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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. I dont know how you deal with this, give help and they will just use it against you. once people put their cause above people nothing matters to them except the cause. those in charge of the actions should be on view for all to see so that they can take credit for their actions.

    my view, give them independence and seal the border, nothing in or out.

    Dont worry folks...Yinluck will fix-it... one wave of her "magic wand"......

    Christ you're boring, name any government in the past that has fixed it... No? didn't think so.

    Are you crazy? What country where on this earth has fixed this problem. The comment was meant, as I see it, to bring attention to the lack of action done by this inept woman on anything anywhere at any time.

  2. I dont know how you deal with this, give help and they will just use it against you. once people put their cause above people nothing matters to them except the cause. those in charge of the actions should be on view for all to see so that they can take credit for their actions.

    my view, give them independence and seal the border, nothing in or out.

    Dont worry folks...Yinluck will fix-it... one wave of her "magic wand"......

    All she has to do is ask her brother. He might say something like kill them all and let Buddha sort it out. That's what he did.

  3. I suppose if you stretch your imagination a wee bit then 'straight away" kind of equates to 3 - 4 years!!!!!

    I wonder, does the 15,000 baht a month salary/income for degree students only include those labourers with degree qualifications!!!:lol:.

    Yingluck!!!! you are a deceitful, lieing little b****.

    Yeah, I agree with you too.

  4. Once (many years ago) when my wife was driving she was sytopped for driving in the right hand lane.

    When asked for her license she said she did not have one, and gave the cop 20 baht instead.

    When I questioned her as to why she did not show her license, she said that "if she had given the guy the license , then it would have cost her 100 baht to get it back!!"

    We used to have several trucks and always mde sure our drivers had a wad of 20 Baht notes to give as "Tea Money" if stopped.

    Amazingly the Miracle of Thailand.

  5. Maybe the motorists of Thailand should launch a class action against the police for decades of roadside shakedowns?

    I'm 35, British, been here 4 years or so. An older (65) British friend was telling me about his youth in Manchester, where the police would regularly be bribable, and one would go out driving illegally for some reason (license, lights, whatever) knowing that if you were caught, you could hand over a fiver or something and be on your way.

    Then the police wages were raised. Suddenly it wasn't worth the coppers' risking their jobs over such a payment, and the regime changed. The youth were pretty pissed off that their easy life was changed and they suddenly found themselves having to obey the law more, or of course hiding their violations better. My friend was pretty emphatic about it changing the way things worked forever.

    Times can change. Given time. And an incentive to change.

    so what are you saying? You want a sytstem of speed cameras on every street trapping you for beng 5mph over the speed limit, being breathalysed for having 2 pints of beer, points on your licence for not wearing a seat beat/ crash helmet?

    Some of you guys seem to want to recreate the restrictive societies we came here to get away from! Surely a couple of hundred baht to the Police Benevolent Fund is better than heavy official fines and driving bans. N'est Pas?


  6. Luckily it is only an ABAC poll. Another agency that loves to make up data that is not there. I bet that Noppadol Kannikais in need of attention. It must be his finest hour. Now we need to see the data, to see how he polled, where he polled, how scientific the respondents were selected or if mister Noppadol simply went into the local slump and polled over there. I bet that the poll is one piece of engineered rubbish.

    Maybe this poll was taken in 2008 like the one 2 days ago. Nothing like staying up to the minute with the news. We all know they print what they want when they want.

  7. It is well past the time that the Police got serious and cleaned up the street gangs of kids hanging around and making trouble at the Asoke intersection. They know who they are and are allowed to continue to try to extort money from taxi passengers and other motorists.

    It is quite easy to see them day or night. They sit under the sky train in the center of the road sniffing glue from plastic bags, and they hide behind the Subway station on the north east corner. They have been there for more than 15 years. At night they sell flowers and shoe shines in Soi Cowboy. They are an organized gang of human traffickers and it is well past time to eliminate them, as they are an eyesore to the whole area known as the Central Business District, and now Acid Attacks on passers by to top it off. Is this the type of P.R that will double tourist arrivals next year? I think not.

