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Posts posted by than

  1. At least Thaksin did something for the people

    Well propaganda from marxist side.... If Taksin do something why Isaan remains the poorest region thailand ?

    Why during YL regime no poor farmer receive payment of their rice crop ? Why only landlords proxy to his camp receive benefit from rice scheme ?

    Why Taksin not use is personal fortune for help poorest area of Thailand ? Why Taksin and is camp use vote buying ?

    Why he want to transform a constitutional monarchy to fascist dictatorship “republic” under Thaksin Shinwatra rules ?

    hahahahahahaha , he's a fascist is he. I recall him winning via elections not military take overs. Actually the poor's lot did improve vastly since he first took power. have a look and don't let your obvious hatred for the man get in the way of FACTS

    If for you vote buying is free and fair election, your only election model was North Korea

    Now remind me who give money to rice farmer for their crop stolen by YL government (Take something without pay is call steal)

  2. And wasn't Pra Issara walking about with more than 5 people recently gathering signatures for a political purpose?

    If the shoe fits indeed!!

    He was not on public space when he launch his signature gathering

    Contrary of the 14

    So where did the 50,000 signatures all come from then? wink.png

    Dear Fat Haggis did you have pictures, videos, news report with date and hour of your claim ?

    I'm not hear that a rally of 50 000 people taken place in Street of Bangkok last months whistling.gif

    Collect signature in Wat is different to rally in public space. I like farang who did not understand thai peoplewai2.gif

  3. At least Thaksin did something for the people

    Well propaganda from marxist side.... If Taksin do something why Isaan remains the poorest region thailand ?

    Why during YL regime no poor farmer receive payment of their rice crop ? Why only landlords proxy to his camp receive benefit from rice scheme ?

    Why Taksin not use is personal fortune for help poorest area of Thailand ? Why Taksin and is camp use vote buying ?

    Why he want to transform a constitutional monarchy to fascist dictatorship “republic” under Thaksin Shinwatra rules ?

  4. These students are not protestors, they are political activists. There is a BIG difference.

    And Thailand does not need political activists trying to cause trouble at this time. Their kind took the country towards civil war with their terrorism : now they have to wait for the grown ups to make some ground rules. Then they will get another go which they will undoubtedly try to mess up again with their corruption.

    In a feudal society intellect is terrorism.

    It's for this that PTP let Isaan in feodal society

  5. These students are not protestors, they are political activists. There is a BIG difference.

    And Thailand does not need political activists trying to cause trouble at this time. Their kind took the country towards civil war with their terrorism : now they have to wait for the grown ups to make some ground rules. Then they will get another go which they will undoubtedly try to mess up again with their corruption.

    Rally of more 5 people for political purpose is actually forbidden in Thailand whistling.gif

  6. A good lawyer could argue that the government as it is now is an insult to the King and country.

    Considering that the King endorsed the government, you statement might be taken as committing a lese majeste offense.

    As may your statement for presuming to speak on behalf of His Majesty. Let us not resort to such arguments in order to score points from one another. It is a cheap and dirty tactic.

    Forum rules :

    Any discussion of the Monarchy or members of the royal family in a political context will result in a ban. This includes vague comments that could be construed as referring to the Monarchy.
  7. UNICEF report 2012

    Northeastern Thailand, referred to as Isan in the country,[8] is a completely different world than Central Thailand.] As Bangkok and its surrounding area continue to develop, Isan is going in the opposite direction. Although it is populous, the farming potential for this area is low.[8] The people there are unable to farm, and thus face massive amounts of poverty. This poverty is one of, if not the most, important contributing factors to child prostitution in Thailand. In Pattaya alone there is thought to be approximately 2,000 underage prostitutes involved in the prostitution industry, while approximately 900 underaged are thought to come to the area for prostitution every year.[9]

    Adult prostitute from Bangkok and Pattaya are 80-90% from Issan .... and not from lao. Buriram or Surin are not in LAO

    That means that only a small % are Thai,as Issan is technically speaking not Thai


  8. Majority of these girls come from Issan, They work this for help their poor parent from Issan.... But Issan is not the PTP/Red Stronghold ?

    You will be very much surprised how many hookers are from the South and Central Thailand. I would say 40% of all are not from Isaan but the South, Central and Northern Thai provinces. If you go to Rachada 70% are hookers from Bangkok and Central Thailand. You seem to be only in the cheap places.

    BTW: The hookers in Isaan are from Lao.

    UNICEF report 2012

    Northeastern Thailand, referred to as Isan in the country,[8] is a completely different world than Central Thailand.] As Bangkok and its surrounding area continue to develop, Isan is going in the opposite direction. Although it is populous, the farming potential for this area is low.[8] The people there are unable to farm, and thus face massive amounts of poverty. This poverty is one of, if not the most, important contributing factors to child prostitution in Thailand. In Pattaya alone there is thought to be approximately 2,000 underage prostitutes involved in the prostitution industry, while approximately 900 underaged are thought to come to the area for prostitution every year.[9]

    Adult prostitute from Bangkok and Pattaya are 80-90% from Issan .... and not from lao. Buriram or Surin are not in LAO

  9. Majority of these girls come from Issan, They work this for help their poor parent from Issan.... But Issan is not the PTP/Red Stronghold ?

