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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. Mahathir is an evil, evil man. He has engaged in racist rhetoric and when he was in power denied basic civil rights to a large portion of his nation. Ask an an ethnic Indian or Chinese what their lives were like under this horrible hateful man. And thre is Abhisit being linked to the man. What was Mr. Abhisit thinking? Another example of poor political judgement. Mr. Abhisit impairs his standing by allowing himself to be associated with Mahathir. No civilised person of any integrity should go anywhere near Mahithir.

    Mahathir was the Politician most looked up to by Thaksin. Thaksin said this in an interview when he was PM. EVIL, absolutely!
    • Like 1
  2. The settlement is basically so that the husband doesn't cause any problems with tourists warning them not to go to the zoo as it will be damaging for the company. Also it is a sign of respect for the zoo owner to make a cash settlement to the family of the deceased to help replace the income lost tothere house hold now she has past and he is of some right because it was on his land. no one would be liable because things don't work like that here if you piss some one off you don't get taken to court you get a bullet in your head!!

    A strange way to go...

    (But why would the husband even make a comment of filing charges against the owners of the crocodile farm, they would not be liable for anything if she intentionally put herself in harms way and knowing this why would the owners make a "settlement" offer in the first place ?


  3. Metropolitan Police commissioner Lt-General Khamronwit Thoopkrajang.. openly admits "I put up pictures of who ever I hold in high esteem as a reminder to myself, and don't see why this should be troubling to anyone.. and that he considers a convicted fugitive from a country in which he holds a high position within the law a "brother"

    Thailand has absolutely no chance of law & order and no respect from it's people of a sense of justice & fairness, if Yingluk had any leadership or morale values she would sack him immediately !!

    Yet only days ago many people were singing his praises for his handling of the ferrari cop killer affair - both insisting on justice for the killed cop and dealing with the people who tried to cover it up and put up a scapegoat. Could be more like some powerful people using the media to get him out of the way because he is trying to enforce the law.

    The Ferrari killer is still out on bail and has not seen any justice at this time. Oh, sorry, do you mean justice like the 16 year old girl that killed 9 people? That's what I don't call justice.
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  4. This is mental. How can a persons bail be revoked and then re-applied for, with sitting cabinet members as guarantors. No wonder the Thai public at large show such flagrant disregard for the law. The justice minster needs to keep out of this. What we are seeing is the PT government making the same mistakes as the previous democrat led government, by meddling and interfering in the judiciary. If this man is innocent, then let due process take its course like it has to for every ordinary Thai and the truth will prevail.

    It's kind of like the "suspended sentences" for killers and thieves. When in power you and I can make the laws the way we see fit.
  5. I am buying in Singapore.

    The shop had a demo set and I was able to listen, but no stock.

    When I get back there next week I will order and he should have it for me in 2-3 days

    The price is S$1800.

    I will post comments and impressions once I get it home and set up.

    That's 1000 dollars better than the price here in Thailand.
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