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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. Welcome to the wedding and family,we don,t like each other.Before we did.Now they both have guns and the end result is both dead.No more fighting between these 2 now
  2. From what i understand the daughter was always the cash cow for the family or mother.Happens in many parts of thailand the daughter has to provide for them.Now she is dead the mother is getting the last of the possible money if allowed to take off the suspects.This is thailand and if another parent or mother loses a child the same will happen. Happened to a friend and thai wife,man drunk wrong way up the road hit the car dead.Took many family members to harrass them,but not they fault.But in the end the thai wife said just pay them the money so they leave us alone.It cost them a 1,000 pound 60k in baht and was not harrassed again.This is thailand and a not very nice part of culture
  3. Another one to the stats of gambling and loses,next one will come foward soon
  4. If they knew about eye spy and a safe,my guess inside job and they knew the house owner
  5. A elderly friend of mine lost 2k in us dollars in bkk in a taxi recently.All he did was ask his wife to send more and don,t worry about what was lost.no report to police or anyone so 1 lucky taxi man
  6. She could say anything if she was not there how would she know.Somehow I think what was said will go nowhere
  7. I can understand trying to take it out of thailand,but bringing it in that is rather silly
  8. Did they think they never get caught,If it is painted red I know don,t park there.I always look for unpainted areas if possible.1 Time I did the police saw me pointed to the red I moved.I will look out for the yellow one,s now too and that was outside burger king too as a comment was said
  9. I agree with the comments why carry hard cash in that amount and drunk.Ladyboy or lady will do the same,I wonder how much is left or how much he got back.He will have story to tell now to his friends back home or not
  10. I know beer adverts anywhere in thailand are barred,don,t know why.Bit silly really.In bangkok u see signs saying happy hr and prices but i,am told that break the rules too.A review is another one that is over the top,one day thailand will realise the advertising of alcohol does not effect sales and people will drink beer or spirits anywhere,along with opening hrs for bars in thailand in tourist areas.Think about some of the rules that you as a country enforce which are stupid
  11. Still begging please help,they let him go with part payments.Owe 100k and will continue to beg more because insurance will not pay because he does not have a bike license,but he knew .They will be another case and begging very soon from the begging bowl
  12. Any place any time they could be anywhere.If you are a overstayer you could be caught
  13. Every night in bkk the st stalls sell all sorts of sex toys.Being going on forever it seems.Now they say it is illegal,but they will sell tonight and tomorrow night as normal
  14. I don,t think they would leave anything of danger to the person in the cell drunk.I imagine eye spy was on too.Many yrs ago in cnx a few friends got caught drink driving left or forgot the phones in their pocket they took a few photos.Then on facebook,next day in court a fine and a slap on the wrist.They will be a reason why he passed away and maybe we will know and his family will be ok after.All you can say is RIP now to the young man
  15. I can only imagine someone was waiting for his return.Sad for the mother of course and what did he do wrong for this to happen
  16. Don,t know if he knew what happens during sonkgran but doing that is a silly move in thailand.Now he some visa free time to think about it
  17. It happens often of course.Will they catch him don,t know,but i assume he is long gone somewhere for awhile
  18. In pattaya it will be crazy with drink driving deaths etc,just add the bag theives included in the stats.
  19. Young love someone jealous I,am sure the father and family want to find out what happened
  20. Maybe he was going island to island his way
  21. Whatever was said,the thais got upset and got revenge right or wrong.In issan that could happen many times and never reported
  22. A domestic agruement it happens don,t get involved.let the family and police sort it out.Not the farangs business
  23. It will happen for the next high season I imagine,delayed does not mean i will not be charged to tourist.Songkran over the tourist are less until end of the year.Sept is the thai guidelines when people return.So next year expect the new charge
  24. How many times it happens,daily in bkk I imagine.I ask a taxi no meter i move on.The tourist should know better than get in and pay the no meter fare
  25. Farang or thai I would not go in the pool unless it was fixed and power turned off.Why was he in the pool anyway with a broken pump,getting fried in a pool not a nice way to go
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