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  1. Which other ones are looking at it who don't currently have it on the books other than Thailand?
  2. Used to be very limited when I last went 4/5 years ago but some could certainly speak and understand enough to get things done. Was a more confident English speaker in the back office on the 4th Floor where I had to go once to confirm no income before they would process my tax withholding reclaim.
  3. Perhaps they didn't have any..........
  4. Depending on the supposed offence it seems high - but maybe I am out of touch with the current level of "lunch contributions"......
  5. This was my first thought - along with do the members of these "local" committees get paid extra for this?
  6. Apologies I should have said that my experience was different to yours. The people who I am referring to I have had conversations with bout what they used to do before retiring.
  7. Disagree - I know many who aren't. IE they are on state/private pensions and as such potentially taxable......
  8. As we get older our memories definitely dim. However if there is one thing I can assure you that it was discussed in a couple of threads and specifically the remitting year after earning and no tax aspect. I can specifically remember participating in at least one if not more threads where this was discussed - however we are talking probably 8 plus years ago so don't ask me to go and find them......... Also, and here recent memory may be more faulty, but I don't remember @sometimewoodworker even being part of any earlier finance discussions.......in fact correct me if I am wrong but you camer to the current discussion relatively late compared to many? Arguably irrelevant anyhow but just to point out that it has been featured in the past......all be it distant.........
  9. Presume you have deleted all your cache and history in Chrome? Also maybe try the command line. Type cmd and open cmd.exe - then after the prompt type ipconfig /flushdns May or may not help........
  10. As one would expect. However unless a specific request is made would the information that you have travelled, whether by land, air, sea or rail, to any of a no. of neighbouring (or even far flung) countries after being in your original destination country, be passed back to the UK that quickly if at all?
  11. Depending on what you mean by background checks but anything more than basic credit checking I would like to see some support for your 75% figure ? 30 seconds....I suggest that is logically and logistically impossible........unless you are suggesting we are all micro chipped.........
  12. Can you show a link where it is confirmed that they will be able to do this/intend to do this, if you are not on benefits? I am sure it will happen at some point but I don't think it is intended with the initial set up which is still some years away from going live from what I have read.
  13. At the moment I think with your circumstances it is fairly clear. Safest way is to both sell your Aus residence and remit the proceeds to Thailand in a year when you are not tax resident in Thailand - ie spend less than 180 days in a calendar year here. Job done
  14. Perhaps if you were to give a brief explanation of what the "lines" you refer to mean you may get more interest and possibly even discussion........otherwise why post?
  15. You may want to ring them (using Skype or other similar low cost options) and just make sure they confirm they have received your money. I also paid in May and the last communication I had with them suggested maybe February based on current backlog........

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