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Everything posted by unblocktheplanet

  1. Son is a principal scientist at J&J. Longest interval is best. My 18-year old grandson is doing 6 months between Pfizer doses to maximise immunity. Shorter is not better.
  2. Thanks, Sheryl. My personal experience with Melatonin is 300ug timed-release for those middle of the night wake-ups. Raising the dose didn't help. I'm not so sure I'd want to disrupt the diurnal cortisol curve with sublingual in the night. Melatonin is a cortisol suppressant but encourages morning cortisol production. IOW, good at bedtime, maybe bad at 4am. An 'interesting' feature with Melatonin for me is that it doesn't work if I take it every night. Every 2-3 nights has some effect but, really, not a huge improvement.
  3. Forcing oneself to a regular bedtime helps some. I'm no life of the party anymore--lights out at 930. No alcohol, caffeine, little sugar. Still wake up sometime in the middle of the night. Varies, sometimes 1am for awhile or 3am. Hard to know if I'm dozing or just resting, sure not REM sleep. Usually relaxed, not anxious...just not asleep. No screens before bed. 9 or even 10 hours has always suited me best. Now I get up pretty unrefreshed. Bummer.
  4. Yeah, I got that. I wonder if there are any policies like this available to us over-70s. I miss my family, but I wouldn't want to live there!
  5. Thai. Tried to throw her weight around before. Thinks she's Jao Mae or Puuyai Baan.
  6. No matter how bad it gets, generals never volte-face. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
  7. I do my sunset walk in the mooban where I've lived for 30 years. Maskless. I don't see many people in the open air. Everybody is more than two metres apart. Thais are about 70% masked. Nonetheless, I was accosted a few days ago over masks. And today threatened by a busybody with police. I wear a mask outside our mooban & indoors in public. Common sense. Hooliganism either way is not very polite.
  8. Yep, just gone. Intermittent for a few months but then no effect. Been very sleepless ever since. I was so, so stupid to get hooked on alprazolam & that stopped working, too.
  9. Yep, he loves youth4climate until they're out in the streets with demands.
  10. May we please cut to the chase, folks? I'm 71. If I want to visit my kids next summer, can I even buy health cover? If yes, about how much per month does it cost? Better deal in home country than here? I'd likely have 9-10 months left on my extension. Or, as has been mentioned before, don't buy a re-entry permit, come in visa exempt (with required insurance, if available at age 71) & convert to non-O. As the title of this post states, yeah, I'm dazed, confused...and scared & pee-ed off.
  11. No possibility of any distancing at my public hospital, either. Thailand is an accident waiting to be a disaster.
  12. Squeeze the country for every last dollar, then turn it upside down for a shake to make sure they got it all! Shameful & pathetic, squandering the future for our children.
  13. What a stupid, greedy move! Very few cinemas like Scala in the world.
  14. About time! Prisoners are always particularly isolated by never more than during Covid. The 2mil N95s are a great boon. Wonder if they’re a gift from a well-off ex-prisoner. Capt Flour, perhaps? Should be noted that there are prisons in every province. Some have more than one. So 21 prisons getting a first dose (using up the Sinovac?) is no big achievement. At least they’re testing in a captive audience. Hundreds of prisoners test positive every day—515 just today.
  15. After I was started on mirtazapine for sleep, trazodone 50mg was added in 2003. Both became ineffective in April 2018. I'm weaning mirtazapine & will do so with trazodone, too. Weaning alprazolam, on the other hand, is maybe the most important due to cognitive decline. (Heather Ashton wrote the manual on how to do it safely. Not I did not say easily. She drily comments, like cigarettes, you may have to quit multiple times before you're really stopped. Yikes.) When they worked, mirtazapine & trazodone were safe & effective. Few side effects compared to SSRIs & SNRIs.
  16. Tell us more, please. Either my endocrine system failed or mirtazapine burned-out. How is citalopram for sleep? I get very, very little. Even when I do get a rare night's rest, still feel exhausted & unrefreshed. Thx.
  17. I'm earlier in your decade but I'm still fighting the battle. Prescribed mirtazapine for sleep in 2003, never deprescribed & stopped working in 2018. After more than a year, I resorted to alprazolam for sleep in August 2019. Still on it but not effective anymore. Have been weaning mirtazapine 10% per month for five months, four to go. Getting tough now. Benzos cause cognitive decline--something we really don't need. My major periods of depression, anxiety & sleeplessness were thyroid, first hyper-, then hypo-. Yoga used to centre my calm but often falls short now. Meditation is really difficult for me, for some reason. I believe mine to be cortisol-related but docs-in-a-box everywhere are hard to convince. And I'm not sure there's treatment. I sure don't want to test-drive a new AD but I'm getting awful weary of feeling all end-of-the-world. Covid & climate disasters have not helped. Certainly can't afford private hospitals but am unaware of any psychotherapy options. Just my story. Hope you find your trail of breadcrumbs out of yours. Back to giddy! Best of luck...
  18. Loy Krathong is certainly one of our family's favourite festivals. But it's always a scrum. Stupid to encourage it this year. Wait for way more vaccinations. We won't be going--bummer!
  19. Still 100k people in hospitals & other facilities today.
  20. The generals are doing everything they can to kill everything that made Thailand a special destination. Long may they rot!
  21. Makro had weird pale lemons individually packed in cellophane with a Chinese name printed on the bag. Tasted like chemical soup. Complained, of course! Lemons today were better, though not that rich yellow colour: B15 each.
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