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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. Drama Queen or the possum reaction!
  2. Everywhere. Try the big sell anything place behind The Central Marina on Phettrakul (spell)? Rd, I think they have an upstairs section that has many many styles and sizes. https://maps.app.goo.gl/MhthC2JQjZ72tpAL7
  3. You mean 60 days as opposed to 30? (Or 90 as opposed to 60, with extension?) Just don't see her being the type for the new elite bronze at 650,000 baht.
  4. There was an effort to stop the carrying of passengers in pickup beds some years ago, but that seems to have been forgotten. Very common sight on the highways now, but ironically, these days they might well be wearing a safety hat.
  5. Probably carrying right now... but a litre or two!
  6. Getting to be an inaccurate comment of late......
  7. It says he was Australian, so a bit of profiling going on here!
  8. Arrests have been made, there is another thread.
  9. I suspect they all have to be accounted for.....you get the ticket, and go directly into the station to pay it..... presuming you can find somewhere to park up. Used to be they confiscated your bike or licence, but apparently not these days. It has been a while, by using a helmet, and having a Thai licence usually they are happy.
  10. Although perhaps a 'Pattaya News' Forum and a topic about some crazy traffic stop ticket eater is not the place to put them?
  11. Well done police... feel free to be a bit rough with them, no......... a lot rough!
  12. I am glad to see at least she was detained...... sleeping it off in a cell seems a fair treatment.
  13. Now this is something that requires prompt police action and causes negativity to tourism generally. The violence of it, and the ugliness of attacking an elderly person for a bit of money.
  14. Yeah, dangerous toad Arunothai, narrow, very uneven and busy, with many a young Thai whizzing about. Although I nearly got hit by a falang driving a tuk-tuk there.....it appeared to have a bit more power than the average model.
  15. Or possibly arguing over the payment....'no the deal was 2000 each'..... style!
  16. And maybe a neck brace that is now surplus to requirements. I agree the word 'compensation' will get aired......
  17. You will get a bunch of noisy Thais!
  18. The railway line bypass is an example of places lacking in road signs. Nothing to say which direction has priority at crossroads, and the fact that it is a dual carriageway, one direction either side of the Railway Line, is not signposted and many strangers to the area end up on the wrong side of the road.
  19. The number of countries that now qualify for Visa Exempt has changed a great deal.
  20. As Tim Newton said, the crime of wearing socks with sandals justifies severe reaction!
  21. What makes you say that.... the numbers are pretty close to 2019? Chinese visitors are lacking but due to economic reasons there. No shortage of tourists in town from my perspective.
  22. Well I was wrong on that account as I thought him from USA, they seem to argue with the police a lot there. Glad to hear they are giving the guy a hard time though.
  23. They are busy parading on Jomtien beach I hear.
  24. You are looking for an argument in an empty room.
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