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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. Save the advertising campaign, legalize marijuana. That frees up anti-drug resources to go after Yaa Bah (sp?) and other nasty drugs, generates some extra tax revenue, and will bring in tourists from uptight western countries like crazy. And as a bonus stoned people are less likely to be violent that drunks, making night spots safer.

    I vote for this idea.

    I vote yes.

  2. The Tuk Tuke problems are in every part of the country not just Phuket, people get beaten up regularily by Tuk Tuk drivers here in Chiang Mai regularily it's just not reported. They are territorial and their job is basically to rip you off. Most of them are likely using Meth so you just don't want to mess around with lunatics like that. The drivers in Phuket are much more close nit being an island but it's too much to say they are a Mafia, please, these people arn't organised.

    I doubt anyone who speaks politely, doesn't park in their spot and barters the fare before going with them will ever have a problem.

    It's extremely rare for a Thai to use violence unprovoked (unlike your own country where you can get shot and stabbed walking down the wrong street) but vengence is rife so don't go upsetting the locals with foul mouthed hooliganism which is why most of the farangs get smacked down.

    Do you live in a cave with no outside interference? What about May 2010. The police run the law, the police are paid to look the other way, no law in Thailand. That is except when you are on a motorcycle without a helmut. Then the pllice are everywhere taking money, but not writing tickets. Where do you think that money goes. In Thier Pockets. Don't be a turtle. Stick your head out once in a while.

  3. The Tuk Tuke problems are in every part of the country not just Phuket, people get beaten up regularily by Tuk Tuk drivers here in Chiang Mai regularily it's just not reported. They are territorial and their job is basically to rip you off. Most of them are likely using Meth so you just don't want to mess around with lunatics like that. The drivers in Phuket are much more close nit being an island but it's too much to say they are a Mafia, please, these people arn't organised. I doubt anyone who speaks politely, doesn't park in their spot and barters the fare before going with them will ever have a problem. It's extremely rare for a Thai to use violence unprovoked (unlike your own country where you can get shot and stabbed walking down the wrong street) but vengence is rife so don't go upsetting the locals with foul mouthed hooliganism which is why most of the farangs get smacked down.

    Have you ever been to Phuket?Have you read the reports concerning the beating of innocent tourists in front of their families?Did you know that most of the Phuket Tuk Tuk drivers are Muslim, and therefore follow a different code?

    Yes I've been to Phuket. Yes I read the reports. I don't care if they are Martian, beating up people over 100 baht or less is unforgivable in a place where they earn more than the average Thai. Just because they are Muslim that is the excuse. Excuse me but I have lived and worked all over the Middle East for 29 years. Being Muslim is not the reason these people are idiots.They know they can get away with anything they want because of the local Government and Police, so they do.

  4. I have my parents coming out to visit us in Thailand for the first time soon for a few weeks, their first time ever travelling outside of Europe.

    I was planning to take them to Phuket as I've been there a couple of times before and it seems to be a place someone who is not used to Asian/3rd world standards could have a good time, I thought a nice resort on the West coast would be perfect however after reading these daily stories of violence, threats, trouble, murders and suicides I'm seriously considering avoiding the place forever even for myself and trying to find somewhere better suited for them.

    Try Hua Hin, is still a few years away from Phuket Ko Samui etc. I love it.

    Try staying away from Thailand altogether. You would be safer naked in a hurricane.

  5. The Phuket Government and Police have no interest is solving this problem. Their pockets are lined with payoff money from all the scams in Phuket. If you are planning on coming to Thailand I would suggest you change yuour plans and go to somewhere cicilized, like inside a volcano. You have a better chance of going home unhurt. " Land of Smiles" only when your wallet is out. Miracle Thailand, it will be a miracle if anyone comes next year. This is the OK corral all over again in the 21st century.

  6. <br />I wonder how many high paying jobs this proposed pipeline would generate in the US.<br /><br />I think we need those jobs much more than worrying about saving some obscure beetles.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    It will never happen. In the Colorado/Wyoming region there are more oil reserves than in Saudi Arabia. Remember what happened there. The Spotted Owl Man. Drill there and never import another barrel of oil into the US. Some people, no matter race color or creed belong in the line marked STUPID.