    Let's put some pressure on Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung and his new police chief to roll some heads in the area between Soi 4 and Asoke. Frankly it is disgraceful. Illegal drugs being sold openly on tables on the sidewalk. Last week I saw three tourist police sitting next to a table full of Viagra and sex toys 100 meters east of Robinson's department store. It may have been their table as there was no one else around.

    Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung should put on a hat and glasses and walk alone from Soi 4 to Asoke at about 8:00 pm any day of the week and even he would be shocked at what he would see.

    This whole area needs a major cleanup. How about

    Chalerm has a job. he cleans up the messes the PM makes with her lack of knowledge and insights riots. Way to busy to help anyone but himself. I have been here 25 years and he has finally gotten his wish. Now he is a fine upstanding politician as well as a thug for hire by the highest bidder.

  8. This is based on one post from someone's Twitter page, and it is news? Should it not be a little more substantiated than this to be put on the Bangkok Post web site?

    Apperently the hospital confirms there have been several attacks.

    These people that bitch stopped reading when they saw Twitter. This is only the beginning of problems in very public areas where the cameras won't be AS effective. Sorry to be so negagtive, but if the BIB would check the other hospitals they might find that it is and has been going on for some time. But they would have to stand up to do that. And nobody wants the BIB to do anything on their shift. Sit, eat, tell jokes, and collect money. At this point in time they collect money from gambling dens that are supposed to be closed but actually run by the corrupt people in power.

  9. And without a doubt this was the BIGGEST election promise made by the PTP. They will make it happen someway even if it means giving employers tax breaks, subsidies, staggered implementation, etc., to make it happen. Not only will it be expensive for the employers but it will be expensive for the govt also.

    When the dust settles, hopefully minimum wage earners will get a raise and benefit from the election promise. And do I foresee some employers very publicly reducing staff to pay the increased wage--yes. I also foresee some employers very quietly reducing staff to pay the increased wages--yes.

    Causing unemployment and inflation at the same time. As you say, very well thought out plan to get the peoples vote, but no thought about the consequences.

  10. I would cheer for anyone who had any type of vision for the future of Thailand and a plan on how to get everyone there. Sadly, I don't see anyone in power interested in anything more than personal gain.

    Taksin was typical, not special, in every way.

    Why does anyone care if he comes back, or not?

    During a gang rape does it really make any difference which devil is on top at any particular moment?

    Hope a white knight appears sometime soon.

    It has been downhill since PM Chatchai.

    Very well said.

  11. So it's actually an exercise to drum up business for the embassy which is financed by the visa and other fees.

    Apparently the embassy's furniture export business is not covering all the expenses.

    Why does any nation need a consulate in Phuket?

    One of the worst hell holes in the country but give it special treatment.

    The embassy should be organizing a boycott of the place.

    As this is a good spot for the Navies of the world to put in for R & R I suspect that is just what they are doing.

  12. 'Blocked all entrances and pressured not to return"

    So they didn't actually close them and burn the inventory...

    So the police don't have powers to obtain a warrant to bust the premises ??? as it's illegal to gamble and it is privately owned??? Warning customers not to return to gamble ???? all entrances guarded 555555555555 Ha Ha.

    Why not bust the place and arrest the customers???? or were some customers,sort of special. DONT buy this bull sh33t.

    The police are posted there to collect the entrance fee.

  13. "Renowned, Prestigious,Condo Nast Magazine"

    Never heard of it! is this a Thai Travel Magazine?

    Clearly its an incorrect font character and a Thai one was inserted so I have now corrected it.

    Bit nitpicky and petty to pick on a thai font that gets inserted, but thats just my opinion.

    Ok admin. And the excuse for a news flash dated 2008? Nitpicky too?

    Yeah Admin, what about the 3 year old news posted today?

  14. I see that India has figured strongly in these annual polls, too.

    That must give some idea of the value of such a survey - two of the most corrupt, dirty, chauvinistic, racist countries in the world are great places to visit!

    I think a lot of money must change hands here.

    Or Americans are extremely gullible.

    Americans are extremely gullible. Look at what they have done for their country and the world since 2008. I'm glad to be living in Thailand. I just wish the government here in Thailand would do what they say and not what they think everybody wants. Like more money in the officials Swiss bank accounts. Corruption was bad in the 80's and 90's, but now it is over the top.

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