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  1. I understand and I agree with the sentiments. but it just doesn't work like that here. especially in such places as Pattaya.
  2. Cool. I can now add machete and baseball bat to the list of items that Thais like to assault their drinking partners with ! 😁
  3. No you wouldn't. Like the vast majority you'd be angered by it, but move on. which is why this particular "breed" can get away with it. Call the police and tell them that a tranny made an unsolicited grab of your privates.....good luck with that !
  4. Yep. that's about right....but it was only ever about vote buying anyway.
  5. Thai will regular open the door regardless of passing traffic or just pull out. which are reasons to always give seemingly "parked" cars a wide berth when possible. This instance is however clearly the American guy's fault for making an unsafe manoeuvre.
  6. Agreed. seems the most logical reason. Perhaps consider heading to Chong Mek ?
  7. "no signs of illegal activities uncovered, yet it was beyond legal closing hours. Yeah, but no, but..........!
  8. If the person is a ladyboy. he will tell you .😁......but not always !
  9. Driving licence is fine, but VFS required a photocopy of it in colour.
  10. The point is that they don't actually intend to give anything back.
  11. One of those junctions where there are 2 lanes to turn right, but the first one is straight ahead also. Often you'll find someone stopped in the first lane without indicating right causing an issue.
  12. And once these folk turn 60. they will suddenly become very popular with family members.......or a target in some cases !
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