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Posts posted by yermanee

  1. It seems that notwithstanding comments of the usual useless replies, some are worth perusing.

    It's seems also that I'm not the only with this problem.

    One suggestion was water-sprinkler with motion detector which seems to be a valid solution as you can find out here :

    Now to find these here in Thailand at a reasonable price.

    Thanks to all who took the time to give useful or supporting replies.thumbsup.gif

    Yermanee wai.gif

  2. I had the same problem a few months ago, and i started a thread on " Plants & pets " subforum..Got some quite weird advices, but 1 has been quite useful and cheap..

    The cats are indeed deterred by lemon and orange smell, so the solution for me was to place orange peels in some strategic spot in the garden...I did it for a couple of months, and it worked a deal..Once the cats get used to roam other places, you won't need to do it so often.smile.png

    OK thanks for that.


  3. Unfortunately the only ihuman ways I can think of is having plants that act as a repellent. (My father had them in his garden to keep the cats away) or a net but as you said it is quite unsightly.

    Good luck and I hope you find the solution! smile.png

    Thanks !!

    I have a few suggestions already that are worth contemplating.

    As you said a net is unsightly and not only that but would keep away the birds from having a drink and a bath also.

    Thanks again !

    Yermanee wai.gif

  4. import a family from Isaan?

    Not a racist comment, people from my Isaan village have warned me not to let my Siamese cat outside, it'll finish up on a table somewhere.

    Maybe just a ruse to keep your cat from peeing, shitting all over the place and killing their pets.

    Responsible pet owners keep their animals on their own premises or on a leash when going for a walk.


    oh, like the neighbours' cows buffaloes, chickens and ducks shit all over the place including the bit that I think of as 'my bit'? And like dogs (even in Bangkok) and occasionally even buffalo disappear without a trace in Isaan? Good thinking Batman. We have three dogs and they never leave the property they know to the inch how far they can go. Go for a walk with a dog? When they have their 2 rais? We would be a laughing stock.

    Don't worry, a fence is on it's way, about 600 Meters long I think.

    My apologies.

    I didn't want to offend you.

    As I said, my temper is on a short leash momentarily.

    Sorry !

    Yermanee wai.gif

    • Like 1
  5. True the netting can take away from the look you are trying to achieve

    There is a shop on sukontasawat road across from the chok chai school who sell a near invisible netting ,more like a spiders web ,I purchased some recently for my fish ,I don't have a cat problem but my fish tend to jump out


    I know what you mean, they're the so called cloud or shadow nets. They are outlawed in Europe for a reason. No thank you, but thanks for the suggestion anyway.


  6. import a family from Isaan?

    Not a racist comment, people from my Isaan village have warned me not to let my Siamese cat outside, it'll finish up on a table somewhere.

    Maybe just a ruse to keep your cat from peeing, shitting all over the place and killing their pets.

    Responsible pet owners keep their animals on their own premises or on a leash when going for a walk.


    • Like 1
  7. Tourist are getting fleeced or targeted in every country of the world.

    The way I see it is that some members think it is racism when in fact it is nothing of the kind.

    A tourist is a non local. How does one distinguish a local from a non local ?

    Here in Thailand a first clue is the fact that we farangs have a different skin color than the Thais, can one really call this racism ?

    I don't think so, also because as other members have experienced many times just showing a driving license is enough to get the lower price.

    As for the restaurants double pricing in Pattaya, Phuket, Chang Mai etc. again this is fleecing the tourists. I have never witnessed this practice in non tourist towns or villages, and believe me I have eaten in a lot of places outside of the tourist centers.

    Just my opinion.


  8. We have the same problem, big pond full of coy also nesting baby Lapwings, and Oriental Magpie Robins and Baby Bull Bulls, we have a 2.5 meter wall all round the garden but still one black cat can get over the wall, Our own eight domestic cats stay in large cages and only go out under supervision so they are not a problem.

    I have thought of trying motion sensor alarms close by the pond on the route he uses, dunno if that would work or he would get used to the noise they make.

    We have also chased him with water pistols.

    So it's true, black cats are bad luck biggrin.png

    I have not considered motion sensors (lights only), will give it consideration.

    I was also contemplating putting a low voltage electric wire on the wall, but am afraid that would be harmful

    to birds and would keep away the squirrels also. It was a beautiful sight late afternoons when many birds came to take a bath in a shallow part of the pond, but they also seem to have gotten the message.

    Thanks for the suggestion.


  9. It was a joke!!

    have you tried putting a net over the pond ,its the only answer.

    As I said my patience is wearing thin. Sorry.

    I have considered a net but found it to distract from the natural outlook I wanted to achieve.

    At first there was no problem with cats for many years, until 6 months ago a family moved in across the street with 6 cats.

    The family is gone but the cats were left behind to fend for themselves which they do.

    Anyway, now because of all the plants growing in and out of the pond it's impossible to aesthetically apply a net that would effectively close off entrance for a cat.

    Thanks for the suggestion though


  10. I don’t want to kill, maim or hurt any animal but my patience is wearing thin.

    Waterpitols etc. have limited success initially, but it just keeps the cats away in daytime, or when I or my wife are active in the garden.

