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Posts posted by BOBBYTIN

  1. Hi Old Croc,

    The info wasn't really meant to be part of an ongoing discussion, just an update for anybody who happens to google "fenugreek thailand" and stumbles upon this thread.

    Having said that ...

    I live in Phuket, and need to replenish my Fenugreek supplies. I would be very grateful if anybody could recommend a shop that sells Fenugreek locally. My GF has family in Bangkok, so I was going to send them some cash for a taxi to Sukhumvit 10, postage and the cost of the fenugreek.

    But buying some on Phuket would be much less hassle!

    hi there,just try the easiest things first,just got some seeds from makro. phuket makro that is

  2. Do a search, this comes up again every few months.

    Not a scam BTW, the license is required.

    it is a scam,yes you need a license,one stop music has joined with MPC Thailand.Intermediary Sales Centre 23/17-18Soi Soonvijai, Rama 9 Road, Bangkapi, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310

    Telephone: (66) 02-641-5211-3

    Fax: (66) 02-641-1009

    E-mail : **** I have been stung once,we spoke recently to mpc,they were adamant they do not use these tactics.In our case 10 guys terrified my wife with the help of the local police.I have added a link, in thai,basically these copyright police try the scam with a computer game shop,the owner refuses entry,asks for I D,court warrants,the scene is the same,a gang turning up at your door.the outcome was,the guy doing all the talking started to threaten the owner with prison etc,the owner knowing his rights told him to do his worst .they left empty handed.The fee for a license depends on seats and also tv screens.Thw lady told us that if they come,to ring 191 to get the incident logged.They do not want you to video them so do,phone friends or anyone to witness them,take photos.Good luck

  3. In my opinion Burger King offer a better quality burger. I always buy from burger King and am happy to pay the higher price for a better burger.

    burger king,mc donalds,QUALITY,hahahaha, in the same sentence.

  4. If you play a sound recording in public there are TWO separate license fees to be paid

    PPL collect the fees and distribute them to record companies and artists

    PRS distribute the fees to composers and music publishers[/size][

    It is illegal to play music in public without a license from both these organisations

    However it would be interesting to see if they still demanded money off you even if you had this licence?

    hi,the company who use this scam,thats what it is,is R K T publishing,they usually turn up at 9.30 10,pm. They intimidate your staff by sheer number. They will have one phony cop with them and a cop taking a bung at the police station.They are not actually looking for a license,they scam you on copyright.If you are playing copy cd s they are more convincing,but really they have no authority.Firstly, dont let them go near your computer,They will ask you to unplug it,And they will insist you go to police station. Refuse,do not unplug your computer,instead google r k t publishing,they have copyright over a small selection of thai musicians. Start to film them,they do not want you to do that,phone friends and family nearby to build up your numbers,photo video.Get as many people as possible.The mouthpiece who speaks very good english is just that,there are 2 girls outside waiting for all this to take place,they are from R K T.They arrive normally in 1 white yaris and 2 trucks for the thugs.They have no power of arrest and no authority to enter.When the real copyright police come they have court orders and police in uniform,usually a big wig.We had this last year,and after consulting a lawyer,police and a judge,it was very clear we were scammed.IT IS A SCAM

  5. i recently posted about horses in khao lak.Wow,what a can of worms that was.i never wanted to get into a pissing contest with anyone. unfortunately the subject was hijacked.But here is an update,the owners refused to discuss the horses,staff became very unfriendly.the horses have been moved out of site,if they are still there at all. The horses were abused,no doubt,when i posted,i was given a place to contact, phuket horse rescue. Obviously bang tao boy and his alter ego, has an axe to grind,i dont. The lady at Phuket horse rescue was helpful, she put us in contact with other people,she offered to take the horses,she said she had no transport but would try to get some,she never once asked for money,and on the whole i found her to be very helpful.The only thing she did want was, to get the horses safe.I am not a long term member,and i am aware you will always get the ones with nothing better to do than bitch.I have today received letters in my private mail from sasha cline, the content was offensive to say the least.I came on here for the sole reason of finding help for the horses.It failed.they are no longer here. Yes i can always leave,and all the other cliches,i thank anyone who tried to help,thank you to the lady at the horse rescue. thank you.

  6. Could anyone offer advice on security camera,does anyone know of a good system. Any company you would recommend. Is wireless advisable.Any feedback would be welcome.thank you.

  7. Not unless you are in the UK at the time. Yes you could send it to friends/family but then you have no exit stamp from Thailand. You could crtoss the border and send it from Cambodia, still illegal but your entry stamps here will add up, even if they don't in Cambodia.

    The beauty of HK is that you only need to send a copy, not the whole passport.

    The problem for me is that I don't have a 4-6 week window to wait for it and be unable to travel - so it still sucks.

    You wouldn't need an exit stamp from Thailand. The old passport gets sent back with the new one. Go to immigration and get the stamps put in the new one.

