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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. I just did my first ever 90 day report online. it's only the second one I've ever done; first was done via a Bangkok agent because I cnbf leaving my condo. wish me luck! ????
  2. "I've never seen a competent farang motorist in Thailand therefore they don't exist." I'm getting the hang of this thaivisa thingy eh? ???? srsly I'm clever enough to know that not all farang here are useless drivers but since I tend to hang around tourist areas like Pattaya and Koh Samui that's all I tend to see. so it's a case of once bitten twice shy. definitely a lot of bias in me. btw I'm from Sydney. Australia that is. so I'm even more biased against people who get their licenses overseas. Sydney drivers are taught to drive according to the rules and not the conditions. so if you decide you want to say overtake a slow vehicle and you have to cross double white lines* and there's a vehicle coming in the opposite direction then the car your trying to overtake will speed up and the incoming vehicle will take no evasive action but will pile on in at the speed limit because "that car shouldn't be crossing the centre lane, it's against the law, so I'm going to honk and flash my lights and abracadabra the magic law will make him pull back into his lane!" *in Sydney that means no overtaking or if you have a spoed demon up your arze, most Sydneysiders won't yield because "I have the right to drive at the speed limit and that hoon is BREAKING THE LAW!!! I'll show him who's boss" as opposed to just moving out of the way and avoiding an incident when the hoon gets riled up and does something really stupid. like I said earlier, that's the kind of attitude I've seen with farang drivers here. "you're walking in the middle of the road which is against the law so I'm going to teach you a lesson by maintaining my speed getting really close to you because I hold a foreign license and in better than the Thais" ????
  3. when I were a lad I had the bright idea of renting a bike in Chaweng, Samui even though I wasn't licensed and had zero experience other than a half day on a scooter in Kuta, Lombok a few months earlier. I don't know where Khao Phom hill is but I do remember a quite steep windy hilly section between Chaweng and Lamai that I traversed maybe ten times or so. a few times under the influence of alkyhol because young and bulletproof. Thank Buddha I made it off the island alive and in one piece ????
  4. o rly? thanks, maybe I'll give it a go once more places start opening up. the one and only time I tried ganja here in Thailand was in a dirt cheap hotel called the Mango Guesthouse on Soi Rambuttri. some English dude gave me a pinch of the stuff and said I could eat it if smoking wasn't for me. "savour try flavour" he said. nothing happened LOL.
  5. so you spend your life ridiculing your host country. no wonder they want to tighten up the long-stay requirements.
  6. thanks, that's good to know. I've never seen that type of rider and I've obviously done the usual thaivisa thing of assuming that all (most) farang motosai riders are as useless as the knobheads in Pattaya.
  7. do you need money for a one-way ticket out of here too? I'll need to find a second job at this rate.
  8. I can do the laugh and move on thing with Thais now but I'm still struggling when it comes to dour farang especially in Pattaya. does anyone know of any jai yen yen schools I can go to to get rid of this lingering hatred. preferably in the Si Lom area of Bangkok ????
  9. I can do the laugh and move on thing with Thais now but I'm still struggling when it comes to dour farang especially in Pattaya. does anyone know of any jai yen yen schools I can go to to get rid of this lingering hatred. preferably in the Si Lom area of Bangkok ????
  10. maybe he suffered from the farang affliction whereby they think they own the road because they got their license in a "first world country" and that they're automatically better than Thai motorists. I've experienced this in Pattaya walking up and down the Cow. Thai bike riders will give you a bit of space, even moving wide if they can. they also seem to be aware that you're there. feral ferrang motorbike riders will hold their line when if that means their handlebars almost scrape your arm. they also seem to stare straight ahead and not be aware of their surroundings. some of them get so close that I've been tempted a few times to push them off their bikes. I've shouted at a few of them and if they hear it over the noise of their little fart-machines they seem awfully surprised ????
  11. one of these days ... bang zoom! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=98qw86DsdZ0
  12. not going to happen anytime soon bro, you're just p***ing in the wind.
  13. the only thing that bothers me on songthaew are the dour farang that make the whole experience mai sanuk. it's not their obesity or their Beer Chaaaang or Singh's wife-beaters or their ugly cargo pants and cheap Kito sandals, it's their unfriendly, unsmiling attitude that bugs me. and then you have to put up with them in the bars complaining about ladyboys and how many black players are on the pitch in one of their silly soccer matches. and don't get me started about how much they complain about "wokeness". the sooner Patts is done with these miserable old c***s the better ????
  14. I reckon his pet rock doesn't see much sunlight ????
  15. you make it sound like it's a bad thing. do you need some help buying your one-way ticket out of here? send me your bank account details I can spare 500 baht.
  16. ser, it's a fairly basic concept. airlines can be held responsible for repatriating passengers that don't meet the entry requirements of the destination country(ies). so they screen the passengers before flying them halfway around the world. speeds up immigration queues too because the IOs don't need to wait 5 minutes for the passengers to extract their onward tickets from their bumbags. simples.
  17. a Brit running a chippie is acceptable. a farang/falang/ferang/ ferrlung slingin' 20 baht noodles is just plain silly ????
  18. I can't smoke the stuff because it hurts my throat and makes me cough or worse. if I push past that it just makes my head spin and then I puke and pass out. but if these "Amsterdam" places start opening I might give it another shot. if they have those gummy bear thingies and someone who knows the right type and dosage to give me. or maybe I just go down to the nearest reggae bar and get a contact high ????
  19. when Thailand becomes "normal" I'm on the first plane outta here.
  20. maybe he was simply triggered by the sight of a farang in a motor vehicle. I always get nervous when I see you guys around Pattaya, I can't put my finger on it but there's something about the non-Thai way y'all drive that gives me the heebie-jeebies.
  21. I actually got told this by a Thai bird once in Pattaya so this phrase is not an urban myth. she said something along the lines of "you think too much. think too much no good, hurt your head." she was in fact correct. I still think too much and I still get headaches ????
  22. it's easy to drop 40k a month. heck I could drop 40k a day if I had the dosh. I'm going to have to say that I don't comprehend how you can't comprehend that if you've been in Thailand for any length of time. come to Bangers and see how the rich Thai people spend their money. 40k wouldn't even get a decent handbag.

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