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Posts posted by yermanee

  1. Hi Smokie,

    You realize it's the most expensive period of the year?

    A couple of places in your price range with beach front.


    Price approx. 5 K/night

    Friends of mine stayed there and can't stop talking about it.

    RARI WARIN RESORT & SPA on Koh Lanta.

    Stayed there a couple of years ago and loved it.

    Sorry can't help more since I don't travel much anymore.

    Good Luck

    Yermanee wai.gif

  2. Never been to Phuket, so I might check it out soon. Read all the dreadful things about it on here and it put me off going. But I went to Pattaya (after reading the dreadful things on here) and didn't find any of the dreadful things. In fact, it was a fairly friendly place. So now I'm thinking that what I read on here about Phuket may not be true either. Always best to check things out yourself. I'm sure it wouldn't have 4.7 million visitors if it was as bad as some on here make out.

    It attracts so many visitors because it's about the only Thai destination that is heavily promoted in the west.

    I did like it years ago but not anymore, but don't let that stop you, because as you said hands on experience is the only way to judge for yourself.smile.png

    Enjoy your trip and post a report.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  3. If and when you come across some cress in Friendship or elsewhere I'm sure the seeds are actually in the cress heads and there are some very helpful websites for the amateur horticulturalist on how to grow your own cress.

    I may be wrong but aren't the seeds that sit between the stalks seeds that didn't make it ?

    Anyway thanks to all that replied.

    I have friends in my country send me a few packets of seeds that will last me till my next trip to Europe..

    Thanks again

    Yermanee wai.gif

  4. Nice video, even had some places I didn't know about.

    Unfortunately for me I don't like overcrowded places so many of these markets are a definite no-no.

    What I would add though is the Siam Ocean World in the Paragorn building, the bus-boat combination trip to Ayudhya, the Jim Thompson House and an evening cocktail in the Sky Bar (expensive) on top of the Lebua hotel weather permitting which is 320 days a year.

    Yermanee wai.gif

    • Like 1
  5. Wow...that's great! I just pinned it. beano2274 was the member who suggested doing this, and who has contributed significantly! Along with many others. wai.gifwai.gifwai.gif

    Congrats to us all!

    P.S. I refer to this page when planning my trips. Lots of good info there. clap2.gif

    Indeed many members contributed, but if you hadn't pinned it, it would be on page 35 now.laugh.png

    Yermanee wai.gif

  6. I'll take a slap in the face any day over having to pay an outrageous penalty.

    BTW: I have never heard of custom officals blacklisting you for a minor offense such as my example. It's just a penalty and confiscation.

    What you described sounds more like a kick in the balls.

    Because you've never heard of something doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

    Anyway why ask the question if you're negating all the answers ?

    Go ahead smuggle your 1,75 liter bottle and travel in uncertainty.

    Yermanee wai.gif

    LOL. No I just think within reason and weigh the risk v consequences. I suppose I could get struck by lightening but the odds tell me that won't happen either.

    You need better reading comprehension. I didn't "negate everyone's answers." I told the last guy that I have never heard of people getting blacklisted for committing a very minor offense.

    On post #11 I thanked everyone for their feedback and paraphrased that the risk outweighs the reward.

    Other than the unecessary posturing on your part, everyone else has been very helpful here.

    I'm not posturing I'm just telling you that you've made up your mind before asking here on ThaiVisa.

    You should know that not all answers you receive will be to your liking.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  7. I'll take a slap in the face any day over having to pay an outrageous penalty.

    BTW: I have never heard of custom officals blacklisting you for a minor offense such as my example. It's just a penalty and confiscation.

    What you described sounds more like a kick in the balls.

    Because you've never heard of something doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

    Anyway why ask the question if you're negating all the answers ?

    Go ahead smuggle your 1,75 liter bottle and travel in uncertainty.

    Yermanee wai.gif

    • Like 1
  8. I'm also very partial to cress especially in a sandwich and as Rab C has said it is usually obtainable in Friendship and I have bought it there in the past. By all accounts it is easy to grow once you've got the seeds from which the plant becomes fully developed and ready to eat in a week.

    Yes I know it's easy to grow once one has the seeds. But can't find them either.

    Thanks for the suggestion


  9. Whats a brussel sprout doing supporting the gooners?

    Does it matter ?


    Not at all, just interested. Is that alright?

