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Everything posted by jvs

  1. If they would have the same amount of people now they would need 3 times the space!What has happened to mankind in just a few generations? Now more people are dying each year from being over weight then from hunger.!!!
  2. Nice but i like this version a lot more.
  3. Russian tourists are panicking and fleeing Crimea. Rows of cars can be seen leaving the area,i think the message is clear. Will the Ukraine take the bridge out next? "Now we can reach you and we will !"
  4. So she does not need to be a stunner after all?
  5. Those 100 000 north korean soldiers is never going to happen,never. They will all defect to the Ukraine the moment they will see a Soldier from there. There are a few articles about the awful conditions North Korean soldiers are in. Again,not going to happen.
  6. If the op has been here 14 times already and he has not made any friends to go see again he may be doing things wrong.
  7. Untrained cannon fodder,but having seen the living conditions on some of those jails there it may be worth the gamble for some of those murderers. Just showing how desperate Putin is getting.
  8. Very good news,i saw a video of Russian tourists who were at the beach and suddenly in the back ground huge clouds of smoke and explosions happen. They looked a little bit surprised and starting to take videos. Maybe the war is moving to take back the Krim!
  9. Yes,to those folk i would say,if you want my money you will have to play the music i like.If not,i just walk on. You call it ancient,that already shows the camp you are in. There is a lot of music i will listen to if the rest of the environment is ok. Why would Latin music be ok?and what influence do the girls have on the music played? I just basically know where i can go to enjoy some good music and good sound. This combination is very important to me,louder is not always better. Mixing up different styles of music is fine and getting it right is very important for a business but mostly over looked.
  10. Sad to hear that,i always found her to be very under rated. A great singer,rip. This is the first song i remember.
  11. Here it is,a lot of information about The house of the Rising Sun. https://www.songfacts.com/facts/the-animals/the-house-of-the-rising-sun
  12. When i was much younger i used to travel between Canada and Europe a few times and i had a friend in Holland who was a DJ. I brought him a bunch of records that were not released over there yet,this was one of them.
  13. Not a mole but i have had a tattoo removed many moons ago. Little shop in Pattaya some where and i was told it would take the ink out in just one treatment! It did! Basic soldering iron and it hurt like hell ,but it worked.
  14. Yes,that is kind off what i get from these songs also. Thanks.
  15. The reason why many Thai people carry a gun in their vehicle is that they need to be able to defend themselves against equally minded road users.
  16. The last Resort and Long road out of Eden which one is the best Eagles song? I can not make up my mind,both are brilliant.

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