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Everything posted by 2long

  1. Appeared to be a transwoman'!!! There's no 'woman' in that. What worries me is that it appears to live near ME!
  2. While I agree with you that the system is terribly flawed, when you say things like 99.99% it would suggest you have evidence or hard facts. You don't need to answer.
  3. Do you know this for a fact? Only one in 10,000 teachers isn't a sadistic bully? WOW
  4. Well well well.... Hasn't this same topic been posted dozens of times before? I call it out as a troll post for attention.
  5. Older drivers in modern cars can get flustered and make a mistake and then panic. It's good the old fella didn't get badly hurt. This looks like one of the many Lumpini Pinklao buildings, but for some reason it's not made clear in the article. Is there a reason for that? For example, was that wall built strong enough? Asking for a friend.
  6. @josephbloggs you beat me to it. Attention-seeking troll post, maybe from a duplicate account.
  7. Who named WHAT "Chang Phuak market"? I have not been to CM in 20 years, so I am unfamiliar with the place, but is the side of the road a non-smoking market, making his behaviour ILLEGAL? Don't get me wrong, the guy's clearly a d*ck, and I think smoking should be banned worldwide... but the original article (especially its headline) is very 'pro the Thai lady 'victim' and anti farang. That's all I have to say.
  8. What defines a 'market' and therefore a place where smoking is forbidden?
  9. What I love about AN TV is that so many of you lot have your opinion, and won't admit to there being another point of view. Facts and laws are objective. Opinions and ideas are subjective. And then you all start the 'how long have you been here?' thing with 'I know better than you.' I'm pretty sure none of us were at the 'market' at the time and probably none of us would want a beer with the farang smoker or a date with the market lady, or her sister. Can we all just move on?
  10. Was this a market? Looks like a road to me.
  11. I do not. Nor do you. My gripe is the report appearing to be pro-Thai and anti-farang. Although we both probably agree he's a knob, and she's a dragon.
  12. I agree 100% and have also been here more than 2 decades. My main gripe is the reporting of the way the Thais were so perfect, when they (possibly) have no right to tell him what not to do in public.
  13. But is/was it illegal for him to smoke there? Can you answer that?
  14. While I agree with you, was it illegal for him to smoke there? If not, who is she to tell him what to do? We don't know how 'politely' she asked him, but her behaviour in the clip could give some ideas.
  15. I don't smoke, or like smokers' habits, but if this is a public street, what business is it of hers to tell him where he can't smoke? Can I put a sign next to my car parked on the road to say no smoking?
  16. The report suggests that the vendor politely asked him to stop smoking, but is there proof of this politeness? The report also says the vendor's sister stepped in to ask what was going on. Is there also proof of this? I'm far from on the side of the smoking farang, but anyone who's been here long enough knows (in addition to how bad farang can be) that sometimes the locals don't ask politely and their 'siblings' happily and quickly join in a confrontation without 'asking who's right or wrong' Just saying!
  17. Yes, and thanks @BangkokReady 🙏🏻😘👌🏻
  18. Wow! I bet you're fun at parties... and even more fun in the ESL classroom! Liverpool Lou has some competition!!
  19. Me same same you, but 1989 EXUP 1000 and now an Aerox! 👌🏻😇
  20. Other Thai men would have done / do much much worse. We've all seen the news of women being beaten, murdered and set on fire. She may not have know she had it. but we don't know that. He was very stupid to do what he did, but 5 years in Jail or a fine that large is too harsh. Anyway, unless it's herpes or HIV, a dose of pills will sort him out.
  21. Having watched the full clip on TikTok* it looks like a well-rehearsed set up. At no stage do we see the police, and Pinky's jacket surprisingly appears on her/his shoulders. I could be wrong, but it looks a bit fake to me. *goodness knows what my TikTok search algorithm will be now, but luckily I hardly ever use the stupid app.
  22. I'm not sure how #1 a loud sneeze would cause neighbours to presume an argument and call the police #2 you can 'point out' a sneeze that happened in the past There's more to this than meets the eye... 🫣🫣🙄
  23. How is the Horse Whisperer 'related news'?
  24. For you to say he is stupid is both harsh and unjustified. Had you ever met him? If you're claiming he was stupid just due to the fact he was riding a motorbike in Thailand, then I would be interested to know your every habit and action, just to prove that you are in no way stupid at all, ever.
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