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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. Why is it that when anyone wants to exaggerate the amount of time spent in an immigration queue it is always 2 hours?

    i stood in line for passport contron 2 hours,
    The entry ques at Suvarabhumi immigration yesterday evening were que'd right down past the last minute duty free stands, worst I have ever seen it. For those without a fast track card that must have been a 2hr+ wait


    At a busy time it might stretch out to 30 minutes or so - but every post recently complaining about immigration (this & other threads) somehow manage to come up with a 2 hour waiting time.

    I used to think this too. We fly in and out of Thailand 4 or 5 times a year and have never waited more than half an hour - until last month. I could see the size of the queue so I looked at the time (we had a onward flight to CM). We were there there for 2 hours and 8 minutes, which I rounded DOWN to 2 hours. As I noted in a post at the time, because of pure boredom, I counted and calculated 45% of windows open. That means 55% of the chairs didn't have a bum on the seat. Connection was Air Asia, so it didn't matter anyway as they're hardly ever on time, but like you, I didn't believe people saying this kind of thing until it finally happened to me.

    I have come in twice in the last month and have spent 1:38 minutes and 2:17 minutes in the line. Both times were on a Friday evening and immigration officers were posted at less than half of the stations available.
  2. "... but Nay Pyi Taw did not endorse either itinerary proposed by Thai authorities."

    1. Nation does not say who Nay Pyi Taw is.

    2. With the admission is it now Govt to Govt and there is still resistance, and since the MOU was signed 2008, does that not mean it is all a waste of time?

    The figures being quoted are probably not high enough to make the skim worth while.

    Definately needs a geography lesson!
  3. I was quite surprised to see the A380 earmarked for medium haul flights, i.e. Singapore and Hong Kong.

    I am no aviation expert so would like to hear opinions on the use of such an aircraft on this type of route.

    Could it be to appeal to passengers in those cities to use Thai for long haul flights via BKK?

    I have flown on TG from BKK to Jakarta and back twice this year with 3 more flights planned. Each time the flight was completely booked. I can imagine they are looking at the amount of passengers the plane can carry, as well as the distance the plane can fly.
  4. These politicians bought their way into their offices using the Thai people. As each vote cost a minimun of 500 baht. Now the Thai people have exactly what the Thai politicians sold to them. An inadequate, corrupt, mindless government. We expats that enjoy living here need to stop complaining because nobody in Thailand cares. You say we care. The Thai people who voted don't care what you think. They don't care what the government does. The inadequate government continues to be corrupt to the extreme and mindless to the needs of the people and the people don't care. This is my last comment here on this subject. If the Thai people don't want to know, then I will no longer try and make them understand. The Thai people have gotten exactly what they were paid for. Nobody cares, so I am booking "T" times and enjoying myself. No more Thai politics for me.

    • Like 2
  5. The Thai people voted these nice folks in. The Thai people all got at least 500 baht to vote for them. The Thai people are getting exactly what they were paid for. I don't understand what all of us farangs are complaining about. Most of us don't pay taxes. It does not affect our living, drinking, and running around the country playing golf. And what good do you think complaining about it on this page is doing. Nobody cares, especially the Thai people who voted for these nice people. Oh and by the way, I left last month to go and make some money off the Indonesians and won't be back until Christmas. The Thai's have spent what I was planning on making off them on a trip to EUROPE. Have a nice day.

    • Like 1
  6. The Thai people voted these nice folks in. The Thai people all got at least 500 baht to vote for them. The Thai people are getting exactly what they were paid for. I don't understand what all of us farangs are complaining about. Most of us don't pay taxes. It does not affect our living, drinking, and running around the country playing golf. And what good do you think complaining about it on this page is doing. Nobody cares, especially the Thai people who voted for these nice people. Oh and by the way, I left last month to go and make some money off the Indonesians and won't be back until Christmas. The Thai's have spent what I was planning on making off them on a trip to EUROPE. Have a nice day.

  7. ...sorry......what is the 'worth cause'....did I skim past it......

    The Jesters "Care for Kids" charity has been around for years. They actually donate all the money for the children. There are NO administration costs, period. It is the only charity I have contributed to for many years. And yes Mr. Page will be there as he was last year. This is a great charity, and all of you should get on the band wagon. Check out the Jesters website, that is if you have time.
    • Like 1
  8. I gotta laugh about the PTP government spokesman attacking the BMA because some of the major ROADS in BKK got flooded during heavy rain downpours.

    The current government's water management policies, by various reports, contributed substantially to much of the COUNTRY, not just some roads, flooding for months last year. And then once the country was flooded, doing precious little of any effectiveness to lessen the disaster or help those hundreds of thousands (millions???) who were chest or knee deep in floodwaters for weeks. Other than to likely line their own pockets in the process.

    And these same folks now have the gall to complain because some roads in BKK were temporarily flooded???

    I'm not saying the BMA is great or perfect, because they're clearly not. But comparing the BMA and the central government is kind of like comparing a stubbed toe with a heart transplant operation.

    Ohh ya...

    --Thailand won't flood this year.

    --Thailand probably won't flood this year.

    --Thailand won't flood this year unless there are a lot of big storms.

    --Well, now that parts of Thailand already are flooded, let's blame the BMA for flooded roads in BKK.

    • Like 1
  9. Has it occured to anyone that this action in itself could in fact be a cover up for someone higher in the Police force and that the Pol Lt-Colonel is being used used as a scape goat for someonehigher up the police food chain to a certain degree, not disputing he should not be charged for what he has done, but one assumes the Yoovidhya family has contacts in the police who are a lot higher in rank than a lowly Lt-Colonel.

    And in a situation like this, one assumes the family would be using their high level contacts and possibly the instruction came down to make this problem go away, and the Lt-Colonel was charged with this task and got caught out

    Just a thought

    What does it really matter? Whatever sentence will be suspended and sombody will be transfered.
  10. Flood worsen while the government says its not a problem. Seems they do the same thing as last year deny any problems until it is too late and the people can't help themselves. This government really does hate bad news and tries to downplay it. Its a sham.

    I got flooded last year and i took no precautions because the government said it would be ok (i was one of the first hit upper BKK so i did not know what was coming) Good information is a must even if it reflects badly on the government.

    More white lies to ensure the public stability. One day the public will question the governments stability. Not soon enough, but one day.
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