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Posts posted by BOBBYTIN

  1. Thanks for the Chusak recommendation. I popped in this morning and it took him about 2 mins to issue a certificate! He knew exactly what was required.

    which makes you guys using chusak no worse than anyone else scamming the system,the medical is for your safety,and that of others. syphilis and other STDs a is a problem in phuket,which is part of the check. it is ok when it suits you to abuse the system,but when it happens against you,you are the first ones to winge. chusak should be arrested. well done. are you afraid they will actually find something,or do you just want to save a few baht.

    Sorry BOBBYTIN, I didn't realise you had an STD. Of course you should go to a hospital or clinic to get a proper check-up. In the meantime I still highly recommend Dr. Chusak for his expertise and diligence, he's been my doctor for 8+ years now so I won't be whingeing or asking for him to be arrested. I recommend you use a contraceptive next time you BOBBYTIN. thumbsup.gif

    the whole point is,it is for your own safety,and that of others,making a mockery of the system.
  2. Thanks for the Chusak recommendation. I popped in this morning and it took him about 2 mins to issue a certificate! He knew exactly what was required.

    which makes you guys using chusak no worse than anyone else scamming the system,the medical is for your safety,and that of others. syphilis and other STDs a is a problem in phuket,which is part of the check. it is ok when it suits you to abuse the system,but when it happens against you,you are the first ones to winge. chusak should be arrested. well done. are you afraid they will actually find something,or do you just want to save a few baht.

    Sorry BOBBYTIN, I didn't realise you had an STD. Of course you should go to a hospital or clinic to get a proper check-up. In the meantime I still highly recommend Dr. Chusak for his expertise and diligence, he's been my doctor for 8+ years now so I won't be whingeing or asking for him to be arrested. I recommend you use a contraceptive next time you BOBBYTIN. thumbsup.gif

    well obviously you are special needs,so i will make this simple,the medical is for safety of you and others,you cannot get a medical in 1 minute. no,i dont have STD as i do get a full blood check up every year a real one.
  3. Thanks for the Chusak recommendation. I popped in this morning and it took him about 2 mins to issue a certificate! He knew exactly what was required.

    which makes you guys using chusak no worse than anyone else scamming the system,the medical is for your safety,and that of others. syphilis and other STDs a is a problem in phuket,which is part of the check. it is ok when it suits you to abuse the system,but when it happens against you,you are the first ones to winge. chusak should be arrested. well done. are you afraid they will actually find something,or do you just want to save a few baht.
  4. I see CM108 already have security camera footage of alleged offender up already. Looks like the BIB are serious on this one as well.

    And is it an Indian/South Asian dude for sure? First thing many girls in the area pointed out was that 'khaek' means both South-Asian as well as 'Guest', which is a common euphemism for any (Farang) john.

    I've only heard khek used to describe Indians, The cctv picture on cm108 confirms this.

    kaek actually is used for muslims,as well as customers. this is a sad story,hope they catch this scrote.
  5. I wonder how long before either one of them are pulled out of their car and beaten up. Having said that, some members on here have reported picking up their guests from the airport and never having a problem.

    Things got changed there, too. This member is trying to change the registration of the company car, to a green plate, now. Also starting with new business in Burma.

    the worst about patong,is 3 am,you are walking home,kebab in hand,and just as you take that big bite,you walk over a drain,inhale,and get the full works,thank god for extra mustard.
  6. It's always smelled ever since they paved the road and put in drains.

    Before that, the bars along Bangla used to flood.

    my mate used to own the kangaroo bar in patong,little john.he used to have a dog called farang. i used to go down there,there were still little shops,it was busy in those days.late 80s,but when it rained and the bars flooded,it was not just rain water,as today. when it floods down there you are walking in sewage,and take your life in your hands walking past anything electrical. it will never change.it used to be a potty,now it is a communal toilet. the smell is bad,but you can get that in bkk,even london. i dont live there,but i do go back from time to time,it has gone from gibbns to slow lorris.the lizard people are there,and even the kids who sold cigs are still doing it,though one is a mess from too much drugs.people will always go there.

    Like KB said we all have different memories of Patong. I have had more than a few drinks with little John & remember him doing his crossword in the afternoons. This in the day when Soi Bangla was a two way dirt road.

    he is still going as far as i know,a bus driver in leeds,or he was 5 years ago.
  7. It's always smelled ever since they paved the road and put in drains.

