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Everything posted by mancub

  1. Alcohol, drugs or whatever are essentially the catalyst for the real issue of anger management.
  2. And the moral of this story is....... People who live in "dog houses" shouldn't throw parties.
  3. Wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a long disclaimer pertaining to the use of the BTS.
  4. Indeed so, especially one of "limited resources" for whom tourism accounts (directly or otherwise) for a mere 20% of GDP !
  5. Is that the same one that claimed he hadn't yet changed the ownership which is why it was allegedly un-licensed ?
  6. Although irrelevant, your assumption is entirely wrong.
  7. I believe much stems for an individual's character and upbringing. Alcohol certainly accentuates natural attributes and tendencies and loosens inhibitions. Hence someone who possesses a confrontational or aggressive nature is likely to display a more violent side when drunk. We most certainly engaged in some crazy, foolhardy ( sometimes anti-social) stunts in our youthful drunken states, but never physically hurt anyone, nor destroyed property etc . This was due to an overriding sense of morality taught from an early age.
  8. Perfect opportunity for Napoleon to ease the stress on the prison system.
  9. Makes the whole "sandbox" business somewhat redundant.
  10. Only since the numbers nose-dived. Previously it was all "anticipation" of year on year higher figures.
  11. I also don't know about all the children near me who do exactly that to get to the coffee shop across the road from their school.
  12. It's as if she hesitated because the entrance may have appeared to her to be blocked by the exiting red van.
  13. Well, let's hope that she is OK and that he doesn't hold a "Get out of jail free" card. Thankfully there appears to be no collateral damage in the form of motorcyclists, pedestrians etc.
  14. Plenty of other jobs out there paying the same or less that people manage to survive on. What percentage of the Police Force join because they feel a moral obligation to up-hold the law ?
  15. They'll still be monitored/addressed by "HI" (human intelligence).....so no change there.
  16. Only seems to work if you've already received an e-mail concerning the cancellation and your "options". Shaming them via their Facebook page was a way to get a response a few years back....but probably not so nowadays.
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