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  1. Because "we ". well most of us. have attained a degree of intelligence and knowledge that enables and permits us to ?
  2. Sorry, but dogs are often deliberately (sometimes indiscriminately) poisoned here, especially in the countryside,
  3. Sorry. but these disco-pimped, sound pumping taxi vans are geared for attracting the more extrovert, drunk and/or idiotic type !
  4. Without being disrespectful, and aware of the vagaries of reporting , I am struggling with why he was reported missing so quickly after the footage. 28 and "mature" doesn't normally require reporting in every 24 hrs, unless there's a known potential safety issue.
  5. So you wouldn't expect to witness an American, Swede, Dane. Aussie. German .....on holiday...in a bar....drinking anything other than an orange juice,,,,in your non-descrimatory experience ?
  6. Not wishing to tarnish their image and harm tourism .........
  7. Hurrah ! ....but on a par with only wearing a crash helmet when approaching a police check. There's been plenty of time to change that pattern also.
  8. Guess you're not offended by having your privates grabbed by them then either ? By "them", I mean those aggressive individuals who attempt to block your passage (so to speak)
  9. There's a generation of elderly drivers on the roads (cars and bikes), who are less aware and drive like 20 years ago...often oblivious to their surroundings !😁
  10. Chances are she's a repeat offender and possibly one of those in the photo, you know , subject to the police "catch 'n' release policy 😁
  11. Perhaps they could extend the shelf-life of the morning after pill ! 😁
  12. In their home country they would not be able /allowed/ encouraged even, to behave like this.
  13. A "Farook slipped out of his crease and knocked his bails off " incident. perhaps.

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