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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. Che Guevera was an agitator in the same ilk as Thaksin.

    LIke Thaksin Che Guevara's public face was benevolent, however in private Che Guevera was a dangerous megalomaniac who couldn't and wouldn't accept any rule other than his own, Thaksin is a mirror image

    How many countries did Che Guevara visit n his attempts to stir up civil disorder ?,

    Even Castro sidelined Che Guevara due to his political aims and stance.

  2. "Amsterdam has alleged that the government set the stage for a deadly crackdown by using security officers camouflaged as the mysterious "men in black" to stage fatal attacks on Army troops sent to suppress the demonstrators on April 10. This was done so the Army could justify deadly retaliation, he has claimed, adding that no "men in black" were arrested."

    So the army did a false flag operation by killing the Queen's Guards commander, a favourite of... someone, to discredit the Red Shirts. Right.

    Only an imbecile or an utterly brain washed zombie would believe Amsterdam. Propagandists and manipulators like him are the main culprits of Crimes Against Humanity along human history.

    Fortunately Amsterdam bailed on Taksin as his Lobbist in June of this year. He is however still his Laywer.
  3. I do really think that this abject government should call time on making brazen claims that inevitably come back to haunt them later....Bangkok will not flood.....there will be no more floods next year etc: Why don't they just try to sort the country out and look after the interests of the people instead of feathering their own nests and worrying about the concerns of one selfish b******!!!!!

    Now this is what I call a reality check!!!!! Excellent post......


  4. If my grammer and verbage on this point upsets you so much, let me rephrase it so that the message is crystal: "it is becomming a lucrative business where a realtive is killed by the authorities", <deleted>!

    It doesn't upset me at all. If you have something to say it's probably a good idea to make it 'crystal' in the first place rather than assuming that people can read your mind.

    Sarcasm is not a very good form of communication on this site.
  5. It's so weird, but a few days ago a Swede killed his Thai girlfriend's Facebook friend simply because she had wanted to meet him. People responded that it was essentially the Thai girl's fault. Stupid things like, "you can take the girl out of Thailand, but you can't take Thailand out of the girl." But if a Western person is murdered, it's like the culprits are slime of the earth. These responses are legitimate, to hate those who murder, but to have such obvious racist responses to who gets killed and who gets blamed is just part of this very bigoted Thailand experience. Not to diminish what has happened to Michele Smith.

    How about the 2 words "Suspended Sentence" for one of the reasons.
  6. Disaster relief plan mired in graft: DSI

    Some corruption blatant, senior investigator says

    Since she so enthusiastically launched her campaign last May, she's been chomping at the bit to bring the full force of her efforts to tackle the issue with a specific situation she could target, which would demonstrate her effectiveness as a leader out to Stop Corruption!.



    Yingluck launches anti-corruption campaign

    "Thailand would have a much better future if corruption, its biggest threat, is rooted out," she said.

    Here's you chance to shine, Yingluck !

    Go for it!


    Or choose to IGNORE it.
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