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  1. I've used them plenty of times, never had an issue with them.
  2. Don't worry about calories, Carbs are the killer, the new Singha 89 which is 89 calories, who cares, BUT, is only 1.9 gms of carbs, Leo is 6.22 for the same amount, My Beer is lower than Leo but I can't remember by how much.
  3. Not Bangkok bank, but I have 3 accounts with SCB, for the same reason you want 2, only 1 has a card and I keep limited amounts of money in that, one has the 400k for my visa extension and the other is where I keep the bulk of my cash that I top up my day to day account with.
  4. The Japanese used prisoners of war to build their rail infratructure, now the Chinese are getting Thailand to do it for them. 😉
  5. Lasic won't work for everyone, I tried to get it done back home in Australia before moving here 17 years ago, it didn't work for me. They told me that it won't work in around 10% of people. They test you by figuring out which is your dominant eye and then they fit a flexible contact lens to one eye, can't remember which one. The theory is, within a few days your brain will adapt and use one eye for close up vision and one for long sight.
  6. I had a different problem last week when trying to do a transfer from Australia, even though I have been using Wise for quite a while, the bank declined my transfer to Wise 3 times and I then had to sit on the phone to my Oz bank waiting for nearly half an hour to speak to someone to clear it up, all because it was flagged as a possible scam. Grrrr what a bloody waste of my time. Com bank if anyone is wondering.
  7. I used to get heart burn that would kill a bull Elephant because I had an Osophegial Ulcer and I was told I needed to take a pill for the rest of my life. After a checkup at Queen Sirikit hospital and telling the Navy doctor I spoke to, he implored me to stop taking most of the meds I was taking. So I went looking for an alternative and Raw Apple Cider Vinegar was the answer. It needs to be the unfiltered type which still has the Mother in the bottle, I take 1 tablespoon in a good sized glass with soda water, that I started that maybe 8 or 9 years ago now and I can't remember the last time I had heart burn. Just recently I have switched to Coconut Cider Vinegar and that works just as well and is considerably cheaper.
  8. There are actually 5 variants now of Dengue Fever not 4, and as previously stated you only have immunity to the variations you've had, I've had it twice, the 2nd one wasn't anywhere near as bad as the first which was horrific, and I got a full understanding as to why it is referred to as Break Bone disease. 🥴
  9. I was told the same thing the last time mine was rejected after returning from overseas, first 90 day after return must be done in person, then from that point on you can do it online.
  10. My wife had a nose job about 16 years ago, nothing fancy, they just inserted a rod of silicon about the thickness of a pencil to form a ridge. The only reason I agreed to pay for it was she needed to start wearing spectacles, and she basically had nothing to hang them on.
  11. Back when I used to live on Soi Yensabi about 16 years ago, the BiB used to call it Soi Yabba, may explain what happened
  12. Did mine last Friday the day before it was due, with Pattaya Immigration had it back 2 hours later, fastest I ever got it back was 30 mins, I could never understand all this nonsense about it not working, as I have been doing mine online ever since they first offered it, obviously operator error, ie: GIGO
  13. I'm using Windows 10 and Firefox, with the uBlock Origin add-on, and it recently started blocking posts because it contains a tracker
  14. I did say the form to print out, or did you miss that bit, the one you staple in the back of your passport.
  15. Mine was due 19th, so I did it on the 18th because immigration was closed on the 19th, submitted it at 9:06am, had my form to print out at 9:09am. Never had a problem with it.
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