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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. Corrupton in Thailand will be its development quicksand in swallowing up its future progress. Look at the Phillipines when back in the 70's its standard of living was above Thailand. Now it is just another corrupt backward country that is going no where.

    Other countries such as China, Vietnam, Cambodia and the Phillipines are as corrupt as Thailand, in some cases even more so, as they will do the work even cheaper through corruption and that is why companies move to other countries.

    In the 70's when PI was so powerful economically I recall a man named Marcos and the the billion shoe lady. I think that PI in the late 20th century might (1970 to 2000)have been a poor example.

  2. to those who hate taksin, i just wanna know after reading this news or news from other newspaper, do you still find the democrat does not corrupt? are you that innocent?

    This is a little off topic as you Taksin supporters seem to need to turn anything into the pro Taksin Debate. Taksin was THE MOST CORRUPT POLITICIAN we have had as PM in the 24 years I have been in Thailand. This is to include Suchinda. I am encouraging my Thai family too vote. When someone came with money for a vote, I simply doubled it and told them to vote their minds.

    FYI, We have no color and all the colors are the corruption.

  3. With the huge number of seriously hardcore alcoholic foreigners living or visiting here this isn't a surprising story at all. I've met plenty of people who are drinking at least a klom of whiskey a day, every day, and get injured from accidents they have while falling down drunk

    Glad to hear you keep excellent company of friends and people you meet.

    I do not know any foreigners who are drunks or have had any injury's such as falling down on the bottles or falling off the balcony's

    Of course they all have a drink, myself including and do get drunk but hardly every day and hardly to a state of total inebriation.

    Even the tourists who drink all day and night, its more like 1 in 200 who gets legless but never seen them "have accidents" themselves, (only with help).

    PS. Most men come to Pattaya NOT to get drunk, but to get a company of a sweet female, so hardly ever someone gets totally wasted as it defeats the purpose of his visit

    An expert on why people come to Pattaya? I think you left out a few items out. Contrary to popular opinion Pattaya has many thngs to offer besides sex, as all of Thailand does. How many times have you been down to the guts of Pattaya at midnight to see these falling down drunks? There are there, almost everywhere. My friends get drunk sometimes. I don't think I have any friends that do nothing wrong anytime. Congratulations!!!!!

  4. <br>I don't like the Democrats to get 99% of all votes in the South as k. Suthep predicts. Neither would I like PTP to get 99% of votes in North / North-East. It would show a possible conflict. I hope at least 30 - 40% of votes gets to smaller parties, much more healthy for a democracy.<br><br>On a lighter tone, with the guestimates of PTP, Democrats and BJT already between 531 and 548 seats out of a total of <b>500</b> are covered  <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=";)"><br>
    <br><br>You see this discrepancy due to lies that politicians make and the money they pay out.  None can afford to pay everywhere.  Clean up the corruption in the election.  Allow somebody to come in and see the election from outside of Thailand so it can not be marked as a sham.  It does not have to be Westerners, we are not trustworthy like all Thai taxi drivers and politicians. <br>
  5. Will the Deputy Prime Minister collect all the money from the ill gotten gains and distribute them evenly? Kind of like one of our presidents in America. a cheater in every tourist location and 500 baht per scam for the scammer. I have no faith in Thai politics. I live here, obey the law and rules and work and come back. Even if asked to help, Asia and Thailand are in too deep to do anything but help themselves and the can't/won't do that. I fear the worst for our summer here.

  6. Oh what a lovely message from dear old US of A and Thailand doesnt even need to participate in unjustified wars in the middle east like Australia and the UK do. If the US's foreign war allies didnt support their war effort I wonder if they would recieve such nice words on their special days?

    There's always one naysayer for anything. For us Americans I guess it is you. You probably don't say happy birthday to your wife though.