    I have lost thousands of bath worth of pond fish, except for that I like my fish and spent a lot of effort (pumps, filters, cleaning, replanting etc) on them. Just this morning I found one of my favorite fish writting in it’s death struggle with a big gash in its side.

    I used to have a lot of birds nesting in my garden trees and shrubs and even had a family of squirrels nesting in my ruen Thai.

    All gone !!!!!!!

    Please no inhumane suggestions.

    Thanks beforehand.


  11. Just received this info from UL

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Thank you for contacting SriLankan Airlines!

    You may refer to our baggage allowance as below…

    Checked Baggage Hand Luggage

    Economy Class 30kg 07kg

    Business Class 40kg 14kg

    **Please note that the above baggage allowances may vary if you are having an onward journey to any American country.

    You may contact them direct Customer Baggage ([email protected])

    I hope the above is of some help.

    I stand rectified.

    Sorry for any confusion I caused.


  12. If I remember Etihad and Oman points can be used on either airline?

    Is this true or not? If so then you could use Oman and still get points on Etihad.

    The way I understand it their agreement is only for free tickets.

    BTW Oman Air does not give upgrades for miles unless one has purchased a full "C" ticket. This has been confirmed to me.

    On becoming GOLD member I received 2 free upgrade vouchers but cannot use them on "D" tickets.

    The only advantage is free meet and greet (including breezing through security) at Muscat airport, and a bit more deference from on-board staff and reduced duty-free prices.

    Anyway as said it's the comfort level in lounges and their business class seats that's paramount for me with my old bones.



  13. You have to chuckle at ThaVisa members, they have cornered the market in MBA girls, how do they do it, seems like young Thai women are attracted to old men.


    You have to chuckle at the embittered old fools who are old, single and broke.....not me though....I am full of sympathy for them. biggrin.png

    Smokes, sssh but dont tell Ms Mills but my wife has an MBA from Chula with Honours, she's 17 yrs younger than me and I am not rich. (but I am a pretty good shag apparently, well I got two kids I know of anyway) ')

    No kids here, am 76 and don't know how, still learning though.clap2.gif


  14. Some info re FRA and CDG for Oman Air :

    FRA ; Oman uses terminal 2. so if you want to take the train you have to switch terminals.

    CDG : Oman uses terminal 2a and it's an easy walk to the TGV station.

    On the other hand a Lufthansa flight from FRA to BRU is somewhere around 118 € return.

    Don't know what the TGV (or Thalys) to Brussels costs.

    As said I always rent a car and FRA is better for me because cheaper rental cars than CDG, no highway tolls and better roads.

    Anyway I don't want to impose Oman on you, just informing you why Oman is better for me.

    BTW the Etihad FFP is a lot better than Oman's.



  15. Oh, forgot I did find Oman Air business class at 89k to FRA or CDG, supposedly the best business class around, excellent deal for people living in Germany or France, I might consider them, but am put off by the travel to/from FRA/CDG

    I have the same logistics problem. My final destination is Eupen in Belgium. So have the choice BRU - FRA - AMS - CDG or DUS.

    Since I need to rent a car in Belgium anyway there's not much difference between these airports as regards my final destination.

    Although I prefer BRU as airport I now fly Oman simply because of the comfort of the business class experience with Oman Air.

    Used to have gold on Etihad and Qatar also but am now gold Oman member. I hope they will keep their pricing for a long time, since I would hate to have to switch back to either Qatar or Etihad.

    Baht 89.000 is worth every cent in my opinion.

    BTW Emirates never again after 1 return flight.

    Hope to have helped.


  16. So many people here are saying that they have cancelled any ideas of going to Thailand for a holiday, because frankly, they think that its is dangerous and are scared.

    Then it's a great time to come as accommodation will be surplus and the rates should be less.

    In my experience, whenever tourist numbers are down, hotel rates go up but hey, this is Thailand !biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

    Incredible how some of you guy's manage to survive here in Thailand.

    All booking sites for Thai hotels have prices for high season and low season and many times even last minute deals.

    And guess what ? The prices for low season are a lot cheaper than for high season.

    But don't let that stop you from spouting ridiculous generalizations.


    Yermanee wai.gif

  17. After going to power buy I need even more time to think. The display models are mainly smaller ones. So I've been searching their website.

    I've found a large Mitsubishi for a 26 to 36 room for 59,000 baht. Seems very expensive! Just curious why the room rating has a 10 meter range.

    Here is the link:


    Can anyone recommend any specific mitsu models? Thanks.

    The model in your link is 22.000 BTU, much much to big. I would stay away from powerbuy if I were you.

    As said 12.000 BTU is perfect for your room size, and found info here : http://srairsale.com/page-2394.html (note the price difference)

    I don't know where you are situated, but there should be a smaller airco shop in your immediate vicinity.

    Anyway good luck.

    Yermanee wai.gif

    p.s. : as said before installation is very important i.e. tight soldering, perfectly level etc.

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