    Care to explain, what ANY government EVER has done to change things like poverty in that region?

    Oh...and congratulations: the topic is prostitution. but somehow "the reds" had to be brought into this, right!?

    You are such a troll...and not even an entertaining one!

    you can not deny the fact, Issan has the poorest region of Thailand, yes all government do nothing for them, and some politician from some party use them like human shield during their protest, put them in modern slavery by using shark loan and let them die with high debt. YL rice scheme did not turn to poor people but only big land lord proxy to PTP members and family have received benefit of this It is not allegation , fact, evidence and investigation from news groups show for this.....

    trolling seems to be your reason for living

  10. Are the 14 activists and their SPONSORS really want peace ?

    Does the guy, who ripped up the constitution, gave himself amnesty, made himself PM, by appointing MP's in his favor, invoke Article 44, jail 14 peacefully protesting students, and his SPONSORS want political dialogue?

    And the former YL corrupt governement ?

    For remenber the 14's a not jail under art 44 of constitution, but under Art 113 of criminal code "inciting unrest"

    and for your collection a beautifful picture of one "so-call peacefull" student....



    a) we are not talking about the former corrupt government now, are we? Although I understand, that most junta- huggers have no other defense than "...but ...but...but Thaksin/ the reds/ Yingluck..."

    b ) for "remember": we are under martial law (I know...officially not, but Art. 44 is the same thing under a different name). Art 44 gives the MP and his helpers almost infinite power...and you are bickering about, what Article 14 young people are jailed under, who tried to exercise their human right to free speech and expression!? Stay classy!

    c) the "beautiful picture of ONE (!!!)..." student is just that: ONE picture of ONE student and neither you nor I know, what is behind the picture.

    Do you know, if he is attacking or defending? No? Neither do I!

    So what does the picture of ONE student mean?


    Try harder!

    What do you know about this student, I'm not see policemen attack him, we saw a student try to fight and provoke policeman who make is duty.......

    You always like to live in a violent world, Thai people not !

    Road to democracy is hard to reach, do not believe that all the world reach the real democracy.... And some country who use democracy world in their name a not so democratic (Lao PRD ,Lanna PDR , PDR of China, German DR etc....)

    Democracy fail in Thailand because politician fail to govern for the people.

    For finish Thailand is a constitutional monarchy, Prayut is just the prime minister

  11. I do hope the NCPO can find a connection as they claim there is that whay those kids did was broughg on by a certain political group or individual to show the world.

    You aren't going to understand that this doesn't matter? Everyone as a matter of human rights has a right to protest and to ask government to address grievances. Everyone has a right to peacefully assemble. This is what the junta is jailing people for and it doesn't matter "who started it".

    What matters is that these people's rights are being trampled. There is no way to excuse it.

    It's seems that some political/criminal group want to renact 1976/1992 tragedies for their own purpose....

  12. Are the 14 activists and their SPONSORS really want peace ?

    Does the guy, who ripped up the constitution, gave himself amnesty, made himself PM, by appointing MP's in his favor, invoke Article 44, jail 14 peacefully protesting students, and his SPONSORS want political dialogue?

    And the former YL corrupt governement ?

    For remenber the 14's a not jail under art 44 of constitution, but under Art 113 of criminal code "inciting unrest"

    and for your collection a beautifful picture of one "so-call peacefull" student....


  13. If some people are not agree with Thai law they can leave Thailand....

    Some people call for democracy ok , but One of the principles of democracy is that all people must respect the laws

    the laws of a Military Junta? Goebbels would have been proud of your compliance

    No just Thai law, Art 113 of criminal code attend to stir unrest.....

    provision of NCPO for ban polical rally come from Emergency Decree on Public Adiminstration in Emergency Situation B.E. 2548 (created during Taksin regime...)

    If you are not agree with Thai law you can leave for Red khmer style country (red khmers responsible of 1.7 Millions deaths)

    So why didn't you sling your hook when the previous government was in power, seeing as you didn't agree with their laws?

    I just give refenrence of law to Lannaguy who seem don't like Thai law.....

  14. If some people are not agree with Thai law they can leave Thailand....

    Some people call for democracy ok , but One of the principles of democracy is that all people must respect the laws

    the laws of a Military Junta? Goebbels would have been proud of your compliance

    No just Thai law, Art 113 of criminal code attend to stir unrest.....

    provision of NCPO for ban polical rally come from Emergency Decree on Public Adiminstration in Emergency Situation B.E. 2548 (created during Taksin regime...)

    If you are not agree with Thai law you can leave for Red khmer style country (red khmers responsible of 1.7 Millions deaths)

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