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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. The penalty was suspended for three years and the teenager is banned from driving until she is 25 years old.

    This means no penalty at all.

    She can drive anytime she wants, and pay the 300 bahts fine if stopped, and then continue driving in the next breath.

    Do you understand what a suspended sentence is?................coffee1.gif

    I don't think he/she realises that she has to step lightly for the next 3 years. If she is caught driving in the next 3 years she will breach her suspended sentence and actually do the time in prison. If she is caught doing anything ilegal in the next 3 yrs she may very well find herself doing the time.

    Step lightly my ass. All she needs is daddy's money and a corrupt justice system. Wake up.
  2. It will never happen, the POLICE are the Scam Operators. The Jet Ski Operators are just doing what they are told. And I wonder who the police are paying for the priviledge of operating the SCAM

    Bingo! We agree this 'six of us from one of the Pattaya expat clubs' think the same. We think that local police are providing the funding to the individual operators. In a case this week 4 Arabs rented a jet ski between them. A small incident caused a tiny scratch to the Jet Ski while in their use. The operator demanded 85,000 Baht for the repair to the Jet Ski. An argument ensued and one of our number intervened offering to help. It turned out that the operator was in possession of the tourist's Passport(s) and had a hire contract that the tourists had signed, In this situation one cannot call the police because they will enforce the operator's contract for the full amount that the operator is demanding. So our man had to withdraw and let the tourists battle it out with the hostile operator. We agonized over it all yesterday (Thursday 30 August) afternoon. We still can't decide if it would help if we called the tourist police in. That should be the best approach. However we are still trying to decide if the Tourist Police are 'clean'. We really aren't sure.

    IMHO what I have seen of the tourist police, they are part of the problem.. Just gangsters from other countries. Have you seen the way they strut around and act like they are something they are not? Hooligans in drag.
  3. wonder what sentence would be dished out to a EU/USA tourist causing the death of 9 thais ?????.....even if they were old enough to drive and had a REAL driving license !!!!!!

    How about a more parallel comparison: What would happen if a 16 year old Western Girl (both Parents Western) drove on the expressway and had an accident tragically killing 9 people?...... I suspect the out come would be very similar.

    It was an accident, we don't know what happened or who caused it. BUT, what we do know is that a girl of 16 years old should not have been driving a car. This fact alone has not been addressed by the courts. The punishment has leapfrogged a critical issue which could prevent further similar occurrences.

    My Wife says she was driving on the roads of Bangkok at 15 years old and didn't know any better. My logic tells me her parents were not responsible enough for her and should be held accountable in the event of an accident or police stop. Fortunately her life was not destroyed by dangers her lack of maturity and experience at 15 years old failed to foresee. Nevertheless it still shows how completely irresponsible some parents are.

    If Parents cannot understand the dangers then at least force society to become familiar with accountability when something goes wrong or a car is stopped at a Police check.

    Where I come from a 16 year old that has no drivers license and has an accident in the car that kills 9 people gets charged with involuntary manslaughter. If guilty that's 2 to 5 years 9 times.
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