  7. This always amazes me that certain people on this forum hate this festival, hate getting wet, hate the whole thing but still go into town.laugh.gif The ones that jump on a plane should just keep going.post-4641-1156694005.gif

    I have to agree they know perfectly well that if they venture into certain areas that they WILL get wet. Makes me think &lt;deleted&gt; why can't these people just think logically and realize the best way to avoid thai culture, festivals and from getting wet is to stay clear. There are plenty of other things to do and places to go in Thailand where you wont get wet. Some grumpy old men will complain if they have nothing to complain about. Personally I love the festival and don't mind getting wet on a 35g day with high humidity. I don't mind all the wet "T" Shirts on the girls either.

    My grumpy old 16 year old daughter went to Roiet with her nanny so they could avoid the "city" experience. Our nanny says that the falangs messed it up. I have been here since 1987 and I have to agree with her. This is not Thai culture as it is played out today. I have a life and it is at home, sober and dry while the mess is happening.

  8. I am a Sonkran Grinch, or so I have been told on another forum. I have a chest freezer for food just for this time of year. I will not leave my house once this starts as it will last for a week here in Pattaya. It is really too bad that this holiday has turned into a mess. I was in Pattaya in 1985 and it was a cultural experience. Now it's just wet and stupid.

    Good luck with the no drinking areas. lol

  9. ""Suthep wants me to monitor hitmen and figures with dark influence during the lead-up to the balloting," he said"

    Monitoring hitmen is apparently quite easy in Thailand. Arresting them apparently isn't. Amusing Thailand.

    I wonder what is the salary range for the post of known "hitman"?

    Is this the same guy who said that he did not want or need westerners to monitor the election because it would go smoothly with Thai observers. Now he admits to "hitmen" at the polling stations. I'll bet the police are lining up for that job. Tea money for the next year in one day.

  10. "I've heard that someone was electrocuted. So, power has been turned off," Ekkarat said

    As sad as the flooding is, does the above sentence sound as stupid to others as it does to me? Could some actual research be done before making knee jerk reactions? Hopefully this was a misquote.

    Sound stupid?...Sounds NORMAL to me

    I have not seen a properly grounded home since I have been here. It is normal.

  11. April 17, the hotest day - sun direct overhead, per geographic location

    July 21, the longest daytime from sunrise to sunset, north of equator, further north longer than day

    there are two different natural phenomenons.

    . . . and the expected hottest day is independent from the sun overhead or not...

    As is the longest day of the year, which coincides with the summer solstice for all locations north of the equator. Which is neither here nor there, except you can win bar bets on it.

    I believe the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere is June 21, not July

    And you would be correct. It's scary to see people write what they think not what they know. And some folks believe them because it is written somewhere.

  12. "April 17 is expected to be the hottest day of the year, as the sun will be directly overhead."

    Do I misunderstand, I always thought in the northern hemisphere the sun reaches its highest point at July 21?

    The highest point directly overhead is the Zenith and the longest day of the year (most light in one day) is the solstice. The summer solstice for this hemisphere is the 21st of June.

  13. Poor decision.

    Typically Thai though.

    Khun Suthep probably let his emotions carry him away -speaking before thinking- but then on the other hand it plays to the home crowd. He insinuates that the Reds need the help/support of the western world but that his government does not.

    Farangs may not care for his tone but then we can't vote here either :jap:

    I think there is one way we can vote. Tourists can go to Bali or where ever else in Asia. And we that live Thailand, by choice, can choose to be somewhere else. If Thai's want my money but don't want me they don't get either.

  14. I think he is right: Farang cannot be trusted!!!

    Farang can NOT be trusted to ensure the Thai way of vote buying goes on!

    Farang can NOT be trusted to take bribes at polling booths.

    Farang can NOT be trusted to keep quiet about certain things.

    Farang can NOT be trusted to abstain from reporting things in the media.

    He makes a very good and accurate statement which is 100% spot on!!

    Now this I can agree on. Kind of sounds like a lady that became president of the Philippines. TIT

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