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  1. They have an idea.....but they know that it costs money, so it's not going to happen !.
  2. ....and high ranking female politicians are just for show.
  3. Then there's this from Jan 2025 : https://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/pensions/state-pensions/dwp-pays-half-a-billion-pounds-state-pensions-to-dead/
  4. Well, in the probate case that I'm dealing with, I've had to notify them (HMRC/DWP/IP) as they've been overpaying for 10 months now. They require me to send (post ) them a form along with the death certificate so that they can check the status ! This after all the correct procedures had been followed re informing the embassy.
  5. So do these 20 yr old foreigners own or rent these machines, and who is responsible for the "modifications" ?
  6. Such as not getting a 15yr old pregnant !
  7. Perhaps someone could suggest that those helpful British embassy people might interact with their government colleagues at the DWP or IPC when informed of the demise of a pensioner. They have all the necessary information after all.
  8. A casino complex is not the main issue, as the poor will not travel countrywide to go there. On-line gambling a whole different ball game !
  9. If they can only deflect the issue for a few more weeks, then they'll be able to lay the blame on neighbouring countries, ( with a degree of justification)......
  10. Your first paragraph is an indication/ explanation of your second ! Or it could be too much "culture" and not enough "action"? Or maybe just too far from a beach ?
  11. Because "we ". well most of us. have attained a degree of intelligence and knowledge that enables and permits us to ?
  12. Sorry, but dogs are often deliberately (sometimes indiscriminately) poisoned here, especially in the countryside,
  13. Sorry. but these disco-pimped, sound pumping taxi vans are geared for attracting the more extrovert, drunk and/or idiotic type !
  14. Without being disrespectful, and aware of the vagaries of reporting , I am struggling with why he was reported missing so quickly after the footage. 28 and "mature" doesn't normally require reporting in every 24 hrs, unless there's a known potential safety issue.

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