    Yes off course, if you really want to know it was Mike Riley in the game that ended the unbeaten run.

    I had never seen such a biased referee in all my years of watching football and I started to become interested in the wronged team.

    Hope that satisfies your curiosity tongue.png

    Yermanee wai.gif

  10. Considering the number of idiots who play football, and the general trend (not always, but often) that the better the player, the more arrogant, self centred and unpleasant they become, one wonders how you are able to support any team.

    You can wonder as much as you like, I do support the Arsenal and I know I'm in the minority here. Furthermore I like to say it the way I see it, if that's not what you like then so be it.I believe that's what forums are for, to be able to voice an opinion. At least I don't go crying about you on another topic.

    Lesson learned again about you and not for the first time.

    Congratulations you made it to my ignore list as of now.


  11. Yermanee none in Friendship at 08:00 today

    Thanks for that but I read your post too late. My better half is on the way there sad.png .

    Well I guess she'll come home empty handed again.

    Thanks again.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  12. It does drive you crazy here a bit. we went to buy avocados yesterday at Foodland. 2 weeks ago you could get a big bag for about 90B. Today, they were 49B each! The stores are very inconsistent.

    It gets frustrating having to visit 2-3 stores to get all the items you need.

    Especially if like you, one has to travel a fair distance to get too these stores.

    BTW I live near Wat Suthiwas on the dark side not as far as you, but not near any of the good supermarkets, the nearest being Foodland, at exactly 9 klicks.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  13. Must admit to being a little intrigued yermanee. Seen you around the forum a couple of years now and never noticed you on the football forum. Is your interest in Arsenal a new thing?

    Anyway, had you popped your nose in to this part of the forum a bit earlier and a bit more often, you would know that i am about the furthest thing you can get from a Liverpool fan. You would only have to look in the Liverpool thread over the last couple of days to see very clear evidence of that. And that is not the only evidence you would have. You would also have evidence that i am the last person to defend Suarez for a lot of what he has said and what he has done.

    But, despite all that, i still recognise the great footballer that he is. It's not that i overlook all the bad things about him when i say that, it's that they simply don't come into the equation. This isn't a beauty pageant we are talking. Judging a footballer isn't about who is the nicest or who is the most rounded, this is about who can do great things with a ball at their feet. He can.

    To be quite honest i would have taken him ahead of RVP. SAF would of straightened out his character flaws in no time and then you would of really seen the best of him.

    I've been on the Arsenal topic for quite a while now, and occasionally on the Tottenham topic but that's not the point.

    You seem to be able to separate the man from his sporting abilities. Well I cannot, for me it's one package, and in the case of Suarez the negatives outweigh the positives by quite a distance as far as I'm concerned.

    And about SAF straightening him out, that's conjecture isn't it and will probably never happen, I think SAF is clever enough to have recognized Suarez for what he is.

    But we're way of topic here, this should be about the Arsenal and not about individuals from other teams.

    Just my opinion.

    Yermanee wai.gif


  14. Whatever else you might say about Suarez, he is a very gifted footballer that creates a spark up front that few others can. This season he has done everything but score, and yes, i know, that's an important part of the game, but the goals will come, and perhaps when they do, he'll lose some of the frustration that brings out all the theatrics.

    I'm always amazed that so many people choose to overlook all the bad things about a person just because he's gifted footballer..

    No matter how good Suarez is, the fact is that he's a diver, a cheat and a racist. May even have cost Kenny's job for supporting Suarez..

    Don't you care how all the negativity around this one person reflects on your club ?

    Yermanee wai.gif

  15. I am sure it can occasionally be seen in Friendship, between the fresh herbs and salad leaves.

    Every time (abt twice a week) we looked there wasn't any. Maybe we were unlucky. Thanks for the tip.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  16. Thanks for the translation Yermanee.

    The money men at Arsenal (whoever it is that is driving the cautious and conservative approach to Arsenal's finances) will want to keep him. Defenders do not earn big bucks, so you can't make the same amount of dosh feeding them to the Manchester machine as you can strikers and midfielders.

    Your very welcome.

    Whichever way the British media distorts what has really been said doesn't reflect well on them does it?

    Anyway I agree that it's not upto Sagna who leaves and who stays. Football is a business and it's not the worker bee's that decide on the way a business is run.

    Yermanee wai.gif

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