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Posts posted by BOBBYTIN

  1. I have an aggressive dog next door. Not sure if it is a pit bull - it has a large mouth, flat jaw line and barks at anything that moves - people walking in the street, people walking their dogs, me opening the gate, me driving up or down the drive, me closing the gate, etc. Thank God they only let it out a couple of hours a day.

    However, it is a complete waste of oxygen.

    I keep a large chopping knife on the patio wall. If ever that mutt makes it over the wall I will chop it's ****ing head off.

    Sorry if I offended any dog lovers.

    PS. I feed several (15?) dogs, 2 or 3 times a week when I exercise up a mountain in Phuket town. These dogs are placid, happy, wag their tails when they see me and are lovable. Some are quite sick.

    - dogs playing

    - puppies eating


    dont wait for it to jump the fence ,kill it now. i have a daughter and hate dogs,my choice,if i had one near me,it would not last long. slag me off all you want.they are vermin
  2. From my own experience, I would suggest that you get the child a Thai birth certificate and passport in the UK as soon as possible. The child can enter Thailand on UK passport if that is desired and it will be under Thai Immigration regulations. I failed to do do this early in my children's life and it complicated establishing their right to Thai citizenship when we moved back to Thailand (also more costly.)

    hi,my daughter was born in uk,she got a british passport,and thai passport in uk. when we fly from uk she uses uk passport,and use thai passport to come into thailand.it is the best thing to do.if then when you go fora school that says the thai quota is full,use the uk passport,but get that thai passport.
  3. Details of where to take the test plus the other requirements, including the all important financial ones, can be found at UK Settlement Visa Basics.

    I do not know anyone personally who has taken the test, but the level required is very basic conversation. If she can talk to you in simple English, and understand your replies, she should be able to pass it.

    hi,my wife took the test,in the uk. a lot of the questions are nonsense,how many irish left ireland for uk during potato famine,when you do the test,it is multi choice,you are given earphones to listen to the question,the problem we found was,the questions were long and drawn out,as if to confuse. you can buy a book with all the questions,from the govnt and a book with all the answers.it seems it is just a money thing. a bit of patience and it will get through to her.at that time,i think you only had to get 18 from 25 questions. but there was a possible 500+ questions.good luck,you can take the test online, a practice test,english people i know who took the online test,failed. try this http://lifeintheuk.net/index.php/after_the_test/applying_for_your_passport/
  4. it would be cheaper to pay the so called victim than to get a lawyer and end up in a 5 year court battle

    Being as he is a diving instructor im guessing he won't have millions of baht sloshing around for when the unexpected happens. But you never know.

    Someone also mentioned earlier in this thread that they thought he has a thai wife. What he really needed was a few friends with him to stop him getting into this mess.....

    she left him 3 months ago
  5. I've met Neal before while diving.

    He seemed like such a good bloke.

    He was a very funny guy. Ex US serviceman.

    i live near him,and ,yes he is a nice bloke,hope this is cleared soon,at this moment his company dont know this news yet.

    He was quite happy to have sex a 13 yo CHILD.

    He is a nice bloke???


    he is,if you knew him you would think so too,if he has done wrong,then let him pay the penalty,but if this is not the first time this girl has been used this way,and it is a set p,and she does look older,then quesstions should be asked.
  6. If it's a setup then that would make me respect the police work even more.

    Setup or not, a 13 year old in broad morning daylight and wanting to have sex with her is a very lock-uppable offense no matter what the circumstances.

    (Yes I'd take a more sympathetic view if it was a dolled up 15 year old at 3am at some disco.)

    So 4 am is broad daylight in your part of Thailand ?

    Did you look at the picture of the girl in the article? She's as tall as the officers surrounding her.

    I smell a rat.

    i know this guy,he is a nice bloke,sorry to see this,but a 13 year old out at 3am,on the beach,i does sound a bit suspect.
  7. For sure they are centipedes as in the photo not millipedes, we also have many of them as well and they are harmless, but we really don't want to find out how harmful the centipedes truly are!

    they truly do give a nasty and painful bite. the trays i mentioned,you buy from 7/11.put them down under furniture.watch this to see how nasty they are.
  8. Thanks for the input to my hubby's post. We're in Rawai, Chalong bay side. I've seen 3 in the past 5days. Almost stepped on one in the bedroom during the day, 10-12 inches but then gone. Of coarse my husband was gone. Next night watching T.V and felt something on my foot. Needless to say I've never moved so fast. About 6 inches but no bite. Mick stepped on it and smashed it but the bugger took it's time to die. Our home is spotless as I clean myself, the odd cockroach but not sure what their food source would be.

    Are you sure they are centipedes as shown in the picture

    we get plenty of millipedes in the garden in Rawai but they are harmless and do not bite they have a lot more legs

    peter, you are back,it has been dull on here,we were worried.welcome back.
  9. I would not take any chances with these critters. At the very least their bite is excruciatingly painful. Some people can be allergic to the venom which could lead to death. As far as your cat goes, it's possible a bite from one of these things could kill it so you need to weigh up that possibility with any potential harmful effects from pesticides. There must be some reason they are entering your house. I understand that they are normally shy creatures that like leaf litter and dark places so the only explanations I can come up for them entering your home would be 1) some conditions in your home providing a suitable environment, 2) a food source (do you have many cockroaches?) 3) they are seeking shelter from an inundation of rain (not likely, since we are in the dry season) 4) perhaps they are seeking moisture because conditions around your home are unusually dry.

