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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. here's the full email from Zipmex...
  2. just go away dude, you're contributing nothing to either this discussion or any other post for that matter.
  3. @akda Zipmex are sending out emails but I'm not getting them. here's an extract of the latest one that, I got this from a private Telegram group I'm in...
  4. geez just leave already! Thailand has enough farang moaners.
  5. from what I understand Zipmex trusted other parties with users assets. if those third-parties have lost the funds in risky trades/loans then that's is, the money's gone and can't be recovered. tbh I don't know the answer to what powers the Thai SEC has in these matters but I'm pretty sure that recovering lost funds isn't one of them. they might be able to prosecute the Zipmex execs for breach of regulations but that won't get users their money back.
  6. in other words you have no idea how to answer the OPs questions.
  7. hey man if you're happy eating bugs 'n grubs out in the boonies then more power to you. but I'm into Wagyu steak and fine wine so Bangkok is where I'll be for the foreseeable.
  8. nah the centre's where it's at but if you're happy in the burbs then good for you. I did my time in that purgatory whilst working back in farangland. never again. as for your second paragraph, sounds like you're in God's waiting room already. enjoy ????
  9. I'm retired and living in Bangkok and having a great time, wouldn't live anywhere else. tropical beaches aren't the be-all and end-all.
  10. 50k per month barely gets you a one-bedder in a nice part of Bangkok. eating out here ain't cheap either, especially if you like good food at nice restaurants and bottles of wine to wash it down. I'm talking real good food not bugs 'n grubs or rump steak LOL. as for vices, well 30k per month doesn't get you much if you really want to party. 30k per week maybe. it costs a lot to "ring da bell" or buy tequila for seven girls at at time. sadly my budget doesn't quite extend to ALL of that so I'm living a fairly humble existence on 90k per month. I don't have a car either but given that I drink a lot and Bangkok traffic sucks I think I can be given a pass in that regard.
  11. in other words your life is boring AF ????
  12. 2000 bahts is a lot of SangSom my friend ????
  13. FTX Pro. send BTC from hardware wallet to FTX, sell BTC to USD then wire it to your Thai bank account. they support BTC, SOL & BSC networks for BTC transfers. or maybe try localbitcoins. I haven't needed to use it yet but it came recommended by one of the more knowledgeable and helpful members here. fdsa I think. if that fails then maybe Zipmex? I signed up with them but haven't used them yet because FTX wire xfer is working fine for me now.
  14. ser, you mean BluRay don't you? or even those really old LaserDiscs. but DVD's with their garbage picture quality, puh-lease ????
  15. yes I know, which makes it all the more bizarre. and then they get all upset when we "generalise" and show our "bigotry" by calling them Pommy bar stewards ????
  16. beats me how I can get called a convict just because I grew up in Australia.
  17. watch all seasons of Trailer Park Boys and Letterkennny and you might get slightly better at telling the difference. but only if you like crass humour, that lot are the Rodney Rudes of Canadia.
  18. really? I don't know much about that part of the world despite being born there. thank heavens we escaped that hellhole for God's Own when I was just a few years old ????
  19. nah mate, bogans come from Astraya. I think the UK trash are called "chavs" ????
  20. ser, you have an attitude problem and clearly don't belong here in LOS. please book a one-way ticket to Utopia asap.
  21. Bundy and Coke? ????
  22. LOL. so true but ????
  23. thanks for the tip but I'm quite familiar with that search method. I still find that it brings up too many irrelevant threads. much easier to start a new topic ????
  24. because they are corrupt. they make Thailand look like amateurs in that department. and Australia is one of their most loyal allies. they couldn't wage all their illegal and immoral wars without Pine Gap and Nurrungar.

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