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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. and people are surprised? really?

    not me.

    Me either. I wonder if he has already booked his tickets to Thailand. I think it is time to get drunk and stop thinking about Thai politics. Years ago I was in no danger in a bar while Suchinda's Thai soldiers were killing students in the streets. They got what they wanted then and they have the same now. I DON'T have to live with it, but ALL the Thai people do. And they seem very happy about it. Roll on Amnesty, roll on.

  2. I give Abhisit credit for letting the people decide which way they wanted to go, and furthermore stepping down so gracefully. He said what he was going to do and kept his word. A man of his word is quite rare in these parts. Samak the cooking show guy spoke English quite well, he just lied through his teeth when he did.

    He should have stepped down last year, nothing graceful about people dying.

    Do you know that the deaths came after Abhisit's offer for early elections was rejected by the Red Shirt leaders? (after agreeing at first and changing their mind, on live TV, after receiving a mysterious SMS)

    In any case those deaths were necessary to feed Thaksin's political campaign, if you want to know who is responsible for them look at who benefited the most out of it.


  3. If nothing else, he looked and sounded good when interviewed by international press. That chap with his own cooking show couldn't even grunt in English

    What country do you think this is?Just to inform you, this country is called Thailand .Its National language is Thai. That means there is no demand that to hold political office in this country or any other country where English is not the national language ,, you must be fluent in English.

    I don't see what the debate is about. Abhisit was brilliant to the international press and in that sense a great ambassador for Thailand. BUT the majority of the Thai people have spoken and there is to be a new government. However they perform and however they are seen on the world stage, it is the Thai people who need to approve and be satisfied. In most political situations where voting is concerned you tend to get what you deserve.

    Wake up, your living in a dream. Regardless of your country this world is an international stage. I'm all for giving the winners a chance to prove themselves. I just don't agree with the way they said they are going to do it. Hopefully I'm wrong as it would cause me to relocate. Just like the stock market.

  4. The right thing to do. If renominated, he should make it clear he wont accept. The country needs an opposition as well as a government and Abhisit is a divisive character who will distract from the job an opposition has to do.

    It is a good early test of whether the democrats can start to move forward. The old way will be to renominate and reelect and stay still. The modern way will be to thank him, accept he has gone and chose a new leader to rebuild the party

    Frankly I think it stinks to high heaven that the guy is considered "divisive" considering the lengths taken to avoid bloodshed (city under siege for two months - where else in the world would that be allowed to happen!?!?). He is nothing more than the victim of an extremely well funded hate campaign, and as much as I can sympathise with any decision to stay out of politics for the rest of his life, the decision will send a clear message to anybody who attempts to oppose Thaksin's political machine in the future.

    Sad days.

    Maybe true but you cant have a n opposition that has everything it raises ignored by millions who just see him that way. Reality. Modern politics is as much about PR, marketing and sounditing and meme creation as it is about anything related to "substance", maybe more so.

    "Modern Politics" Than i like saying military intelligence. I have lived in many places in the world and this ain't modern.

  5. If nothing else, he looked and sounded good when interviewed by international press. That chap with his own cooking show couldn't even grunt in English

    What country do you think this is?Just to inform you, this country is called Thailand .Its National language is Thai. That means there is no demand that to hold political office in this country or any other country where English is not the national language ,, you must be fluent in English.

    That is why I stated 'international press'. Have IQs dropped since the weekend?

    They are all drunk on the money that they were paid for their votes.

  6. Everybody i spoke to here in thailand voting for Yingluck

    Not surprising if your username is any indication what people you speak to.

    Lovely people I am sure, but not very educated.

    The only difference between those from a privileged background to those from a less fortunate one is money- not IQ!

    I agree, hence why I wrote 'educated'.

    Sadly however one has to be educated, atleast about the political parties and how their policies will affect the nation, to make an educated choice in an election. Anything else is either group-think, peer-pressure or purely emotional reasons.

    At my daughters school they stopped teaching Civics because it has changed so often and so dramatically.

  7. Thaksin did indeed try to tackle corruption. It may well have been in order to feather his own nest but at least he tried to do something.

    I was interviewed by a special task force set up by him at Suan Plu trying to track down corruption amongst the immigration police. He also tried to take on the army and reduce their stranglehold. He should be applauded on both counts as police corruption and army interference are where the problems stem from.

    It was this that led to the elite, who were feeling the pinch, getting rid of him anyway they could.

    Thaksin should be applauded for fight corruption? lolol Really?

    Thaksin was never in favor of fighting corruption. His doings were to transfer all the money into his pocket rather than the many.

    He just wanted to centralize it with him self being in the center.:jap:

    This thread was asking a rhetorical question as to whether Thailand would ever be free of corruption. How did it get hijacked to become another Thaksin bashing thread?

