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Everything posted by unblocktheplanet

  1. What does "infection rate" mean? Percentage of positive cases from active testing, walk-in testing, ATK? (Yikes--percentage in the general population?!?)
  2. That's not right. Although some of the positive ATKs may choose to get PCR tested, few will. There's very little overlap. There has always been a PCR undercount because they only test walk-ins with symptoms. Similarly, there will be an ATK undercount because they're too expensive for most.
  3. Trouble is, they give outlanders the impression Bangkok is not a crumbling, polluted ghost-town.
  4. So what's Cigna selling here? Merck antivirals: $700/course as opposed to a tenner for vaccine. My one worry is how long antibodies from Pfizer last. I chose AZ.
  5. ATK kits or Covid-sniffing dogs would actually be useful instead of Robovac.
  6. Not surprised so many of us have the same story. Our mooban is >30 years old, maybe 150 dwellings. Lots of empty houses but maintained with rent or sale sign. There are, however, a couple of big ghost-houses, unsightly & jungly.
  7. México. Universal health care. RV lifestyle. Closer to sprogs. Guatémala is a close second but very unstable politically. Any choices one makes will have climate change considerations.
  8. I trust all of you filled out the forms every bank in the world now uses to report to the US.
  9. IF there is a god, s/he would definitely knock off social media!
  10. Bedbugs will lodge in the tiniest crannies. NYC has big infestation. Exterminators there use super-cold spray, liquid nitrogen, I believe. Steaming your laundry in a black bag will only make it mildewed, also nearly impossible to remove. Dry-cleaning is expensive but guaranteed to kill the bugs. Toss the mattress & pillows. I'm hoping you don't have carpeting!
  11. My son is a senior research scientist at J&J. Consensus there is that we'll all eventually become infected and hopefully somewhat protected by vax & boosters. What worries me most is that vax may not protect from long Covid debility.
  12. I love the Veg Fest. Some of the dishes are so good I wish they'd keep a couple of veg options all year. Got to know where to shop, though. If it looks appetising, it likely is.
  13. I appear to have killed the nest which was attacking the window frames (used bleach on the ground where they were streaming). Now our worry is not the house but our three beautiful mango trees. Professional came & sprayed (B2000), as well as drilling through the floor in three places. But a week later, I found more in one tree. He came back & sprayed more thoroughly, no charge. Says we'll need him to come back every six months. I'd rather have a pro who finds the nest(s).
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