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Everything posted by unblocktheplanet

  1. This is an awesome idea for an awesome & unappreciated venue! If passengers enjoy film at ngan wat, they'll sit down & enjoy the show at Hualamphong.
  2. Within the SuperRich (I wish!) ecosystem, the best rates are to be found at their head office in Ratchaprasong.
  3. Obviously, there are no shrinks, psychologists or sociologists in this think-tank. Rape is not a sex crime. It's a crime of violence. You can geld a sex offender but that won't take the violence out of him. Some big-boned ladyboys are excellent examples
  4. 40mil is not so much. But it sure raises the bar for ordinary Thais wanting to own land. Just like it did in Hongcouver. Our young people will never own their own homes. Foreigners should NOT own land in Thailand.
  5. Thailand Post give amazingly great service! Cheaper than Western countries, efficient, on time, tracking numbers for all mail not just EMS & registered. Best of all, most overseas parcels don't get a hassle by Customs. On the other hand, the courier companies are more expensive, act as Customs brokers when duty is not owed, and lose stuff. Thank you, Thailand Post!
  6. GREAT idea! Solves a great number of issues, political & economic, all at the same time.
  7. You mean it's criminal to question why our military--meaning our govt--failed to defend Thailand's sovereign kingdom by shooting the enemy out of the air?!?
  8. Bloody juvenile delinquent! Reminds me of hippie days. Friend's daughter went to third grade show-and-tell. The question was, what do your parents do after dinner? She put finger & thumb together, put it to her lips, had a noisy inhale. Teacher brought the kid home. Lucky she was a toker, too, eh!
  9. "Honey, we did so well during the pandemic, let's go somewhere really, really expensive this year!" "How about Thailand, Sweetie?"
  10. I was actually hoping for starter plants. Not much luck with anything grown from seed. I'll ask at the dispensaries. Maybe I can pay somebody to start them for me if I can find reliable Indica seeds.
  11. These look like the numbers. But I haven't tried them yet. Hoping to go t;mow Mon July 3 in afternoon. Hope it isn't a wasted trip, though I want to get a gander at the new stattion. Bang Sue Vaccination Centre 02 201-6600 โฆษณา 02 201 6600 ซื้อภาพข่าว 02 201 6096
  12. Sativa is not my friend, keeps me awake. What I like is hash. I have a pretty nice garden in Bangkok, though I certainly do not have a green thumb. I would not be trimming & fussing. But I like the spirit of a few medicine teachers in my yard even if teenagers steal them. Anybody have any ideas on this. Source for high quality Indica seeds?
  13. ABOLISH NATO! One more military dinosaur in a world that has a far bigger crisis to fight. One that requires all our coöperation if humans still want to live on this planet. Instead of our families being attacked by murderous thugs for no reason. Yeah, I'm looking at all sides. Who's clean, really?
  14. I find THC too energising for sleep, prefer hash. Don't know if indica or CBD work that way. Sounds like dope is cheaper than adequate CBD for sleep.
  15. Wait a minute! We’re not “little more than police states or run by armies or religious fanatics.” Some of these are elected military fanatics. Just now we’re stoned. that works both ways. Could make dumb & dumber ignore the abuses & corruption or bring them into sharper focus to bring them down. Personally, I hope the 60s are coming back! (Didn’t work for Canada, though.) 5,000 years of clinical trials is pretty impressive. Needs frequent boosters, though.
  16. Thailand's "government" must be really flush to cruise the world's arms fairs to line some pocketses before the ignoble exit.
  17. Chinese first, Indians, Americans? Who's next not to worry about?
  18. No chance to go before Monday. They're shutting down now? Sheesh!
  19. Hospitals, shopping malls, airports, planes, public transit, trains, buses. WEAR MASKS...
  20. The greedheads want theit hempcakes & eat them, too! This is sure a fun time to be in Thailand. Let's see them squirm & try to backpedal their way out of this one. Those that try won't be feeding at the public trough no more, no more.
  21. Does it work? Mayo made the loading dose so high it would cost $100/night just to sleep! Any advice welcome. TIA!
  22. Not exactly bulk, 5kg at a time, but beats awful Cha Tra Mue. I buy Airplane Brand from Myanmar or Tata Tea (15% whole leaves) at Peng Lee.
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