  7. I have lived in Pattaya for 24 years and the only scam I have had pulled on me was by the police. And heaven forbid if they get you to jail. Too many to pay off. The price goes up daily. Usually I teach my children to respect the police. But here with my Thai child I tell here to look away and go the other direction when she see's a policeman. The Police, City Council, and all government agencies only care about your money. Stay away from them and you'll be ok. Personally I am scared of the police wherever I go in Thailand. You never know what color shirt they are wearing under that brown shirt. It has gotten so bad I made a trip to Vietnam to see what it was like there. Cambodia this month. I will not be spending my paycheck here by 2012. And it is a very respectable amount of money.

  8. All these scam issues Jet-Ski's , Tuk Tuks and Motorbikes should be addressed nationally having consuls in Phuket is great but what about some representation in Pattaya which In my opinion is worst than Phuket scam wise .

    Look at the latest headlines in Pattaya Today http://pattayatoday....se-fake-photos/

    This is a nation wide problem. You see it more in the tourist areas like Pattaya and Phuket. I have lived in Pattaya for 24 years and have only been scammed by the Thai Police. They are the bottom feeders of the problem that goes all the was to the Prime Ministers office. And by the look of things in Bangkok it will be much worse before it gets better. If a lowly police man get paid for not doing his job do you really think he keeps all of the money. Everybody get their cut. That's why nobody want to do anything about it except Consuls from outside of Thailand. Don't forget that the biggest scam of the year happened in July. The Thais called it a Democratic Election.

  9. As has been forecasted a totalitarian state is in the making by the Red Shirts and their political ideals and philosophies. Brother No.1 is stalking in the background and acting as the catalyst for upcoming social unrest to fulfil his plans and the continued looting of Thailand and the indoctrination of the people to sate his maniacal ego with its insatiable lust for absolute power.

    The statements made by the likes of Pheu Thai party-list MP Kokaew Pikulthong (incedentally not an elected M.P. but someone who has been forced upon the electorate like many others) is tantamount to incitement by virtue of the statement content.

    The Pheu Thai party-list MP said the existence and presence of the red-shirted group could [make] opponents [think again].

    Indeed a thinly veiled threat that the Red Shirt leadership is intent like Brother No1in fomenting social unrest much like as already been stated by Colin Yai regarding Mao Tse Tung and his Red Guard movement.

    It will be interesting to see just how things progress in the next twelve months. Will the future be one of bloody conflict fuelled by a rabid Red Shirt movement in their attempts to overthrow the machinery of state so as Brother No.1 can return, or will other factors come into play?

    One is prompted to ask just who is actually leading the Red Shirt movement in reality, perchance the puppet master is pulling more strings than we know about both physically and financially?

    Methinks whatever happens it will be an ugly scenario.

    "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

    (John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton)

    "Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it"

    (William Pitt, the Elder)

    The two quotes above to mind encapsulate the current situation succinctly,therein sad to say is the frightening truth.

    Right on

  10. This makes a direct mockery of the Energy Ministry's effort to promote gasohol use by motorcycle owners. It will hurt ethanol producers, and provide another example to investors as a whole that Thailand's policies can be changed to please politicians regardless of their investment. More important, as noted above, it runs against the global trend to become greener. So even if the levy suspension is temporary, the impacts are huge.

    Yeah, lets put food into our gas tanks. Brilliant. The US sold it and now every bodies buying in on a global level. gasohol cost more than gas because of the process to turn food into something that wilol burn in an engine. When will people learn. Do you only use the internet to complain?

  11. One thing that is confusing me, every once in awhile I read a post on a message board where someone says that rent prices in Thailand are lower then in The Philippines. But I found a cost comparison website called numbeo that says rent prices are 36.87% lower in The Philippines. So why do some people think the rent prices in Thailand are lower? Are they saying that room conditions like electricity are better in Thailand, so you get more bang for your buck for a room?


    In my opinion; there is nothing cheap about Thailand except eating local. Housing in some cases, but you have to look hard.

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