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Everything posted by 2long

  1. If the report wants to be unnecessarily specific by writing things like "Yutthapong Damsrisuk, head of the Had Nopparat Thara-Mu Ko Phi Phi National Park" couldn't they be specific and write the species' actual scientific classification?.... and then we would know that the posters above 👆 are correct and this isn't news.
  2. Box & Bluebottle both start with the letter B🤔🤭🫣 And the former grabs headlines while the latter is common and almost never fatal... although I didn't feel that way when one got me.
  3. How is the current PM's covid infection 'related news'?
  4. Read the book 'Private Dancer'... until the end
  5. I got scammed 2 weeks ago, by someone impersonating Wise. £6,000 spent on my behalf, but within 48 hours wise had sent it back. My theory is that there are naughty people in the postal service scanning cards, as this happed as my card was in transit. I recently got Grab on my Thai phone and attached to my Thai bank, and to set it up I somehow followed some instructions from Grab to connect my card to my phone. Now I have a feature on my phone that activates whenever a card is near it. Even holding my phone and wallet in the same hand makes it happen. I'm currently in the UK and no one here had ever seen this before. Anyway, I reckon these scammers are in the postal service and scanning cards in the mail.
  6. Can none of you guys see that this is just an attention-grabbing troll post of a story that never happened?
  7. You have a valid point, and it's likely this fella had a rough upbringing. However, it needs to be stopped, or the cycle continues. Therefore, abusers need to be removed from society. Some would say in a barbaric way, and others less so.
  8. What does 'the far end of Khao Sarn Road' mean? I guess we know which end they're viewing from.
  9. "which converts to about 70,121.91 Baht." Why use the word 'about' if you state every satang?
  10. I often go to AL LA CARTE sushi buffets, which means you pay a fixed price, but order food that's made for you. Sadly, the deals are so good, that businesses go bust! Okami have gone bust and my local Tenjo branch has just closed. Today I went to Tensai at Paseo. 923B for 2 hours of great food and FREE FLOW BEER!
  11. I just did my first visa run in 24 years to Saigon and LOVED it! $1 beer, and lovely ladies, although I only looked!
  12. If only the Thai embassies cared as much about finding Red Bull Boss! Anyway, whatever this lady's plans & past were, if she's being held captive against her will, I hope she gets help and home safe and soon.
  13. How is her waiting for the police 'an unexpected twist'? I quite often read news articles where the culprit doesn't run off.
  14. While I fully understand that there are some a-holes who travel for tourism, but get drunk, expect too much, or just behave badly, we need to remember that some of these destinations rely totally on tourism. Therefore, things like anti-tourist rallies, and the like need to be taken into context. If these places had no tourism, the people would have no money. They cant have their cake and eat it. It's not dissimilar from celebs and sports stars asking for privacy, while keeping the benefits of a luxury lifestyle.
  15. Why this nonsense? No one (with a brain) believes in or is scared of this silly virus anymore! It's more fearmongering to keep us in order!
  16. Divers and snorkellers have no effect at all on reefs with regard to the bleaching! Yes, clumsy or uncaring humans can damage reefs, but we don't contribute (directly) to the bleaching!
  17. Well if from Pattaya at 3am you'd have to take the very long route in order to still be driving in such BROAD DAYLIGHT as shown in the photo! Looks like well into daylight, to me!
  18. A long (possibly AI-written) article that I read less than 10% of. Therefore I didn't see any paragraphs that mentioned 'looking after the local businesses, such as Ma & Pa shops, who mostly only take cash. I'm not a conspiracy theorist who worries about total control, however some transactions are better dealt without the tax man seeing. But my main point is, let's look after local family-run businesses as much as we can!
  19. We need to check if this DOCTOR has any shares in mask sales or something similar. Covid (as a public health risk) has been and gone. It is no more! It's just another virus among the thousands of others that make life on each possible. #TIMETOMOVEONE #NEARLYFIVEYEARSALREADY
  20. For sure an envelope has changed hands!
  21. If this is her first pregnancy, then she could be wrong and the doctor's just doing his job.
  22. Before we all jump on this, do we know who's in the right or wrong in the first instance? I'm not talking about reviews or police. I'm on about the disagreement. In any case, Alexander should have only left one review... he's a silly boy!
  23. When the 'mishap' took place! What appears to be a husband and wife are both dead and the word 'mishap' is used! 10 passengers in the back of a pick up, wet roads, and we all know what that hill's like!
  24. There are millions of couples around the world who would love kids, but can't have them. Then there's this scum who doesn't deserve to be a parent.
  25. Let's hope he's ok and come to no harm.
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