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Everything posted by unblocktheplanet

  1. NOT off-topic. Does anybody here know where soybeans are sourced in Thailand? GMO or not?
  2. I presume the doco you refer to is Seaspiracy. Fish farm industry had it banned. Usually means it’s accurate! Salmon Confidential is also worth a watch, about my part of the world. Here’s a salmon lesson. The fish farm industry has trained the public to believe all salmon has those big veins of white fat. Real salmon has to swim hard, thus very little fat. The photo above compares wild sockeye with farmed Atlantic. In Canada, westcoast fish farms feed Atlantic salmon (!) pellets containing antibiotics, hormones & orange dye bound together with…chicken feathers. Yum, eh? In Thailand, Paleo Robbie, Thammachart Seafood (not all wild fish, check carefully), Siam Viking are all good online sources. Believe me, if you eat wild salmon you’ll never go back to chicken feathers. One OP mentioned his salmon mousse with horseradish. The frozen horseradish from Circe Foods is the real deal.
  3. I've been vegetarian since 1966 so no skin off my teeth. But...no vax, no cure. ASF is so easily spread, a discarded ham sandwich set off an outbreak. Get ready for a pigless world.
  4. I’ve always told my kids I wanted to be laid out on a plank in a tree so I can feed the birds in death as I fed them in life. That’s unlikely to happen so another green alternative is burial but only if it’s ‘clean’—no embalming, no fancy boxes or cement. Human compost: https://www.wired.com/story/body-farms-human-composting-climate-change/. I’ve polluted the planet enough this life so I’m not going to hasten our children’s demise through cremation. Does anyone here know the laws on burial in Thailand. Can loved ones just take your body & bury it in an old sheet? We have a lovely piece of farmland in Chaiyaphum. If anybody knows how to find this info, much appreciated. I need it before check-out time.
  5. Okay, let's talk turkey. 1) Who has a good broker? 2) Who has good medical cover (age 71)? Please PM me.
  6. I'm not at all angry. If people want to be incivil, up to them. But, to date, I have NOT seen any Thais without masks in public here in Bangkok.
  7. There's some truth to 'the ugly American' even if he's not American. We're all wearing masks here in Thailand. Show some respect!
  8. I read that Omicron is unlikely to replace Delta, a far more serious variant. we all want to be out of this but it's way too early to let down our guard.
  9. Are mints annuals to perennials, i.e., do they die every year & need to be replanted or can one keep cutting & they keep growing?
  10. Say what you want about square-head. But he had his priorities right by minimal funding for the military. There are 36 countries in the world with NO military: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-without-a-military. Why should Thailand not be one of them? We have no enemies. All that land and facilities could easily be repurposed for public benefit. Retire the generals! Bye-bye!
  11. Not at all. We're big ricers but Thai curry gravy on pasta is awesome!
  12. This fat-cat deserves the same mercy he showed to the jungle cat. I bet he tastes like longpig!
  13. All ancient history now. None of the vax seem to work anymore. What next???
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