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Posts posted by banglay

  1. Hi All.

    I am thinking of taking up a new hobby ,,,, Para-motoring  and need too learn the basics and become efficient before taking the plunge and buy rig and flying into the sunset .

    There's place at Sri racha  called Para motor school Thailand  :-    https://www.paramotorthailand.com     has anyone had  any dealings with them and would you personally recommend their teaching and safely record/skills etc  ????

    Or can any one recommend another para-motor school approx 200km from the Pattaya area.


    Mods if you think there is a better forum for this post please move ????

  2. Download the grab taxi app onto your phone ....you'll get the price for a ride from Airport to your destination ...Plus if you are happy with the driver and price ..get they phone number of the driver  for the return journey ..they will give you a discount on the grab taxi rate ..(grab takes about 30% of the fare price) 

  3. 3 hours ago, canopus1969 said:

    The Alti and Lao Mountain are good - as for which bean that is down to personal taste as which type of bean (I prefer a mild bean for my V60 drip with my Handground set to #2)

    So which bean type do you actually order?? ..I prefer a milder blend too

  4. 47 minutes ago, canopus1969 said:

    Interesting  ????    Never used or tried any of these suppliers ..have you personally ordered from any of the above ??  if so ,which firm and which coffees can you recommend > and what is the delivery time from order to door ?

  5. I had a similar problem ...I cleared/deleted all temporary files & cookies and search history  them I restored my PC to a early date when it was working properly after the  re stored to a earlier date re-booted    ..my skype worked ok again ....


  6. 12 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    Not sure if you know Conures or not. I got one when I got here and sweetest friendliest bird I ever had, but it wanted to be out and on my shoulder all the time. When it wasnt was screeching full tilt all the time. I ended up selling it to a farang guy and his wife. After they picked the bird up my gf said go in soup sure 5555

    Yeah !  Conures are famous for being vocal ......but not quite sure how they taste in a Tom yum soup 5555 .

  7. Hi . 

    I am looking for a second hand rowing machine .. In good condition and at a reasonable price .

    It'll only get used for 30 minute , three (3) times a week and for personal use only . and not interested in hydraulic piston type rowers only cable ones .


    plus a noticed on Lazada a "Jacky rowing "  anyone ever bought one ? and what was your impression ? (see attached photo)

    Screenshot 2019-06-23 11.57.00(2).png

  8. Hello All .

    I am looking for a shop/outlet in the Pattaya area where I can  buy auto paints and thinners ..  Not interested in rattle cans ... any recommendations would be kindly appreciated .



  9. 7 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

    Perhaps I should have made myself clearer. He is attending a training school for a major petrochemical organisation and living on site, he gets the chance to come home occasionally, so not a morning and evening transportation situation. I was guessing that vans would head that way to and from Ban Peh but are they organised tour vans?

    Surely if the company he is training with has staff  transport he will eligible to use the said  vehicles on a ad hoc basis .

  10. If he is working for one of the larger companies   there's a good chance they have there own transport running daily at times to fit in with there shift patterns ....there's umpteen factory buses passing through and stopping at Bang Saray picking up works at different time of the day 24/7 and going onto Rayong's industrial areas ...worth checking that out too ..

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