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Everything posted by unblocktheplanet

  1. Wonder if duty was paid on the watches borrowed from Fatty's dead friends?
  2. Some may think this is off-topic. I attended a comprehensive clinic at the Bangkok public hospital I've used for 30 years. Second visit they refused to see me and told me the clinic was for Thais only. I'm sure this came from just one doctor. But it had a vicious sting. Feeling like my medical options are far more limited now.
  3. It is PITIFUL that we're going through this AGAIN! CP could stop this in a minute by refusing sugarcane & corn from farm coops which burn their biomass waste.
  4. As a non-drinker who can't afford restaurants & bars, I shouldn't really comment here. If alcohol restrictions are lifted due to profit from foreigners, that means they're lifted for Thais, too. As has been amply demonstrated in the past, indoor social drinking gets out of hand & Covid is spread, breathing, laughing, talking loudly, sex with strangers. I'm not a moralist, that's the fact. Yeah, I miss the old Thailand, too, but it's just not time yet.
  5. You miss the point. This started with previous govts, making themselves our moral guardians, hence the alcohol restrictions. The present govt ramped this up & is systematically dismantling everything that makes Thailand interesting & special. When they're done all we'll have is beaches & palm trees, could be anywhere. Covid will one day be over. Airfares & prices will skyrocket & we'll get rich family tourists who only want beaches & palm trees & quality third world service with generic food. The generals are turning us into the McDonalds of tropical vacations.
  6. Even the most full-vaxxed countries such as Israel seem to get subsequent waves. Perhaps next-gen vax will do better. But they still haven't got influenza right.
  7. All these percentages are bogus because they don't include jab rates for little humans, 5 & up. Kids are the real infection driver. Don't behave like this is over.
  8. I would love to see grandchildren in North America in summer. But then this 71-year old will still have 10 months on extension. Sounds like $2k insurance!
  9. You may have noticed Thai Red Cross is offering free Moderna boosters to all those over 70 who had their second jab by June 22 (? I think). Not specified Thais only & if that were the case, I think a letter of complaint to the ICRC & the patron of TRC would be in order. Maybe the generals don't care but this would be a truly horrifying image to show the world that Thailand is open for business. I mean, we know the real answer: Do they care about foreigners or just their money?
  10. The world is on fire & we're quibbling over a 10-baht stamp! Don't forget to include a copy of your entry card. - Go to PO with all docs in an OPEN envelope. - Get PO to put EMS sticker on self-addressed envelope inside. - RECORD THAT EMS NUMBER ACCURATELY; you won't get a receipt. -Then seal & send the full envelope to Immigration via EMS. - Track via Thailand Post. I used to do 'registered mail' but Immigration seems to accept EMS. Using EMS both ways, I got mine back in under four weeks, a record these days. Previous didn't arrive till last minute. Online only works on PCs, maybe even using Internet Explorer.
  11. Retirement. Money seasoned long time. The only reason I'm thinking of this is because it will be devilishly difficult & expensive to come up with the required insurance for an over 70. Frankly, just missing kids & grandkids after this two-plus years of Covid.
  12. Bedroom A/Cs have HEPA filters but, like the OP, I want something to use in our big downstairs space with front & back doors open. Or does that sound self-defeating? Q: If a Xiaomi in placed near sitting area, does that work? It is really a drag to be going through this every year!
  13. Domestic travel will drive infection numbers up. 44,722 happy campers but 52 on a holiday in hospital.
  14. Way too much abuse in widespread surveillance. Good policing & deëscalation are far more effective tools against real crime, not dissidents.
  15. Those warm white LEDs are just not the same. Nor are the clear, not frosted variety on Lazada. For more on this, look up John Nash Ott. He did time-lapse cinematography for Disney, flowers blooming and so on. He discovered only incandescents would allow for the natural cycles & went on to do studies on animals & light source. Yes, I'm a dinosaur. Maybe real lightbulbs are extinct, too. Whoever would want to adjust their lights with their phone?!? Sheesh!
  16. Okay, just add me to the weird list. Perhaps it was growing up in the 1950s. I like incandescent light. It bathes everything in a warm & cozy glow. We’re all cautioned to limit our blue light exposure to screens but what about fluorescents, LEDs & halogens? I’m all for saving the planet. But we’re not going to do it with lightbulbs. Bottom line: Where can I buy 40-watt, 60-watt, & 100-watt frosted lightbulbs in Bangkok? I don’t wanna switch!
  17. Son is a principal scientist at J&J. Longest interval is best. My 18-year old grandson is doing 6 months between Pfizer doses to maximise immunity. Shorter is not better.
  18. Thanks, Sheryl. My personal experience with Melatonin is 300ug timed-release for those middle of the night wake-ups. Raising the dose didn't help. I'm not so sure I'd want to disrupt the diurnal cortisol curve with sublingual in the night. Melatonin is a cortisol suppressant but encourages morning cortisol production. IOW, good at bedtime, maybe bad at 4am. An 'interesting' feature with Melatonin for me is that it doesn't work if I take it every night. Every 2-3 nights has some effect but, really, not a huge improvement.
  19. Forcing oneself to a regular bedtime helps some. I'm no life of the party anymore--lights out at 930. No alcohol, caffeine, little sugar. Still wake up sometime in the middle of the night. Varies, sometimes 1am for awhile or 3am. Hard to know if I'm dozing or just resting, sure not REM sleep. Usually relaxed, not anxious...just not asleep. No screens before bed. 9 or even 10 hours has always suited me best. Now I get up pretty unrefreshed. Bummer.
  20. Yeah, I got that. I wonder if there are any policies like this available to us over-70s. I miss my family, but I wouldn't want to live there!
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