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Posts posted by BOBBYTIN

  1. We pickup up our wildtrak 4 days ago after agreeing a month ago to except 4x4 if available before 4x2, the 2.2 has plenty of power and i do not see the need for a 3,2 engine unless towing a boat or caravan, its brilliant on and off road and drives like a dream, told by salesman there is a 8 month waiting period now for wildtrak, if you are prepared to wait its worth it

    you need to take it out for a run peter,khao lak is a nice ride out.haha glad to see you have got it.it was a pleasure to meet you both.good luck with the motor.
  2. You will get the sound ( or noise depending on your level of tolerance ) from the banana disco most nights.

    as far as friendly for "guests" used to be ok, why not contact them to find out.

    I think rooms on soi san sabai would be a better choice all around

    i use the hacienda in the same soi as C+N hotel.500b for clean air con room,C+N you can get a room including buffet breakfast for 1000b.
  3. I got my return flight to Bangkok from london Heathrow on Eva Air for £554 direct if it helps.

    thank you,it does, did you use an agent,if so ,please can you pm me.thanks.
  4. You're not missing anything. The disparity has occurred over the last 4 years due to the devaluation of most if not all western currencies against the baht, i.e. 4 years ago the fare for the journey you mention would have been roughly the same value be it in sterling or baht. The only way around this would be for you (or somebody on your behalf) to buy your tickets in the UK. I would also try Emirates, as they are doing a direct Dubai/Phuket/Dubai flight from 10th December, and have good connections to Manchester.

    thanks,i need to travel next month,but ,that kind of explains it.
  5. just a question,i am sure i am missing something here. trying to book flights to uk for myself,wife and daughter. Etihad,are by far,as i can see,the cheapest,and having flown with them before,i think a good airline. quote phuket to manchester 106,000, give or take a few quid. flights from Manchester to phuket 80.000 give or take. thats the same dates,even the same plane. why is that. anyone throw any light on that,and does anyone use an agent who can get a decent deal. thank you.

  6. making their profit unreasonable?

    Given that all sellers are Thais, pay same rental cost and electricity and 900 baht is a reasonable price, offering the same item starting at 500/600 baht does not make the profit reasonable.... or am I missing something ?

    your missing something,these items cost them to buy ,around a hundred baht.
  7. If 800baht is such a problem, then you can't afford to go to phukete. To leave the airport grounds in Perth,Australia,after midnight costs over 1000baht. Thailand is still dirt cheap,unless you are a cheap Charlie. Stop and smell the roses.

    Depends on your point of view, ie are you a once year tourist or travelling here on a regular basis and know the true cost of living here in Phuket. Annoys me to hear people saying the cost of a taxi in London, Perth, wherever is much more. Yes it is cos the cost of living there is much more. Look at the prices in other parts of Thailand, that's the true comparison.

    wow is diesel 30b a liter in oz too,and is the driver not road legal too,and is he insured.
  8. Hi all.

    My wife and I are moving to Phuket Jan 2010, for 6 months.

    We have a 3 year old son and 5 year old daughter.

    We haven't decided where to live yet.

    One of the biggest choices is schooling.

    We are Americans, from Southern California, and would like our daughter to continue with Kindergarten... we intend to continue traveling the world for the next 2 years.

    For our son, we would like to have a part-time nanny, and put him in some sort of organized pre-school.

    Can anyone recommend a list of english language schools and pre-schools on Phuket?

    (I have lots of questions and just started searching through the forum, so as time goes by, I hope to meet many of you. Thank you in advance for your help. We are trying to plan as much in advance as possible).

    You know, I've just re-read the original post...........and I'm gobsmacked. (Many times we end up answering a previous posting, rather than the original enquiry.)

    JDuarte - you have a daughter who is 5 already, yet you propose to continue travelling the world until she's 7. Bit selfish don't you think? She should be settling down into structured formal education at this age, and learning how to make friends, not dragged around the world, living out of a suitcase, moving from school to school to school.

    You should've got the travel bug out of your system before you had a family.

    Don't suppose for one minute you'll change your plans and give your daughter a bit of priority, but if you do come to the south of the island, don't bother about any of the formal schools mentioned in this thread. Just use the nurseries for such a short period - they'll charge by the month, rather than by term.

    I wish you well........but kids need to be in a stable environment, especially at your daughters age, not on a world tour.

    i just re read it too,wow,i missed that. so what about after school,are the parents gonna leave them with the nanny.seems strange.
  9. I always find it hard to grasp Posts that say Phuket Immigration are unfriendly, 90 day report this morning, arrived at 8am, the very nice guy who sits on the right came out to me at 8.15 we had a nice little chat, he then said "wait there" 2 mins later he came back with my passport all sorted, this office is friendly, I have never been asked for so called tea money!!

    If you have an attitude(many people here seem to have, or you show millions of bht in the account you are using for your visa then who can blame the officers for what they try to do, I would do the same!!

    I didn't say that I found the officers at the Phuket Immigration unfriendly, I said that I would appreciate it if the Phang Nga office was more friendly. My experiences in the Phuket office have been mostly OK, and the people who handle the 90 day report-ins are friendly. I do seem to have an ongoing problem with the fellow who sits in the second row and handles the annual visa renewals. He seems to take pleasure in finding insignificant issues and making one go fetch new paperwork. Last time, after I had to go to make more photocopies and came back at 11;15am, he said you have to come back after 1:00. Why would he be like that? It's not my attitude or appearance, or anything in question about my bank balance (Kawapower, what's the problem with having "millions" in the account?), or other paperwork, I think it's just because he's got the power and enjoys displaying it. I've had others say the same thing about this fellow, so if I can accomplish my visa business with more friendly people I will do it. Besides that, Phang Nga town is a very nice and scenic place, and I would rather travel up there than down through Phuket Town to handle this business.

    well said
  10. I always find it hard to grasp Posts that say Phuket Immigration are unfriendly, 90 day report this morning, arrived at 8am, the very nice guy who sits on the right came out to me at 8.15 we had a nice little chat, he then said "wait there" 2 mins later he came back with my passport all sorted, this office is friendly, I have never been asked for so called tea money!!

