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Posts posted by laurentbkk

  1. I never queue at immigration , thanks to the special line ofr first and biz class passengers clap2.gif when I see the long queue at the immigration I can understand the anger of some passengers here ..I would be mad if I had to wait so long .... Major cities around the world have more than one airport and all is fine , the road between DM and Suvarnabhumi is only express/toll way ... of course depending on traffic and day of arrival..I dont think the request by arriving one hour earlier will help either .. I often saw immigration officer talk on the phone , to their colleagues , they are pretty slow in checking passport and input date in computers.... they are SLOW ....really SLOW

  2. I know some Thais who bought a vineyard and castle in Europe , they could buy it without any problem , where is the problem for foreigner to own lands in here ...Its time to grow up and stop to believe the bad white people want to own everything .... so I would ask this question : What about Thais who own lands abroad ? shall we ask our government to make a law just for Thais who buy lands in my country? I dont think so .....

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  3. Those "black" taxi opperate also in Bangkok , nothing new here beside sometime the authority who want to clean up this mess but push them away by the door they will come by the window .... I have heard that story about blaxk taxi for the last 20 years and nothing has been done so far .... lets finger cross this time again .

  4. So does it mean there wont be any more fast track for Biz and 1st class passenger during rush hours ? but all planes from Europe usually arrived at the same period of time from 6 to 7am .... so , you pay your ticket more than double and you have to queue like anyone else ? how nice is that ..... Now they ask us to arrive earlier to avoid missing flight ... what about arriving one day in advance , stay at Novotel airport hotel..will be be enough time ? This is crazy ...

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  5. oh well here we go again , what about thais who own lands abroad ? In my country , everybody can own lands as its impossible to bring the land back to your home on your back .... its always too easy to blame foreigners, the big white devil ... my suggestion ? foreigners cannot own land in Thailand ? then Thais shouldnt be allow to own lands abroad. After all that would be a very normal procedure no ?

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  6. I totally agree with this article , buses is Bangkok are as good as buses in some African countries , beside all those dead , accidents nothing has been done by any governments it seems BMTA is untouchable for some reasons. Its so easy to give money away without facing responsibilities and when profit is more important than public safety. Roads in Thailand are very dangerous , people have no idea how to react in accident situation, amount of death on road accidents is huge here involving buses , mini vans ( so far the worse) and normal cars. I have been driving 20 years without a scratch , oh but I been going for driving training .... that helps

  7. well I am also very suspicious about the government action for the next flood ... my company has been under water for 5 weeks , my house also I still wait for the promised help , the promised money and the promised NEVER HAPPEN again ... LOL and after they are surprise about skeptical Japanese investors ? come on, be realistic here ..this is business not Disneyland .Until the government bring some answer for possible floods this year again I would be as skeptical as the Japanese.

  8. Thais in Pattaya should be really careful , if Russian leave because its too dangerous they will go in other places and pattaya will be in very big troubles as Russian nowadays is a big share of the tourism revenue of Pattaya. Those stuff happen everywhere in the world, including the best places of Europe, but to attack a pregnant woman doesnt show much courage for me .

  9. Oh well , in a country where electric wires are a total mess , I wouldnt be surprise .... I feel sorry for the injured and this poor woman died during her holidays. its always sad .. but many questions , why water sprinkles didnt work ? were they any fire extinguishers in the corridor ? That remind me the fire many years ago of a hotel in Jomtien , the emergency exit were locked...

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