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Everything posted by mancub

  1. Land of Chancers More commonly practised at red traffic lights, junctions and U turns.
  2. Allow me to ( unfoundedly, unashamedly and wildly ) speculate from the only details reported, thus.... Victim knocked off his bike on a straight stretch of road. in an attempted robbery as he was carrying a "quantity" of cash, ( although no mention of the quantification of said "quantity" - maybe just bt30 in loose change). Then along came Chanisa, 44, in her Mazda 3. She was going quite slowly as she'd just come out of Lotus car park and, as all too commonly happens, forgot to switch her lights on as the road was lit by streetlights....... Or......who knows ?
  3. As I understand it, it originally concerns ALL international arrivals, with the idiotic exceptions of diplomatic staff and work permit holders. But that may well have changed, such is the trend here.????
  4. If the Thai government want it so badly, they can/should just increase the passenger tax and then work out the admin/monies distribution by their own agencies (AOT) etc .
  5. Slack airport security fair enough, but I guess it's lucky the voices in his head didn't tell him that he needed to attack a bus or train !
  6. Not just foreigners.....but yeah, they probably have a better success rate, given the rules of engagement ????
  7. When he discovered the other guy could fight back, perhaps his bravado ran out, so he tried to do the same ?
  8. Thailand is already doing exactly the same and a 300baht increase in the already payable Passanger Tax is not going to change anything other than lessen the shortfall in tourist income to the government.
  9. Indeed. and even the fittest pigeon can only carry one on each leg !
  10. Am wondering if you, sir, are possibly a special case also !
  11. Pool of blood. only wound mentioned at "back" of neck. Pretty unlucky to accidently incur by slipping. 3/4 day stay but no bag etc. What looks like new sim card on table...but no phone Lighters yet no cigarettes pair of shoes yes, but clothes ? Low-life yabaa fuelled robbery probably.
  12. Highly pertinent, given that the title of this thread concerns tourists in the Khao San Road.
  13. "At the moment" being after the event , therefore irrelevant.
  14. Of course. ALL tourists are English speaking. avid press readers and advertised. organised events are never cancelled at short-notice either. But subject to confiscation, however. and their use prohibited in certain venues.
  15. The only clue being the number of reported deaths. If Vietnam can report a daily average of 100,000 cases and 20 deaths ......................
  16. Because they want to keep the xenophobic, ignorant masses scared. Just as the rise in "reported" case numbers will have already been determined as a "justification" to maintain the "Emergency Laws" and preclude any dissent from those masses.
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