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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. The Elites can try as much as they wish to stop change and their power from being touched, but the people will eventually get their way. The winds of change will blow whatever you, they, or I say or want.
  2. This is why I haven't insured my house. The insurance company will do all it can to avoid paying anything. Company: "I'm sorry! The wind was stronger than allowed by the policy." Insurer: "But there's nothing in the policy about wind speed." Company: "But it's implied. Read the fine print. It's on the line down here under the thick watermark in very light grey 1 pt font. Didn't you read it? ... No? ... Then that's your fault."
  3. We haven't insured our house. Maybe we will one day. I don't know. I've never had a problem in any of the 3 houses we've owned and lived in over the years. For me, the problem isn't the insurance fee, it's the insurance companies. I don't trust them. If a fire occurred the insurance company would probably do all it could to avoid paying anything, and even then I might have to wait a year or two or more to get paid. I've read stories about what happens.
  4. My wife doesn't have time to go out to work because we look after 25 rescued cats. This is a full-time job, except during their sleeping times. 😺 There's no work around here anyway, except weeding the edges of shrimp farm ponds.
  5. Just bear in mind that when the Thai banks go belly up, which will probably happen when the global financial system collapses inevitably, each bank will only guarantee one million Baht of all your accounts in the bank. The rest of your money will be confiscated. Some Thai banks are reported to be silently in a spot of bother. If all your money is in stocks and banks, you might like to change your financial management strategy. You may be wealthy today, but much of your wealth could all disappear almost overnight.
  6. George, you've just embarrassed and disgraced yourself, I think, by saying you laughed at an elderly person being pushed into a garden into mud. It doesn't matter what his profession is. You should have gone over to help him up: "Sir, let me help you up. Are you all right?" would have been the response of a civilised person..
  7. I wonder what all the Liberal, Dementia Joe-Harris supporting expats in Thailand will do if Trump wins in November. There are so many of them it seems. The Thai government should prepare for mass depression in the North-East and Pattaya, and the bar girls there should be trained to soothe away the Liberal expats' anger, fury, and sadness. Pharmacies should stock up on anti-depression pills while shops and supermarkets should increase their shelf space for beer and whisky so the expats can drink away their emotions. I wonder how many smart TVs will be smashed. ... Just teasing you all!
  8. It sounds like you watch CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and CBS all day, and read the New York Times daily. LOL!
  9. I might be the only poster here to say this, but I'd like to compliment the airport authorities for doing everything they could to take care of the passengers in question. I call their response outstanding.
  10. Pure corruption! I'll bet that the doctors and officials involved were able to buy a mansion each afterwards.
  11. The idea was all right, but it was implemented and portrayed poorly.
  12. That's what I hear about dentists there. Thailand is much better.
  13. I think the problem is that ex-pats buy TrueVision packages bundled with Left Wing media, so all they know is what CNN, MSDNC, etc. tell them. They get brainwashed, but pride makes them deny this. They don't investigate the truth by themselves and fall for the hoaxes of the Fake News media. If Trump saved a child from the ocean, the media would say that Trump is starving the sharks and the ex-pats would condemn him because the Fake News media condemned him. If Trump wins in November, the ex-pats will scream, like CNN, MSDNC, etc.: "This is the end of Democracy!" But if you ask them "How is it the end of Democracy?", they won't know what to say. The Left Wing media brainwashes people.
  14. Thaksin, I think you have more income than the 700 Baht allowance.
  15. Several years ago my daughter had to add her name to the blue book to help me out with my visa renewal as she is Thai. She also had to write a letter giving me permission to stay at the house.
  16. As expected most posters are attacking her personally. To you, I say: If you had spent nearly 400,000 Baht on a suite and you were given a "cheap" seat, how would you feel? For all we know, maybe the airline had to change the plane to one that didn't have a QSuite. She deserves justice, not personal attacks.
  17. I have a Marriage Visa. I've had one for most of my 40 years here. My wife and I live in her house. She has a blue house registration book showing she lives there. My name isn't in the blue book so I'm not registered there as such. I use this address and the blue book when I renew my visa. The addresses have to be the same. Immigration then sends 2 officers to check that we live at that address after our visit to Immigration, and a neighbour states in writing that we both live there. They even photograph us in front of an open wardrobe in our bedroom showing that we have clothes in it and live at the address. In your situation, you will need to give the parents' address as where you are living. Her parents should go to the Ampheur office and add your wife's name to their blue book, then you'll be all right. Use her parents' blue book at Immigration. If your wife's name isn't in the blue book, you'll have a problem. Make sure that you have a bedroom with a wardrobe that contains your wife's and your clothes.
  18. There are so many stories about ladyboys forcing themselves on people in Pattaya to rob them that one has no choice but to stop them with violence as soon as you feel their first touch.
  19. I don't know, but Vanuatu does sell passports to foreigners.
  20. The overcrowded prison area for foreigners at the Bangkok Hilton is now about to become even more overcrowded. Being fat he will probably have great difficulty squeezing into the half a metre-wide space to sleep in for the next 10-15 years. He's going to feel miserable.
  21. I think that so many expats here are anti-Trump and pro-the Far Left Democrats because they buy TV packages with CNN and MSNBC. They only hear what the Fake News media spout
  22. Trump wasn't convicted of rape.
  23. This is a major, major reason for not putting one's money in a bank. You're much better off buying gold and keeping it in a container underground. Gold's value increases far more than what you get in the form of bank interest and a bank can't confiscate it if you have over 1 million Baht in gold.
  24. The Bangkok VFS told me a few days ago that the waiting time is 4 weeks.
  25. Thank you all very much for your help. I'm very grateful. It turns out that it's not allowed in Thailand. VFS sent a second email after telling me that they would not reply to my question. I received a very helpful reply. Here it is in case it helps anyone else with the same question. To apply for or renewal the British Passport in Thailand ,there are no online passport applications available and unable to process the application by post hence you may need to attend our office to lodge the application and documents in order to renew your passport. You can either attend our office in person or authorize someone to do it for you but in the condition that you fill in the application completely and send the physical/original document to a third person who authorized it. All information about how to complete the application form and required documents are detailed under the relevant country page here: https://www.gov.uk/overseas-passports Once your convenience, send us your full name/applicant’s full name and 3 alternatives date and times you would like to attend our office and we will confirm back to you based on our availability.    Our office hours are from Monday to Friday from 08.30 -14.10 hours. (Except for Public holidays). Please check our public holidays and closures at https://visa.vfsglobal.com/tha/en/gbr/attend-centre/bangkok Please note that the UK Visa Application Centre (HMPO) will be closed on Monday, 29th July 2024 as a public holiday. Reminders: -Please secure an appointment before visiting VFS.  -The timescale is currently published on GOV.UK for Thailand passport renewal is 4 weeks as suggested, though this is not guaranteed and could take longer. -If you are submitting your current British and Non-British passport, please bring the original and a full colour photocopy of the entire passport (every page including blank pages). -Please collect your passport within 30 days from the date when you receive the notification email from VFS, after that we must return the passport back to the Passport Office in the UK. Best Regards, HMPO Officer
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