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Posts posted by BOBBYTIN

  1. Do pit vipers climb? Unless there's a way up via staggered bricks for example, only a tree snake should be able to reach your roof.

    One thing to consider is that once you relocate the snake, another one is waiting to take its place. Usually snakes are pretty savvy about when you are around and get out of the way. Also, they only 'tax' the occasional bat or frog. Different to the average moggy. Snakes often come to our notice because they don't carry calendars, hence when I'm on our wildlife group hotline on the weekend, snake calls are the norm.

    Any member of the publc silly enough to ring when I'm on the hotline gets quite an earbashing, starting with asking them to take a photo and letting them know that the people who usually get bitten by snakes (and remember in Australia we have some serious ones) are young blokes with weapons in their hands trying to kill the snake...

    he comes on the telephone cable we think. but my neighbors have a sign that it can climb on. i will try to get some photos. thank you
  2. I am a bat carer and rescuer in Australia. If you don't want bats in your roof with the guano, why not make them a little bat roost and hang it outside? There are instructions on how to build them. The snakes won't be able to reach them and the bats eat absolutely enormous amounts of insects. I'd be encouraging them.

    interesting,i will look into it,actually,there is no droppings in our loft,it seems they are coming from an air brick next door. the snake looks like a pit viper,it has yellow eyes,and is very aggressive. the thais are going to kill it.yes i know all the conservationists are gonna go off on one. but with kids, we have to worry about them,not the snake,if we can catch him alive,and relocate him,we will.
  3. I have to put in a good word for the Mitsubishi Triton. I bought a 4 wheel drive 4 door model in 2007 and have had no problems with it. It has great power and decent economy. You either like the styling or you don't (I do), but in my experience you could't ask for a more reliable vehicle. I like this diesel well enough to have considered the practicality of installing it in a boat.

    I like the Tritons shape its easy to have serviced in Phuket

    I am thinking more about when you do long distance trips and the available dealers then

    I will be buying a 4 door but not necessary a 4x4 i do not think you need it here

    2 wheel drive with a limited slip diff will go anywhere i have driven here

    i have my second triton,the first did 100k in 3 years,never a problem,services are good,you can watch them do it.i would recommend triton but i must say,avoid black.it shows every small scratch
  4. We had rats in our roof until a cat moved in and decided to stay. Haven't heard or seen a rodent from that day, although, unfortunately the local lizard population has suffered as well. Maybe a cat could also sort out bats.

    Alternatively, find out where the bats gain egress and block all holes.

    The problem is,the bats can get in the smallest of holes,you need some for ventilation. i would not have worried,but saw a story about a green viper in the papers a while ago,this one fella looks similar,he has a big head.

    Use chicken mesh or fly wire to cover the holes.

    Poison snakes often have large wide heads,see if it looks like these.


    no,thank goodness he does not look like that.green,about 3 foot long .like a tree snake,but he has a wide flat head.
  5. We had rats in our roof until a cat moved in and decided to stay. Haven't heard or seen a rodent from that day, although, unfortunately the local lizard population has suffered as well. Maybe a cat could also sort out bats.

    Alternatively, find out where the bats gain egress and block all holes.

    The problem is,the bats can get in the smallest of holes,you need some for ventilation. i would not have worried,but saw a story about a green viper in the papers a while ago,this one fella looks similar,he has a big head.
  6. hi, for a while we have had bats in the roof.now though we are seeing more and more green snakes on and around the roof. i thought green snakes were tree snakes and ate bugs. these guys are eating bats. any one any suggestions on what we should do. the bats have never been a problem but we have kids,the snake thing is worrying. thank you in advance

  7. Because of the work of groups like soidog foundation and its supporters on Phuket and the work of groups such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in conjunction with WHO, stray dogs are not the primary source of rabies. These groups have vaccinated the dogs. The major risk are "owned" dogs, primarily puppies who are not taken care of and vaccinated. It is a myth that soidogs are the source or cause of rabies on Phuket.

    Nice research. Well said!

    as you are reading this i am eating my hat. thats great news.
  8. Maybe you should live somewhere besides here. The dogs and the way they live went on before you arrived!

    go live somewhere else,is that the best you can do.years ago there were stray dogs all through europe,but it was dealt with,and someone has started the ball rolling here,if you want to really believe there is no rabies here,so be it,but tell me,if you or your family were bitten would you risk not having the jabs,all the workers traveling to phuket with no checks on their dogs,yeah right.

