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Posts posted by than

  1. Even more significant was the gathering of support after the arrest. It won't take much before this turns into 10's of thousands. Fingers crossed.



    How do you know that they are not celebrating their arrest? I am!!

    Some Bangkokian come to street yesterday nigth to protest against student activist and cheer police after arrest them.......

    <deleted>! Making up lies to support their fascist views is a feature of this government & their supporters.

    Here is the comment to the tweet;

    00.30 น. ฝากขัง 14 นศ.ที่เรือนจำพิเศษกรุงเทพ ผลัด 12 วัน เพื่อนร่วมจุดเทียนร้องเพลงส่ง ลั่นยังจะมีการเคลื่อนไหวต่อไป

    At 12:30a.m. 14 students have been imprisoned at Bangkok remand prison for a period of 12 days. Their friends came together to light candles and insist that the movement would continue

    Perhaps but some Bangkokian are against this student and protest against them yesterday night before police arrest them......

    This student and some people behind them try to stir unrest in country....

    It's very amazing to see some people on this forum enjoy violence in Thailand

  2. Even more significant was the gathering of support after the arrest. It won't take much before this turns into 10's of thousands. Fingers crossed.



    How do you know that they are not celebrating their arrest? I am!!

    Some Bangkokian come to street yesterday nigth to protest against student activist and cheer police after arrest them.......

  3. Here is an interesting article on rice smuggling into Thailand


    And YL and PTP Government did nothing to stop it

    Maybe because TS has family and businesses in Cambodia

    Either way YL guilty of negligence

    Where is the negligence? Looks like the tried to stop it, but Cambodia turned a blind eye.

    The real question is who is responsible for controlling the borders?

    The Thai Border Patrol Police - part of the Royal Thai Police with many commanders who were former army officers. How was Yingluck going to influence them?

    Where you see commander of RTP from Thai Army..... Remember Taksin was a Police officer with rank of colonel.......many of his friend are corrupt policemen and some of them sleep in "Bangkok Hilton" now....

  4. Why US don't accept this migrant ? Why US fortified is border with southern america country ? Why USCG reject in sea Cuban migrant ?

    I think US not have lesson to give Thailand and ASEAN about this.

    The problem should be solve by Myanmar

    You my friend...have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

    Why in heck do you think Miami and much of Florida has a huge population of Cubans, because we did take them in; 1000's and 1000's of them. We also took in the Vietnamese boat people. If your country (whichever wonderful country that is) is not also requesting Thailand and the other countries to help then YOUR country is abdicating its responsibility to humanity.

    USGC rules : All immigrant caught at sea are sent back to their source........

    It's not my rules but US rules..... tell this to all Cuban who US government refuse asylum.........

    US rules for cuban : "Wet foot, Dry foot" policy, a Cuban caught on the waters between the two nations (with "wet feet") would summarily be sent home or to a third country. One who makes it to shore ("dry feet") gets a chance to remain in the United States, and later would qualify for expedited "legal permanent resident" status and eventually U.S. citizenship.

  5. Why US don't accept this migrant ? Why US fortified is border with southern america country ? Why USCG reject in sea Cuban migrant ?

    I think US not have lesson to give Thailand and ASEAN about this.

    The problem should be solve by Myanmar

  6. In France, the demonstrations on the public place is subject to the requirement of a prior declaration indicating the purpose of the event, place, date and time of the meeting and the proposed route. The authorities may request the organizers route changes or schedule. They may ban a demonstration if they consider it likely to disturb public order or if its slogans are against the law, but such bans are rare.

    Read carefully.

    "prior declaration" is not the same as requiring permission from the Police Chief.

    In addition, in western democracies, there is always the right to appeal any adverse decision. In the case of the new law in Thailand, the appeal goes up to the Police Chief's supervisor, and then his decision is "final".

    The potential for favoritism, and corruption through bribery, is huge.

    Again, there is a presumption of the right of assembly and free speech in western democracies. The new law in Thailand is a presumption of no right of assembly.

    But french autorities can ban a demonstration if they consider it likely to disturb public order......

    French autorities crackdown forbidden pro palestian protest

    French autorities crackdown forbidden protest aginst police violence

  7. nothing unreasonable and is similar to rules in the west, thumbs up from me, nothing wrong with peaceful protest, they also need to set the rules for when it becomes nasty and enforce them

    With respect to similarity with rules in the west, these rules are not similar to those in places like New York City, for example.

    In most places in the US, it is not necessary to obtain permission to have a public gathering in public spaces. In New York, you may have a gathering in a park, on the steps of City Hall, and on the sidewalks, as long as you do not impede other people from going about their business. You do need a permit to hold a march in a public street, as that will obviously impede traffic. However, the permission cant be withheld for any political reasons.

    The basic philosophy in the US is the polar opposite of the philosophy expressed in this new Thai law. In the US, you have a right to protest, in most cases you don't need permission, and the authorities are required to accommodate your public activities. There are exceptions to the rule.

    Under this new Thai Law, you will be REQUIRED to get permission in all circumstances. There are no exceptions.

    In other words, you have no right to have a public gathering.

    These rules is similar like France and Germany law about protest....

    In France, the demonstrations on the public place is subject to the requirement of a prior declaration indicating the purpose of the event, place, date and time of the meeting and the proposed route. The authorities may request the organizers route changes or schedule. They may ban a demonstration if they consider it likely to disturb public order or if its slogans are against the law, but such bans are rare.
    Also in France, under Article 431-3 of the Criminal Code, "any gathering of persons on the public way or in a public place likely to prejudice public order (...) can be dispelled by the public force "after the customary warnings. Call in an unauthorized demonstration is considered as a crime.
  8. No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

    Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

    But when a media promotes violent armed action against civilian and authorities whistling.gif

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