    Before that, the bars along Bangla used to flood.

    my mate used to own the kangaroo bar in patong,little john.he used to have a dog called farang. i used to go down there,there were still little shops,it was busy in those days.late 80s,but when it rained and the bars flooded,it was not just rain water,as today. when it floods down there you are walking in sewage,and take your life in your hands walking past anything electrical. it will never change.it used to be a potty,now it is a communal toilet. the smell is bad,but you can get that in bkk,even london. i dont live there,but i do go back from time to time,it has gone from gibbns to slow lorris.the lizard people are there,and even the kids who sold cigs are still doing it,though one is a mess from too much drugs.people will always go there.
  8. ... This man is a 42-year-old idiot and deserves not a shred of sympathy. ...

    I disagree with you. Even people that made huge mistakes still deserve our compassion.

    i think a picture of this little asian gem would be a good idea.who knows,it could be your new girlfriend,or your friends. my friend has a new girlfriend,with black hair and her name is noi,thats not her is it.
  9. Thank you all for swift replies


    I found this in yellow pages, thats the one?


    Yes thats the one Phuket Tools though the map is all outa whack Its at the start of Sakdidech Rd, or however they spell it.

    Living in Kata is trying to send you to Bangkok Hardware. on the other side of town. Totally unrelated except the words sledgehammer and hardware.

    Read again my post # 2

    LiK is probably correct sledge hammers are everywhere. You wanted one with fibreglass shaft, good call. The impossible to find takes a little longer Hence to save time and money I would try Phuket Tools first. I gave you his mobile number, maybe cost you 3 baht at the most.

    You can mention my name Stafford, sport club, if you wish,

    unless the op lives near phuket bkk.then it is not far.sorry couldnt help it.
  10. So the marina knew the vessel was taking on water and was owed money so why didn't they simply take the vessel out of the water ? There she couldn't sink or be a hazard to other shipping and they might have been able to sell her for a reasonable price to recoup the money owed ?

    How also does the vessel belong to the police ? It may well be used as evidence but just how have they become the new owners ?

    Lots off things don't add up here. blink.png

    proceeds of crime maybe,it would be better if it got struck by lightning burnt and sunk if this is the case,a shame,,there are people who would love to have that as a restoration project. i suppose there is only so much the marina can do
  11. short answer, it appears to be sinking.

    i would suggest the automatic bilge pump is out, water collected below decks while it was heeled over and once it was able to float freely again the water collected to one side caused it to remain at an angle.

    A few more good rains and it could go over completely.

    but that is pure specualtion

    what we do know for sure is its going to cost somebody alot of money to get the damage sorted

    why doesn't someone go out there and pump it out,the marine police would do it,surely
  12. and they are not hiding behind there computer.

    So by inference, you don't hide behind your computer and are much braver than the rest of us?

    Nice bit of trumpet blowing.

    No sport, my motto is if you are not prepared to say something to a person face to face do not say it at all

    There is a difference between men and mice, although some people do not know this

    whoooah,save it for the event guys. i wish i could blow my own trumpet,hahaha,how was the road trip peter.
  13. Its the average Thai-Farang here ...refusing to grow up, marrying a 40 year old younger girl and after the money is gone for the house, car, motobike for the brother and operations for khun ma, khun po and the buffalo, life becomes boring and internet a new challenge....

    Get a life you old farts, even if it is not easy anymore with 70, as long as the sun is shining and mother nature or the pharmacy is giving you the power to fullfill the loverequests of a nice young woman, be happy and go away from this computer thing.....

    Seems your English language skills are adequate to insult all board members that don't agree with your point of view.

    I can't repeat a pm here, in full or part, because that's against forum rules. However, I did receive a pm from a certain person, which contained a personal insult and of course I responded in kind, That person was obviously out of his depth on the forum and had to resort to cowardly tactics instead, because he was losing his argument on the forum.

    You know who you are!

    that is naughty. shame on you mister.
  14. Its the average Thai-Farang here ...refusing to grow up, marrying a 40 year old younger girl and after the money is gone for the house, car, motobike for the brother and operations for khun ma, khun po and the buffalo, life becomes boring and internet a new challenge....

    Get a life you old farts, even if it is not easy anymore with 70, as long as the sun is shining and mother nature or the pharmacy is giving you the power to fullfill the loverequests of a nice young woman, be happy and go away from this computer thing.....

    Seems your English language skills are adequate to insult all board members that don't agree with your point of view.

    he does seem a tad bitter.
  15. just an extra comment,my friend stayed in a hotel with wife and 2 kids,and extended family. he went out with his thai wife of 17 years,when they got back to hotel,security demanded money and ID card.my mate was not too pleased,and after lots of noise and commotion,the manager was called.in the end it was solved,but how embarrassing is that.

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