    We got along fine all these years without westerners wanting everything to be their way, it's not your way, it's not going to be, so take the highway and go back to where things are the way you like them! I like them fine the way they are! I've never been bitten by a dog. I've had dogs all my life. They seem to be smarter than a lot of people!

    you said it
  9. Thats okay if your a dog trainer and always in control. Show me someone who isnt scared shiftless when confronted by a pack of growling fangs moving towards them? Anyone who says they wouldn't be scared is a liar/ key board warrior

    If owners cant control their dogs and let them roam free then dog needs to be put down. This is an owners problem, not the dogs

    Maybe you should live somewhere besides here. The dogs and the way they live went on before you arrived!

    go live somewhere else,is that the best you can do.years ago there were stray dogs all through europe,but it was dealt with,and someone has started the ball rolling here,if you want to really believe there is no rabies here,so be it,but tell me,if you or your family were bitten would you risk not having the jabs,all the workers traveling to phuket with no checks on their dogs,yeah right.

  10. I don't know if anyone has noticed but the soi dogs of Patong have all but disappeared. Although many were vaccinated and sterilized by local NGOs, it is alleged that the local Or Bor has arranged a mass cull with allegations that the dogs were being bludgeoned and then buried alive in pits. One well reputed organization posted on its FB site that they have investigated and that the local government claims they were taken to the pound ( I was sent the link from a colleague). However, the government agency that administers the pound has stated that it has not taken any dogs from Patong. No word in the local papers, but the allegations are getting more intense. This has the potential to explode into some serious bad PR for Patong if not managed right and could do more damage than the tuktuk and jetski issues.

    Does anyone know what is going on and are the concerns being expressed in emails now circulating valid? Has the local mayor sponsored a secret cull and is it one that violates the agreements and protocols in place with the Department of Agriculture and the NGOs?

    explode into bad pr,ha,your joking right. The dogs down there are rabid,and full of disease,any tourist getting bitten has to get rabies jabs.They are unsightly and a nuisance, bravo to the one who shifted them and i will pay to do the same in rawai and chalong,and i will pay double for the rottweiler running around there terrorizing people. about time,well done that man.

    Last I heard Phuket had been rabies free for many years.

    Do you KNOW something different?

    yep, a friend of mines lad was bitten and told to have rabies jabs,there is rabies in phuket and thailand,what,you think they cleared it 2 years ago and continued monitoring.sorry,they dont work that way,they being the powers that be. Ask any reputable dr or even a police man,you still get the mad ones been shot. rabies free, sorry but it is not rabies free.
  11. explode into bad pr,ha,your joking right. The dogs down there are rabid,and full of disease,any tourist getting bitten has to get rabies jabs.They are unsightly and a nuisance, bravo to the one who shifted them and i will pay to do the same in rawai and chalong,and i will pay double for the rottweiler running around there terrorizing people. about time,well done that man.

    Odd, you care about horses, but not dogs?

    not odd at all,if someone put them out of their misery,so be it. they were ill and neglected,like most soi dogs. I dont think its fair for any animal or human to suffer.The dogs are a pest,tipping bins over,barking,fighting,biting. Yes i did bring the horses up to stop the ill treatment,there is a few big european breeds roaming the streets near rawai,they need to be taken of.
  12. I don't know if anyone has noticed but the soi dogs of Patong have all but disappeared. Although many were vaccinated and sterilized by local NGOs, it is alleged that the local Or Bor has arranged a mass cull with allegations that the dogs were being bludgeoned and then buried alive in pits. One well reputed organization posted on its FB site that they have investigated and that the local government claims they were taken to the pound ( I was sent the link from a colleague). However, the government agency that administers the pound has stated that it has not taken any dogs from Patong. No word in the local papers, but the allegations are getting more intense. This has the potential to explode into some serious bad PR for Patong if not managed right and could do more damage than the tuktuk and jetski issues.

    Does anyone know what is going on and are the concerns being expressed in emails now circulating valid? Has the local mayor sponsored a secret cull and is it one that violates the agreements and protocols in place with the Department of Agriculture and the NGOs?

    explode into bad pr,ha,your joking right. The dogs down there are rabid,and full of disease,any tourist getting bitten has to get rabies jabs.They are unsightly and a nuisance, bravo to the one who shifted them and i will pay to do the same in rawai and chalong,and i will pay double for the rottweiler running around there terrorizing people. about time,well done that man.
  13. Not knocking the OP's tastes (each to their own, after all), but I never cared for Mr Moo's bacon - very lean, yes, but too full of water. I wouldn't be surprised if it was not all that popular.

    never had a problem with it,could you have had a bad batch,it does not shrink and it looks good on the plate,and tastes good,but yes,everyone to their own.

  14. Really nice bacon at Villa Market next to Home Pro. All import and a variety of different cuts.

    Mmmmm. triple price bacon.

    the thing is,mr moo could increase prices again,3rd time this year,and would still have their old customers. i would pay more for their bacon. we buy 20 to 30 kilo a time, our customers love it. and we have always been happy with mr moo.

  15. <snip>I don't know why, and it is a poor way to treat loyal customers, but that is up to them.<snip>

    Maybe it's not cost effective, and they are losing money on it???