    Because he is the head of the corruption institute in Thailand. Even when in Dubai he manages to get his 2 cents in to get his hands on billions from that same 2 cents. Any thread on corruption must include Taksin bashing.

  8. Scorecard wrote, in several posts on this topic :

    Several lecturers (pt members) regularly hand out red shirt materials and CDs to the students and they have told the students that if they didn't support the red shirts they will fail

    In one promotion cycle one of his army family members jumped 5 ranks. Nothing said anything, because nobody dared to challenge him, hardly democracy.

    He threatened to sack the entire police force...... Greatest laugh ever.

    Can you also share some links or other details on these claims. I'm particularly interested in which University these lecturers work. Thanks.

    1. "He threatened to sack the entire police force" was posted by another member, I just quoted it in a reply.

    2. You seriously think I'm going to publically reveal the name of my son's university?

    I will say that it's not of the high profile 'famous' institutes. It is highly recognized for the subject which my son studies, which doesn't attract a high volume of students, but for many subjects: Economics, Accounting, Engineering and more it's way down the Thai rankings. I'll also mention that the students have gathered many petitions to complain about teachers, the administration, the president, etc., but nothing ever results. And my understanding is that all of this is common in many Thai universities.

    Ever considered that this could be your son's excuse for his poor grades or if he is getting good grades, an opportunity to swindle some money out of you?

    Unless his teacher/lecturer actually told you in explicit terms that he will give your son better grades in return for some tea money, you can't be 100% sure can you?

    In grade school in Chonburi children are asked by teachers for money to improve their grades. The teacher told me that "T" money would never go unnoticed.

  9. Well, you could start with ethics classes. But who would run them?

    In NSW, they formed a special squad to offer bribes to police, used those caught as informers/entrappers. Some success. Most H/way patrol cars have video of bookings taking place now.

    Politicians vote-buying with huge sums are obviously eyeing the big corruption dollars. Gaol time should be mandatory, and big fines for voters accepting. Possible use of fake canvassers asking for ID before the handout.

    Similarly, dummy tenders for govt contracts. Those caught should be gaoled, with loss of all leave/pension benefits, and their assets seized if unexplainably obtained.

    It takes only a few honest men with a desire for change for the better.

    ETHICS, is there a word in Thai for ethics. My opinion; ethical solutions are way above the thinking of all SE Asia leaders. Get as much as you can as quick as you can is the motto here. Whether you are a farmer or a political representative. Land Of Smiles, only while your wallet is out of your pocket giving Thai's money.

  10. Thaksin did indeed try to tackle corruption. It may well have been in order to feather his own nest but at least he tried to do something.

    I was interviewed by a special task force set up by him at Suan Plu trying to track down corruption amongst the immigration police. He also tried to take on the army and reduce their stranglehold. He should be applauded on both counts as police corruption and army interference are where the problems stem from.

    It was this that led to the elite, who were feeling the pinch, getting rid of him anyway they could.

    Thaksin should be applauded for fight corruption? lolol Really?

    Taksin, fight corruption? He has a professorship in it and teaches it daily from Dubai or where he is today.

  11. Thaksin doesn't impress me as someone you can actually have GOOD FAITH negotiations with. Sorry about that, but isn't that obviously true based on his past words and actions?

    I do feel he is a tragic figure and totally linked to the probably grim near term future of Thailand. I feel this is going to end badly somehow probably for both Thaksin AND Thailand, that Black Songkran and Bangkok Burning were precursors of something even more tragic.

    UNFORTUNATELY I agree with you.

  12. I still fail to equate the imbibing of a few drinks with the ability to vote...

    Another step in the removal of the Thai people's civil liberties.

    Thailand will be like Saudi if this silliness continues.

    YOU don't have to equate it.

    As a Farang you just have to ACCEPT it.


    They do exactly the same thing in most of our home countries. Get over it.

  13. Thailand chooses to experience so much turmoil because of one man with an ego the size of Isaan.

    It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful

    too often bend the acts of government to

    their own selfish purposes.

    -Andrew Jackson

    Justice and power must be brought together,

    so that whatever is just may be powerful,

    and whatever is powerful may be just.

    - Blaise Pascal

    We are no longer puppets being manipulated

    by outside powerful forces:

    we become the powerful force ourselves.

    -Leo Buscagalia

    Who is wise? He that learns from everyone.

    Who is powerful? He that governs his passions.

    Who is rich? He that is content.

    Who is that?


    - Benjamin Franklin

    He who controls others may be powerful,

    but he who has mastered himself

    is mightier still.

    - Lao Tzu

    In the eyes of history Thaksin Shinawatra will be judged a very poor man, for all his wealth has not brought him contentment, nor good will, nor, above all, self-mastery.

    May I add;

    Absolute power

    Corrupts absolutely

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