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  1. Who are they going to find to "cast the first stone "though ?
  2. and then there's a special kind of stupid .....
  3. Wonder if he enjoyed many a sausage supper !😁
  4. Looks like he was last in the queue, mind !
  5. Is there a "cosplay" app ?
  6. But why is he wearing a condom on his head ?
  7. The booking website will recognise DMK airport. but not BKK. for some reason.
  8. Land of smoke and mirrors. It won't, and doesn't actually need to happen....just saying it is enough to instill national pride and enhance popularity, which is the usual purpose of these "proposals". How's the space program going, anyone ?
  9. And therein lies the eternal conundrum
  10. 2o mins minimum wait. then , like here, it depends on how lucky you get with the person who answers ! You can be sent from one dept - IPC. HMRC, DWP to another before finding yourself back where you started until you find someone experienced who actually understands the issue,
  11. "Attempted stabbing" ? ....or just "carrying a knife" ? ,,,and when/ what action turns it into a "weapon". So many vagaries regarding the reporting and the Thai laws and their "enforcement"
  12. Decide quickly which of your valuables you cherish most....your jewels or your wallet.
  13. Great, they can get 30,000 illegal Burmese to build it !
  14. That would cover half the population eh? I mean, how would the children get to school ...😁?
  15. Probably not, being aware of how ineffective it would be. The victim had, but it didn't help him.
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