    Just a thought.:jap:

    thats fine,i just want to find a wholesale supplier to replace them,as i said their bacon is gonna be hard to replace,thank you for your words of wisdom.
  16. After been supplied by mr Moo for a long time now, with which is in my opinion the best bacon on Phuket,we have been informed that they are no longer making bacon, as of next month. I dont know why, and it is a poor way to treat loyal customers, but that is up to them. my question is,does any one know a butcher that sells quality bacon in quantity.We have tried some places around,but its the usual Thai streaky stuff.We would be grateful for any help to point us in the right direction. Thank you.

  17. Sorry you've not had much in the way of objective replies, but had you sought advice before making the visit visa application someone might have told you that it would have a poor chance of success, because having previously sought a settlement visa and been refused, any subsequent visit application is likely to carry little credibility because there is an increased likelihood that the applicant will not go home at the end of the visit. That may apply to any further application made in the near future

    He did, in two different threads! Both VisaPlus and myself told him that any visit application by her while her settlement appeal is outstanding had little chance of success for the reasons you state.

    Kobrien, based on what you have said in other threads, her settlement application failed because you did not provide sufficient evidence of your finances. You have appealed that refusal and, hopefully, made good that shortfall in the appeal evidence. Remember, though, that the appeal will only judge whether the refusal was correct based on your and your wife's circumstances at the time of the initial application. You can submit and they will consider new evidence pertaining to those circumstances, but any change in your or her circumstances since the original application and refusal will not be considered.

    I know that it is frustrating, many of us have also suffered the pain of separation whilst awaiting a visa. However, continued attempts to obtain visit visas for her will, in my honest opinion, only confirm the ECOs' belief that having been refused a settlement visa she is now trying to bypass the settlement rules by entering the UK with a visit visa and then staying.

    Don't buy the land, save your money for when she and you baby do finally arrive in the UK to live.

    This may seem like a long separation, but remember that you are planning for a lifetime together.

    Thank you for your comments 7by7,I did listen to your doubts regarding applying for a visit visa while an appeal for a settlement was still in place,I only thought I could get round this my explaining that I had only applied for

    a settlement in the first place because I did not want my wife giving birth and then flying home weeks later,or worst still having a late birth and over staying,this in my eyes makes sense to even the most negative of minds,now it

    seems the visit visa is off the radar for us because they think we are trying to bypass the system when all I was trying to do was be careful to stick to their rules.

    Can I ask you if we were to cancel my appeal for settlement,how long would we have to wait until we could apply for a spouse visa ? could I do this with three months wage slips or does it now always

    have to be a settlement for us now, does it have to be a minimum of 6months wage slips for it to be accepted ? or would three really good ones do ?

    I cant see the light at the end of tunnel at the moment but your right,I need to make my case and person details more solid so they dont show doubts,I just dont like the idea of spending the next 6 months apart.

    Thanks again

    if you are legally married,and the child is british,go down the human rights road. you have a right to a family life.thats why all the criminals are playing that card. trying to do it the correct way does not work.

  18. how many times have you had traffic oncoming,and had to brake as there is someone on a bike wondering around,taking up the whole lane. stay in the bike lane,use your mirrors,and try and think how difficult you make it for us sensible drivers. dont even get me on the motor bike and side cars straying around the road.i will not hesitate to run one off the road if left with no choice.

  19. i dont know this place,but one of the classic scams every single one of these places use is the long hose. a good long hose at a petrol station will hold over a liter of fuel.when they have finished pumping, open the nozzle and lift the hose,see how much fuel comes out. you will see they always hold the nozzle high. check it out.how many litres is that a day

    The hose is full when they start pumping and its full when they finish

    The meter measures the amount of fuel that comes out of the nozzle


  20. Shell & PTT seem to have proper systems in place designed to stop cheating & their gauges are clear to see so park in a position to see through the window.

    Yes, and excellent market tool. Honesty, novel concept! I do try and spend Rawai using Lemon (which seems to be a Lemon-pujn intended) Even after myt hulk of Farang body was needed to threateb some pump thief. I still went but looked on carfully..... Bye Bye Lemon. Patek Road is still home turf.

    i dont know this place,but one of the classic scams every single one of these places use is the long hose. a good long hose at a petrol station will hold over a liter of fuel.when they have finished pumping, open the nozzle and lift the hose,see how much fuel comes out. you will see they always hold the nozzle high. check it out.how many litres is that a day

  21. I rather let all others murderers and rapist in Thailand walk free than to see this man return to Thailand.

    After all those money he stole from us Thais.

    OK, I understand, BUT... maybe you will enlighten us which former PM or other politican hasnt steel any money from Thaipeople?

    What hast changed in the years with Khun Abhisit? are there free shools? Free health care for Thais? (visit an Emergency room at 2 o clock in the morning, where 1 24year old woman doc is playing with her telephone instead taking care for the 30 (Phuket) older and younger patients waiting for a doc )

    We all know Khun Thaksin is not the best solution for Thailand but he is by far not the worst!

    chuan leekpai,lived in a modest house in trang,

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