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Posts posted by banglay

  1. Has anyone actually gone to Immigration for a 90 day  report and been told "Not needed" because of the amnesty  or have they gone to report and their 90 days it was processed as usual ? would be nice to have some feedback from people who have tried to renew their 90 Day'er

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

    Which country? Airline?

    Source please? ... or just one more rumour?


    read and make your own mind up .. But long & short haul flights will take a long time to recover if ever. and definitely will be more expensive ....




  3. Hello fellow Isolators .

    My next 90 reporting is due early May ....I was wondering what is the present protocol  for the 90 day report at  Pattaya Immigration Office ?? .I've  heard that it  has been waived nationwide until the end of July ... But as everyone knows  individual immigration offices are a law unto themselves....

    I would appreciate a real time update to the situation as I am sure many others on TV who use Pattaya immigration will too..


    Stay Safe peeps ????

    PS I tried several time to register online to no avail ????

  4. It's irrelevant when the bars are allowed to reopen without the customers having the confidence to return in their droves it will make it nigh impossible to have a financially viable business and it will not be worth the headache of opening too soon ... I can see a slow staggered reopening of venues over several months  and maybe upto 2 years + for Pattaya to return to its former glory days ....and many bars will never reopen again.

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  5. From the Governor of Chonburi Province today :-


    Foreigners will need to have their original passport at all checkpoints and Thais will need their ID card. Temperature checks will take place at every checkpoint, if anyone tests high they will be required to go to a hospital immediately.

    People are also required to wear face masks when in public.

  6. On 4/5/2020 at 8:40 AM, Logosone said:

    The mortality rate based on identified cases and deaths from Johns Hopkins:


    Sweden : 5%


    UK:         10%


    The UK has extreme social distancing. Sweden does not.


    Yet Sweden has a mortality rate half as high as the UK.


    So another clear illustration that social distancing is of very little use.

    Of cause Sweden is showing a lower infection rate as from the day 

    Sweden has tested 36900 ..... UK  has 252958  ..  if you don't test the true figures of infection will not be correct .... Governments will always spin figures to fit their narrative .... " Don't look and you'll not see"


  7. 13 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    How many times have you been asked for it in say the last year? just out and about not immigration or agents

    And how many times " say in the last years " has there been a COVID 19 virus  ..bar closures ,Curfews and ever increasing checkpoints ect the list is getting bigger and changing on a daily basis... ..These are very different times and  different expectation and protocols will be expected ...  .

    • Thanks 1
  8. 34 minutes ago, Mak25 said:

    Wuhan is not a province. Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province.

    My sincere apologies .. I used Wuhan because it is the  agreed City and epicenter that cultivated and nurtured this nasty virus . But thank you for bring it to my attention and correcting me.. I again apologies for making such a stupid school boy  error it obviously perplexed you so much you had to response  .


  9. 2 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    Actually much better to be in Thailand now, than in the UK. That could turn like Italy.

    Do you actually believe all the figures coming out from Thailand ???  they do not add up .. Chinese Year (25th January 20)  over 500.000 Chinese Tourists came to Thailand in that week with unrestricted access and  with a large proportion of that figure coming from the Wuhan province ...

    Italy's original infection is believed to come via  Chinese tourist visit the country .. and their number were miniscule compared to how many came to Thailand over the same time period ...

    Or maybe  thai's are immune .....

  10. With a business/Lifestrategy like there's they are bound to succeed in all aspects of their "Cloud cuckoo land life ambitions  "....... "NOT" ..or is it going to be another "Go fund me appeal scam" ....why the hell would any sane person relocate his family in the middle of a virus pandemic  ???  Utter brainless morons ... Sorry for being so unsympathetic ...  

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