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Everything posted by mancub

  1. Indeed. you would think the concept of "short or long time" would have arisen also !
  2. Can only assume that the 5 "reckless " ones must have ploughed through the cones at a check-point.
  3. It's quite simply an estimated 1 million people using 6 airports via an anticipated 9310 flights. 107 people per flight. Thai nationals and foreigners (domestic and international combined), Totally mis-leading headline.
  4. Must have been a great relief then to discover that it wasn't himself !
  5. Not dissimilar then to Boom the soapy specialist giving a "short back-n-sides" and a "blow dry" ?
  6. It won't. but at least the victim will gave a chance of seeing what sent him flying. Unless "blind" drunk !
  7. "Aged about 50", but often in these cases, lived a life limited by physical and mental confinement and squalor, with little by way of worldly experience.
  8. I heard that there is actually a Thai law against not wearing underwear in public. In any case, doubt too many on this forum are over concerned with their potentially declining sperm count !
  9. Mental issues attributable to very low IQ issues.....there's a lot of it about.
  10. So the 7 "best " clips will receive the prize money from the Viriya Insurance people. I'll be the one with the camera Ferrari- spotting by the pedestrian/zebra crossing. My wife will be stationed on the flyover watching for "big bikes" Son hasn't yet decided on the shop-front or the canal as a vantage point. Wish us luck.
  11. Anyone ever politely asked a local to turn the volume down {or any other anti-social activity } and received a positive response ?
  12. Which will presumably mean traffic staying on the highway further, also longer tail-backs at those U-turns which are open .
  13. Too late.....but was going to suggest a season ticket at Old Trafford.
  14. Won't have done much for the "mental health" of the elder brother either. Poor soul is going to have an awful lot to contend with. Hope he gets all the help he needs.
  15. "Mobilised".....how ironic, considering they'll be mostly sat on their ar$es eating doughnuts under canvas at check-points. Until a drunken lao-kao swigging Sombat crashes into them. of course!
  16. And you (obviously) can ignore reality, yet you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.
  17. No need to see any statistical data what-so-ever A 1 hour drive on an assortment of major/ minor roads will tell you enough to gauge the extent of this road-safety "issue". You can't cure stupid, and there's a special kind of collective stupidity out there on the highways.
  18. Yep, and they got the gun back....so the next contender can have a go !
  19. If the rider had a similar dark shade of window tint on his visor, then maybe neither saw the other one !
  20. Depends on whether they are released from their "hospitels" in time ????
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