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Posts posted by yermanee

  1. Why are you blaming DHL for poor customer service?

    You are importing goods to Thailand and you do not want to pay the taxes

    It is not DHL fault, they cannot help you

    You want your goods, pay the taxes

    Do not put down a company because they cannot help you avoid taxes.

    Indeed, after having worked all my life in shipping, forwarding, customs clearance etc. let me give OP a few words of advice.

    Every country has laws and rules governing import of goods.

    Next time before you order something from abroad, it would be wise to inform yourself of these rules.

    I am sure DHL and Bongo have a clause in their conditions that local taxes and import duties are NOT included.

    Obviously you haven't noticed that.

    If you smuggle and get caught, be responsible enough to accept the consequences and don't blame others.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  2. Thanks LMan. I've noticed it's a Thai Airways sign. I'm flying back to bkk early Oct business class with United. Are there other fast track lines, or does everyone use the advertised Thai line? Plus, do I get a card/pass from the steward on the plane since I'm in business class? How does that work? Do all business class flyers able to use "fast track"?

    Thai fasttrack is for Thai-passengers only.

    There's a fasttrack location opposite gate D6 afaik maybe there are others, but that's the one I use on arriving.

    Normally every airline landing at BKK gives fasttrack cards to business class passengers.

    On departure you'll get your card at check-in.

    Have a good trip

    Yermanee wai.gif

    I don't get it with EVA sad.png

    Maybe they don't offer this service, or the crew has instructions to distribute them sparingly.

    You could ask on your next flight.tongue.png

    On one of my Qatar flights the crew forgot, and when I asked I got an embarrassed " Sorry sir " and she rushed to get each business passenger his/her card. biggrin.png

    Yermanee wai.gif

  3. The bungalow structure will stay as is. No hard feelings or disagreements from either myself or my landlord (yet). I just would like to gather opinions from those who have knowledge of this type of situation before I even discuss it with the landlord.

    Our agreement is that I pay for construction and pay a minimal rent, but when I am ready to leave, the structure is handed back to the land owner. I am only interested in taking a few 'attached' items with me... that I paid for: A/C unit, water heater, hanging lights and curtains.

    Thank you all for your replies!

    Speak first with the landlord. Maybe he's interested of buying the things from you. If not, as someone said if you take them out, you have to restore the bungalow to its original state, i.e. plug all the holes and repaint the walls.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  4. It is beautiful up there. Lots of places to explore. If you speak Thai or have a Thai partner. Cave Lodge is a great place to stay that's nearby and can arrange visits to local villages like this.

    Wish I could go, very beautiful indeed, but as with any place in Thailand the feel good factor comes from the local people.

    Nature does not need compliments, it does it's thing whether we like it or not.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  5. Interesting! I can't tell whether there is irony in the above, but i'll go with no and say having never been to either my perception is that they are both quite touristy and maybe not the peaceful haven I am looking for - can these kind of spots really still be found on both?!

    Also weather, checking on the internet they still look pretty rainy - is it just a fleeting shower and then sunshine at the mo on KS and KP?

    Well, you see it's the rainy season in Thailand till abt mid-end October, so not much luck there.

    Try looking at some beach hotels between Chumphon and Prachuap Khirikhan, Bang Saphan comes to mind.

    Some nice undevellopped stretches of beach there.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  6. Boncafe has coffee pads for your Senseo. 18 pads for 260, Baht. Each pad is individually packaged . I use the Decaf, and it's not bad, although the DE coffee is much better.

    BTW here it's called coffee PODS

    Yermanee wai.gif

    Thanks for the tip, I also have something called a Coffee Duck (only works on some Senseo models) then you can use any ground coffee, how ever the taste is not the same as when using the pads or pods thumbsup.gif


    Maybe the coffee not grounded fine enough ?

    Anyway I use a Princess because my first Senseo gave up after 2 months and Philips was useless in finding a solution for repair, and also (my experience) the coffee is hotter.


    Yermanee wai.gif

  7. I got a Senseo Coffee Machine sent over from Europe.

    (And in the mean time bought another one which is in our house in Buriram)

    Favorite Coffee: (all Senseo)

    Easy Weekend or

    Morning Americano

    Espresso Roast

    The coffee pods get brought over by friends or when no one is coming by Fedex.


    Boncafe has coffee pads for your Senseo. 18 pads for 260, Baht. Each pad is individually packaged . I use the Decaf, and it's not bad, although the DE coffee is much better.

    BTW here it's called coffee PODS

    Yermanee wai.gif

  8. This is brilliant. http://www.flightradar24.com//t_blank

    Click on any aircraft in the map. Then cockpit view on the left of the screen. Takes about a minute. I watched a landing at Swampy.

    Mosha, when I double clicked an aircraft icon, another screen came up which did say cockpit view of XXX flight, at the top but the screen had Google Earth in the center, saying I had to install Google Earth Plugin, which I did, then restarted IE. I keep getting the same thing though. Did you see the same but after 5 minutes, video came up?

