know you're serious and they try to encourage you to 'panic a bit' by increasing the fare. People often start to worry that the next time they come on the price may be higher still, causing them to book now. I'm not saying that this is the only cause, as it's clearly not. Also, it doesn't happen in every case... but it does happen.
  13. How will they manage this? Maybe by draining every tourist of their cash before the pickpockets who don't wear uniform get the chance.
  14. If you want privacy, you can find it at home. If you're doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide. If I see a person with a camera I either hide my face until they have passed or act like a total retard and ruin their clips. People who want a good view and privacy can't be choosy.
  15. Yes, they're a pain and annoying. But in the video (if you watched it) he was in the public street. Yes, he was being a d*ck. But he wasn't breaking any laws. The people in the bar didn't like it (understandable) but they had no right to challenge him. People make a noise in front of my house every day, and some look inside, but me attacking them is wrong.
  16. Does the clarity of videos make things more or less illegal or legal? As I wrote before, I watched the video several months ago and thought that all parties made themselves look stupid... but a YouTuber gets the views, and the person on film gets nothing he wants. All I'm saying is, is did the YouTuber do anything wrong or illegal? Especially given that this was filmed and published months before the new law? Sounds to me like secretive and protective sexpats want to protect people's privacy. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to be filmed misbehaving. But I would take action not to be.
  17. I wouldn't do that, and I don't like or agree with him. But the world is what it is, and changing all the time. Did your grandmother send text messages? Mine neither. The YouTuber is a fool. We all agree on that. But the sexpats who take offence need to think about what's really going on, what they care about, and who's breaking what laws.
  18. What's black and white? Are we both talking about a guy standing in the STREET making a video? Or did he go into the bar and point the camera into people's faces?
  19. Where do you draw the line here? If I walk up Khao Sarn Road in a bad mood, am I on private time?
  20. There's plenty grey about it. Put yourself in a YouTuber's shoes instead of a sexpat's I watched the video months ago (did you?) From what I saw it was all filmed in a public street. I'm not defending the <deleted> who filmed it any more than I'm defending the people who don't want to be filmed.
  21. Grey area in my opinion. If the attention-seeking idiot with the camera wants to video in public, that's his right. If people want some privacy in public, then they also have rights (this month's new law for example). But in summary, everyone's wrong but it's great entertainment. A middle aged Englishman giving it the 'look at these sad fools' in Pattaya. Several middle-aged Brits getting upset about being filmed sitting next to hookers. Everyone needs to grow up! - If you're in a bar and not crazy drunk, pay attention to who's walking around out front doing what.. that includes YouTubers, police, jealous husbands, wives etc. - If you're a YouTuber tying to get attention and views by filming these guys... expect what you get.
  22. "That’s what I call the “nanasecond” - the time it takes for a bar girl to spot a Cheap Charlie. " ????????????????????????????????????
  23. 'May he who is without sin cast the first stone' or something along those lines, Is Big Joke squeaky clean? Asking for a friend.
  24. "The suspect agreed to pay for the tire damages and was fined 1,000 baht for causing nuisance." from the article.
  25. Is the headline fair to say that the suspect slashed the tyres? Just thinking about the choice of words, if he's just a suspect, then we shouldn't say he did it. But if it's confirmed that he did it, shouldn't we use a different term to describe him? Oh hang on... the article doesn't even say what gender the suspect is! Had 'the suspect' been foreign, or something else, would the report have described him/her/them more accurately?
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