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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. I did not bother to read the article. It is sheer lunacy to imagine that Thai teachers hold any key. Why?


    1.) Thai teachers are indoctrinated into the Face culture, and Face limits any reasonable solution. These teachers face too many personal, mental and developmental issues that are corrosive to any reasonable solution this article headline suggests.

    Result: no change in status quo

    2.) Superiors of the teachers are indoctrinated into the Face culture, and Face limits any reasonable solution. These superiors face too many personal, mental and developmental issues that are corrosive to any reasonable solution this article headline suggests.

    Result: No change in status quo.

    3.) The students whom the teachers are in charge of teaching are indoctrinated into the Face culture, and Face limits any reasonable solution. These students face too many personal, mental and developmental issues that are corrosive the kind of academia, curriculum and methodology that normal and balanced teachers need their cooperation and focus on, in order to fulfill any educational productivity.

    Result: No change in status quo.

    4.) The parents of the students are indoctrinated into the Face culture, and face limits any reasonable solution. These parents face too many personal, mental and developmental issues that are corrosive the kind of support that normal and balanced teachers require to fulfill any educational productivity.

    Result: No change in status quo.

    So the only way to educate an entire country is to change the culture. I'm sorry I don't understand that.

    What about teachers acting like teachers in class? How about teachers not asking for money to give children passing grades whether they earn them or not? What about treating students as students instead of teaching them to be gang thugs? What about paying good teachers more money than teachers that just fill a seat?

    • Like 1
  2. What is slightly puzzling is that 5 cops get transferred, one would have thought that the 'buck stops' with the head honcho? Or should the headline translate to something like, "Top Cop and 4 underlings caught sanctioning gaming den".

    Then a fact-finding panel is set up to 'look into it' one would hope that if the panel is serious the first thing they will look into is the bank accounts and assets of the 5 transferred cops and their finding be made public.

    What is more likely to happen is that they will take up 'inactive posts' see their time out on full pay until retirement and then receive a full pension, and no one will bat an eyelid.

    Or maybe 5 new gambling establishments!
    • Like 1
  3. I just would like to know how many laws you have to break to issue a passport to a criminal on the run

    people know my opinions about the case, but he was found guilty, so how can he get a passport?

    When will you guys wake up? Taksin is not a criminal by any rational Juristic persons standards other than the system of justice corrupted by the Democrat conspiracy at that time. Everything since Taksin's conviction is orchestrated by Democrat conspirators who continue to hope that Taksin is further damaged or even destroyed. Anyone in Thailand that is copus mentos will know that is irrational. In fact what the Democrats seek woulhat d probably Damage Thailand even more seriously than the damage that they already caused.

    Indyuk, are you this poorly read on all subjects you comment on?

    • Like 1
  4. Ombudsman seems quite determined here, does he have a political agenda? What's the point in going to the Prime Minister and Parliament on an issue regarding their del facto leader. But yes, it would be an interesting slap in the face if Yingluck passes the buck to her ruling parliament to green light, only to be taken down by the courts.

    A dream come tru for some of us.
    • Like 1
  5. Can anyone living in Thailand tell me how this might affect Pattaya? Will it also affect the international airport? I'm scheduled to arrive on October 10th. So just wondering.

    I think you should be fine. During the flooding last year many people from Bangkok came to the Pattaya to get away from the floods. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an expert like some people here. It is just my opinion from my observations last year.
  6. after a crew of inmates from the Corrections Department dredged drainage pipes, rain-induced flooding time had been cut down from three hours to just one hour in many spots in Bangkok.

    Isn't it amazing what maintenance on storm drains will do for drainage. Now if the BMA and the rest of Thailand performed regular/scheduled maintenance on all there infrastructure as it should be done, there would be much less property damage, personal injuries, and in some cases loss of life.

    Are there words in the Thai language for "Preventative Maintenance"? I thought if it ain't broke why fix is was the policy. The biggest problem here is that someone that gives a hoot has to determine if it is broken.
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