    I use FireFox. I've had no problems with it.

    I use Firefox also. Just watched TG551 landing. Brilliant !!!

    Yermanee wai.gif

  9. This is brilliant. http://www.flightradar24.com//t_blank

    Click on any aircraft in the map. Then cockpit view on the left of the screen. Takes about a minute. I watched a landing at Swampy.

    I have been using flightradar24 for years now, although Suvarnabhumi has only been added a couple of months ago. Used it

    for arrivals/departures Middle-East and Europe.

    Didn't know about the cockpit view button.

    Thanks for that !

    Yermanee wai.gif

  10. Don't worry, the Prof will be on the blower to SB himself. Pardew didn't even bother hiding it last night.

    Yes - I noticed that and thought it strange. Thought the football authorities were cracking down on all contact. Seems daft to impose a touchline ban and then let them go down to the dressing room at half time, use phones etc.

    Call me Mr Plod but, I would prefer disciplinary matters to be a bit more rigorous, not the mickey-mouse half-arsed nods-as-good-as-a-wink stuff you get whenever football adminsitrations are involved. It's symptomatic of why you end up with a culture that promotes complete bottoms like Blatter to the top of the pile. Guess that's why I was always the ref and never the player!

    Ooh that feels better - must post from the bar more often.

    It's only a crack down on Wenger. Platini is not Arsene's best friend.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  11. Wow, should have kept my big mouth shut. sad.png

    Out in full force now.

    Anyway looking forward to St. Totteringhamsday early this season !!! tongue.png

    Yermanee wai.gif

  12. You ok yermanee? laugh.png

    Sorry MIG16 for my yesterdays reply. I was in a bit of alcohol related mood at the time of posting.

    Anyway the Arsenal gloom and doom crowd is noticeably absent isn't it ? Deafening silence is what I hear. whistling.gif

    Watched again yesterday. First half had some breathtaking football ( Except for scccezzzss howler).

    Tried to watch the Tott's last night but fell a sleep.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  13. I'm sure what you say is largely true, however, the one time I did get an upgrade was on the Athens - Bahrain leg of an ATH - BKK flight, and it happened because my luggage had been transferred direct from my internal flight (Aegean must have an agreement with Gulf Air - or had, I should say, as Gulf don't do Athens any more), and so I was waiting at check-in with only hand luggage. At the back of a long queue. The ground crew chap came over and asked (in Greek) if that was all the luggage I had. My Greek is ok, so I answered him in Greek explaining why I had only hand luggage. He told me not to wait in the queue, but to go check in at the business class desk. As I walked over to it, he just shouted "upgrade" to the girl, and upgrade is what I got. I don't fly that often, so have no loyalty cards or air miles, I'd bought the cheapest seat I could find on the Gulf website, and the guy who authorised the upgrade was the guy organising the check-in lines, so that rather flies in the face of the criteria you've laid out for upgrades. This was about five or six years ago.

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm sure it happens sometimes, but probably as the exception that confirms the rule.

    Fact is that you drew the attention of the ground crew because of your luggage situation, were probably well dressed and on top of that spoke Greek.

    I have had a similar experience in Abu Dhabi once, but again this was my first and only free upgrade I ever had, and that was also 5 - 6 years ago. What people in the know are trying to say here is, that these days are largely over and that asking for a free upgrade has as much chance of success, as asking for an alcoholic drink on Kuwait Airways.

    Thanks again

    Yermanee wai.gif

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  14. You ok yermanee? laugh.png

    Can't stop laughing.laugh.png

    Masterful display yesterday.

    Gerve the swerve got to show what he really can do laugh.png

    Scsszszezss was a little rusty.

    Lu Lu Lu Poldi immense.

    Cazorla (Fabregas who ???)

    Loved the team spirit.

    BTW replay is on Truesport 1 at 17.00.

    I'll be watching.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  15. Hi Peter888,

    Don't let yourself be discouraged by some of the replies here. If Christmas means something to you and your kids, then it's entirely up to you how you want to celebrate this special day.

    As one poster said most of the better hotels will have something on their program, and I'm sure some of the malls will have specials too.

    Just hope you don't get bored with hearing " Jingle Bells " everywhere you go tongue.png.

    Maybe re-post on the Bangkok forum for more detailed info.

    Enjoy your holiday !!!

    Yermanee wai.gif

  16. Do some ghost bookings on different airlines websites, then you can check the cancellation fee of the tickets you're interested in.

    It is correct that a refund will take some time, between 6 weeks and 3 months, again depending on the airline.

    The fee can range from for example 2.000 Baht with Qatar and more than 10.000 with Finnair.

    So some research will drastically improve your chances of getting a near full refund.

    Hope to have helped.

    Yermanee wai.gif

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