    Not sure how you could deal with them in other ways. You could experiment with the following:

    1) Don't know if they can climb walls. If so a Las Vegas cockcroach trap placed in the corner of a room might work (search Google on how to make one)

    2) Some of the bigger ones might be heavy enough to trigger a conventional spring mouse trap, but I don't know if non-moving bait will attract them.

    3) Glue rat traps might do the job but again I don't know if any bait will attract them. These will also catch rodents and geckos.

    Options 2 and 3 may also pose a minor hazard for your cat although I don't think it will go near them twice!

    I would seek professional advice.

    try the glue pads you put down for mice,and rats. we use them as a precaution,and have caught one of these before,but you have to put them where the cat does not go.may help
  10. Not sure about tvnoop. You can buy a subscription to streaming tv from the States and run it through a VPN. Your connection will need to be pretty quick, ample bandwidth and a willingness to pay for subscriptions with your credit card.

    There is lots of choice as well.

    Please note I have not done this myself! However working in Tech. currently and a few "acquaintances" have done this while being expats in various places.

    thanks for that,im just sick of the lack of choice here.

    Surely the best way is to download shows you want to see & then watch them at your leisure.

    i need live sport,not a system that goes off when it rains. just looking at any option to be honest
  11. Huh. I guess you did rustle someones feathers Peter. I must have missed it. But then again I read you earlier post that's not visible now. So I think I know what may have happened. Welcome back!

    hahahaha peter ,you are a legend
  12. Not sure about tvnoop. You can buy a subscription to streaming tv from the States and run it through a VPN. Your connection will need to be pretty quick, ample bandwidth and a willingness to pay for subscriptions with your credit card.

    There is lots of choice as well.

    Please note I have not done this myself! However working in Tech. currently and a few "acquaintances" have done this while being expats in various places.

    thanks for that,im just sick of the lack of choice here.
  13. hi,i have been told about something called tvnoop,apparently you can watch tv from anywhere in the world,anywhere in the world. has anyone ever heard of it,or got it,or know anything about it.the package seems inexpensive,but if it worked it would be good for a lot of t/v members. thank you in advance.

  14. Visitors don't need to have a sponsor in the UK; although in this case you will be your wife's sponsor.

    You will need, though, evidence that you all will be adequately accommodated whilst in the UK and if staying in a private household then whoever is providing the accommodation, i.e. your parents, should write a letter of invitation and show that there is room for you all.

    There is no set minimum amount of money required for a visitor; how much you need depends on how long you will be in the UK for, where you will be staying, what you will be doing etc.

    You may find UK visit Visa Basics helpful.

    Provided you are British otherwise than by descent, e.g. British because you were born in the UK and at least one of your parents was British or legally settled in the UK at the time of your birth, then you sons are British too and so can obtain British passports.

    See the first part of British Citizenship Details.

    Being born in Thailand to a Thai mother they are, of course, also Thai. So they should get Thai passports as well. They then use their Thai passports to leave and enter Thailand and their British passports to leave and enter the UK.

    sound advice,my daughter has a british passport,as does the wife,certainly,get the kids one each,save a lot of hassle in the future.
  15. ^

    get out off bed the wring side this morning did we

    Someone commented that the officer was boasting to their wife how rich he was and I made a comment about a nice car in the car park, what's your problem.

    I don't pay extra for my visa I pay nothing my wife pays for my visa ,they have never asked me for extra only the wife ,if they did ask me for extra I would point out the actual cost and offer a small tip it's not worth getting on the wrong side of immigration officers for a petty amount of money you may well need their help one day OK with that are you.

    fine,whatever makes you happy
  16. Lol

    When we was there a couple of months ago he said to my misses you can pay a bit more if you want,she gave him 500 bht extra I told the wife you should have just replied can I pay a bit less,

    They only started asking us for money after the time we visited them with a ferang friend of ours who I know has given them presents and 5,000 bht extra for a certain service and yes one of the staff there has a brand new ford truck so they are doing well in there.

    oh,are new trucks for foreigners only,a lot have thais have new trucks,and a shitty little shack to live in.he could have bought land years ago,or inherited some.how do you know he does not own property or land,i have never had a problem with krabi immigration,and if you pay extra,bigger fool you.
  17. they were told however,if they booked a room from the tour office there,then transfer was free

    Just out of curiosity, did they have to pay for the room in advance, or just book it?

    they booked a room,at blu something, if they did not book a room ,they had to pay 500b to go the rest of the way. ....Quote. The ticket they gave us for the hotel was just a form you fill in basically and you pay the travel agents directly, not the hotel. i have a name of the girl who sold the hotel,and the phone number.....
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