    If you have an attitude(many people here seem to have, or you show millions of bht in the account you are using for your visa then who can blame the officers for what they try to do, I would do the same!!

    morning,no one mentioned phuket being un friendly,he said more friendly,i also have nevr had a problem at phuket,it seems it depends who you get.
  11. I appreciate this report about the Phang Nga Immigration office. I've been going to the Phuket office for about 5 years now, and would like to change to a smaller, less crowded, and more friendly office for the routine visits. I'm spending more time in Phang Nga then in Phuket these days so I should change my address for the 90 day check-ins, anyway.

    I also appreciate you giving the address and the phone number for the office, so I could probably find it, but since it's small, could you be more specific about where on the outskirts of town it is located? If you come up highway 4 from Phuket as you reach the outskirts of town it seems there's a lot of government buildings before you get to the big traffic circle south of the downtown area. I suspect that's the vicinity. Is it on that main road?

    I'm also curious about the route you would take from where you live. Do you go down to Khlok Kloi and then back up to Phang Nga, or do you go through the mountains on the 4090?

    Thanks again

    hi,go as far as thung maprao,12km from khao lak.turn left onto the 4240,that will take you to the 4090. but, you do not go into phang nga. there is a left turn,opposite a big 4 wheel drive repair shop,take that left,stay on for about 4 km i think the 3rd or 4th set of lights, there is a big sign on the left pointing you in to the office.IF you end up in town,go through to the big roundabout and turn left on the roundabout.that will take you to the same sign. they really are a pleasure to deal with,helpful,and polite.
  12. Wash all the covers a few times and fumigate the room. Any pest control company will help you with this problem. Chiang Mai Pest Control seems to have a good reputation.

    they are hard to get rid of,had to throw out loads of stuff last year,2 things that will help,steam and the ice in a can. also vacuum the area,look around light fittings and plug sockets.look for little black dots around any are,not just the hem on the matress.,they dont always live in the bed. if you can,empty the room,do so,and then go in at 3 to 4 am that is when they are most active,if they are outside the bed you will see them.

    What do you mean by "steam", also what is "ice in a can"? Do you mean dry ice?

    yes the stuff in a tin for computers i think,also a steamer for upholstery,you can hire one. both things kill them. we washed everywhere with vinegar,sheets and stuff we threw out. we sprayed the room and all the cracks and crevices,left it 2 days, went back in one morning and saw a few on the floor,4 am. we looked around,the only place we had not thought to look was in the sockets,there was little black dots around the socket. they had actually set up home in the conduit,they are difficult to get rid of,if you found one there are more. be very careful with the spray.do not use it in a closed room,we left the room,a dorm,empty for a week,and check all the time. we have not had them since. there is not a lot you can do to stop them,once rid,just keep looking for the black dots,google it you will see.

  13. has anyone any idea how the customs and excise work out the cost of importing goods. i am planning to bring in a complete catering trailer,built to european standards. it of course will have all the fixtures and fittings installed,i know i have to tax and insure it,but ,as usual,finding any the real charges is impossible. any one ever dealt with customs and any one any input that may be useful. it is 18ft long and full loaded. any advice would be gratefully received.

  14. Wash all the covers a few times and fumigate the room. Any pest control company will help you with this problem. Chiang Mai Pest Control seems to have a good reputation.

    they are hard to get rid of,had to throw out loads of stuff last year,2 things that will help,steam and the ice in a can. also vacuum the area,look around light fittings and plug sockets.look for little black dots around any are,not just the hem on the matress.,they dont always live in the bed. if you can,empty the room,do so,and then go in at 3 to 4 am that is when they are most active,if they are outside the bed you will see them.
  15. Couldn't be worse than Phuket. My experience dealing with immigration offices outside touristy area's is that they are super friendly, helpful, and don't ask for or expect backhanders like in Phuket. However some services may be limited.

    Sorry what backhanders? Never once asked for a backhander!!

    you will be in and out in no time,nice folk,and helpful,i was in last week ,everything sorted in no time,no back handers.i have never had any trouble there,i also live nr bang niang
  16. contact boss taxis,he is the most reliable,you can look on tripadvisor,he charges my customers 1200b. i dont think you will find cheaper than that

    having said that ,it depends which hotel,if you are at le meridien then it is miles from khao lak,but if you are staying in khao lak,that is the going rate.
  17. "Has anyone heard what the Canadian autopsy/toxicology determination is on the two unfortunate sisters who died in Phuket a few weeks back?"

    Sorry, but nothing to do with Phuket.

    no steve,its to do with 2 girls who lost their lives,its to do with the fact it happens too often,its to do with anyone with kids on holiday here or living her,IT IS something to do with all of us. Sad comment
  18. You're wasting your time and making an enemy of the neighbour.

    Kata had hundreds of protesters from the local community and we know mob rule works.

    Round up the local farmers and march on the site. Just hope it isn't someone influential.

    it is.

    Doesn't matter. The Law applies anyway. Look at all the 'influential people' being ordered Under The Law to remove their illegally built structures. Don't roll over. Go to the obj.

    thank you for the encouragement,i am aware of the implications,i also want to be fair,but if the law says 3 m then that is that. will keep posting,thank you.
  19. <snip> Just hope it isn't someone influential.

    it is.

    Too bad, accept it or sell out fast.

    not an option,too much hard work gone into this place.but will keep you informed,thanks for you help
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