    I recently used the HK service and found it to be very good. Received in 12 days.

    I was thinking more about problems with the UKPA, if the passport is sent from the UK but you have no exit stamp from Thailand. I don't know, maybe I am giving them too much credit, but I think perhaps they have been told to look out for this to stop us expats playing the system.

    i just got my and my daughters passports back from hong kong.we did not send any origanal documents,it is illegal to be in thailand without passport,on return,we went to immigration who for no extra charge stamped new passports up to date,you keep the old one as proof,no real drama.

  8. all this talk of an extra 200 fishing boats is quite scary,you can see fishing boats as far as the eye can see from khao lak.the dive centres there are strict on touching coral.the fishing boats have no controller.surely the moneys collected as park fees can get in specialists and tighten control.closure is not the answer,the fishing boats will have a free for all.to blame divers is a typical blame the farang .

  9. If you hit someone, hopefully they die as it will be cheaper than them recovering in hospital.

    Even a Thai guy told me if you hit someone and they aren't dead, put the car in reverse and finish them off.

    years ago,i was driving in phuket in the rain,a car braked in front,bike behind skidded and went down,woman with a baby,18 months maybe.i was behind the bike,i stopped at the side of the road.a few cars pulled up and started saying blame the farang. as i had helped her off the road and she was only slightly injured i thought she would side with me.sure enough,yep,i was tailgating her and nudged her off the bike.15000b.i would not stop again,they were both uninjured but for a few scratches.i will drive round in future.

  10. What depressing reading this litany of helpful souls set upon in the face of tragedy. I am lost for words. All I can do is wonder.

    I wonder when this attitude of blame-the-outsider first began? What began it? Is it due to too many foreigners being here? This act of complicit false blame is some way to have revenge over imaginary injustices.

    $$ there is your answer <<<<<

    More like bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb but your point is made....

    whats bbbbbb?

    bbbbbbbbbaht, bbbbbbbbloody bbbbb key stuck again.

  11. i rang the number, driver operator,quite a rude person.ah well,i carry a hammer in my car,its called a tool,but i dont go around waving my tool at anyone who cuts me off,blimey,i would have to drive with my tool in my hand all the time.

  12. william john young,my friend of 20 years died on friday, love him or hate him bill was a character out of ao chalong,a great marine engineer,if he was not on the tipple.after all the paperwork was done and with help from the british embassy bill was ready to be handed over to us for the temple and cremation,on arrival at the mortuary at vachira,there was an occupied gurney in the reception area,as thais sat around chatting,a man came out and said bill young ,yep thats him.he was out in front covered in a blanket,just his feet showing,for all to see.They pulled back the sheet like a scene from tommy cooper without the dadarrrr.i was shocked to see my old friend looking so bad,even for a dead bloke he looked unrecognizable.the guy gave us Bills belongings,they were not his,they said they would find his later,anyway loaded him into the coffin as the staff had left,whisked him to the temple and on arrival of with the lid for the photo shoot,all gathered round,and people were also shocked at the haggard state of our mate,he had a hospital bracelet on,the thai family took it off it said,name unknown,age aprox 35yrs the hands on the fella in the box wernt bills marine engineer hands,he could never get em clean,these were small hands,one old fella said thats what happens when you die.oh stop being silly was what was said,on with the lid,proceed, by now monks chanting,word has shot around,its not bill,ok,stop the show lets stop this once and for all,a phone call arrived ,hello,this is vachira hospital,you have the wrong body,erm,can you bring it back and swap it for your man Bill,anger,rage,hysterical laughter from all the farangs,Bill would have said,im not surprised,are you,no we were not,loads john doe onto the truck,monks reminding us they have chanted once,have to pay again for Bill,back to vachira,sorry sorry all the expected passing off the hot potato,off loaded john,in goes bill,and today he was cremated,this is a trimmed down version of events.yottys and mates imagining bills language,made a sad time of my life easier,the sad point is this,the john doe who they gave us,who is this guy,where from,someones son,brother husband,is in a fridge in phuket,the most undignified end for him and his life,someone,must know,where he is from,is there a room no one has checked out of,vachira messed up, fine,but let someone find this guys family and lay him to rest,lets pool resources ,embassies must be looking for someone.comment,slag us off,do what your are gonna do,fine.but this is not right.he has to be taken care of.

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  13. Your new here. I hope you are not asking because you are planning to open ANOTHER bar here.

    not new to thailand,16 years so far.The bar, guesthouse thing yes i am one of those,thanks for input,just a heads up thats all,tourism is down a tad so the local who ever are out looking for ways to get funds,apparently ashtrays, coolers, tiger etc logo,bar mats, tissue holders all no no,also happy hour and ladies nights drinks free kind of thing all not allowed.

    And beware of first time thai young men asking for beer,to serve an under 20 years old is now illegal,wont be long before there are teams doing the rounds,thank you all.

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