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Posts posted by yermanee

  1. I would think somewhere in the mountains up north (Chang Rai - Mae Hong Son).

    Even if it gets hot in the day, the mornings, evenings and nighttime will be cool.

    Or like craig says somewhere on an island (Koh Chang - Koh Kood etc.)

    Good luck


    I be curious to hear from someone who has spent the summer in the mountains here. Would be interesting to hear about the temperature. Maybe even Khao Yai? But I've heard it's expensive there.

    Hi Craig,

    Unfortunately all my experiences date from many years ago, so not very relevant today.

    However did spent a couple of days at Mae Hong Son and remember that it was cold in the evenings to the point that one needed at least a sweater to be comfortable.



    HA! I don't even have any sweaters here! Just got back from Egypt and was amazed at how cold it is in Cairo. Freezing! Sure wished I'd had my sweater with me then.

    I do love cool evenings.

    Look no further :

    Weather for Mae Hong Son



    BTW How was Egypt ?

  2. I would think somewhere in the mountains up north (Chang Rai - Mae Hong Son).

    Even if it gets hot in the day, the mornings, evenings and nighttime will be cool.

    Or like craig says somewhere on an island (Koh Chang - Koh Kood etc.)

    Good luck


    I be curious to hear from someone who has spent the summer in the mountains here. Would be interesting to hear about the temperature. Maybe even Khao Yai? But I've heard it's expensive there.

    Hi Craig,

    Unfortunately all my experiences date from many years ago, so not very relevant today.

    However did spent a couple of days at Mae Hong Son and remember that it was cold in the evenings to the point that one needed at least a sweater to be comfortable.



  3. I think for most people in Thailand it's about not losing face. Speaking out and causing an uproar would just have them lose face or have the boss lose face. Also most Thai people working in companies are corrupt, no matter how high up or low in the company they are and everyone knows this yet many are unable to do anything about it so they just act like they have no idea.

    I think the corruption scale in Thailand is what leads to greed, lack of honesty and integrity.

    You have it wrong.

    Greed, jealousy, lack of honesty and/or integrity are human traits (amongst others) ever since mankind climbed out of the trees, and are the origin of corruption, not the other way around.

    Yermanee jap.gif

    • Like 1
  4. What makes you think that I don't pay for my own tickets ?

    Anyway, all the perks that one gets flying business class are worth the price difference as far as I am concerned, and I do think that I have the right to decide what I do with my own money.


    Apologies. I didn't mean to paint you with the broad brush. I know many people who buy their own tickets and fly business.

    But I get kind of tickled hearing people with real jobs extolling on their unflappable love affair with Business Class then hear them griping a year later when their company's policy changes and they "only" get cheap seats paid by the company. Seems they love the perks as long as they're funded by OPM (Other People's Money). I realize you may not be in that group, and I apologize if I've offended.

    And I also realize there are routes where business is only nominally more expensive than the cheap seats, especially if you have a flexible schedule and time to make those arrangements. But the times I've done the math, it did not work out. At the time I was self employed and the purpose of the trips were to make money. Starting the trip several hundred or thousand $$$ further in the hole didn't seem like a prudent use of my own limited funds.

    No need to apologize, I was not offended.

    Just wanted to point out that some people do value comfort over price if the price difference is within their limits.

    Have to admit though that when I was a lot younger comfort level was far less important than it is now as far as I'm concerned.

    Yermanee jap.gif

  5. Let's have some fun and calculate what that business class ticket cost you per hour that you got to sit in a comfier seat on the plane (true, with slightly better food), and occasionally save time at immigration. I figured somewhere between $50 and $200 per hour depending on the flight details... I'll take the cheap seats any day. But then, I pay for my own tickets.

    What makes you think that I don't pay for my own tickets ?

    Anyway, all the perks that one gets flying business class are worth the price difference as far as I am concerned, and I do think that I have the right to decide what I do with my own money.


  6. Dear Canardo,

    I don't mean to be impertinent; perhaps you misunderstood my comment. "Invaluable" indicates something having such great value that it is impossible to calculate. For me, cdnvic's reference to that website is proving to be a precious gift, a gift from a kind stranger which will enable me to explore Thailand in my preffered fashion. Actually, in the only fashion I can afford, Ha Ha! No pretentions here.

    Also, I would like to add that CharlieH's Spock rules! My next haircut is going to be the Spock.

    Thanks to all of you international explorers.

    If you like CharlieH's avatar so much what about mine ?

    Sorry, couldn't resist.


  7. If the airline forgets to hand you your card, all you have to do is ask for it. Simple really.


    Not so simple if the airline did not load the cards and the ground handling agents are not helpful, or worse an airline (like Qantas) gives you the old no longer valid cards.

    The point is that things are becoming much worse at BKK. Perhaps a move from TG where departing in premium cabins with them is a breeze with dedicated security and immmigration.

    I have flown Qatar / Oman / Etihad and never had any problems.

    I usually fly to Frankfurt or Paris or Brussels and can assure you that in those airports the queuing is much worse than I have ever witnessed at BKK.

    I have to emphasize that I like Suvarnabhumi Airport and do not understand all the negativity about it.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  8. If like me, you fly business class you don't need an Apec card.

    Simple really.


    Wrong, even the lines accessed with the new golden premium card were 15 minutes deep yesterday which is not fast track at all. Also some airlines "forget" handing out these cards to their premium passengers and Qantas - a supposedly serious airline - recently handed out old cards no longer valid.

    I was replying to the Apec card post and NOT to OP.

    Anyway even you have to admit that waiting 15 minutes or over 2 hours is a big difference.

    If the airline forgets to hand you your card, all you have to do is ask for it. Simple really.


  9. Concourse C and E Thai lounges are where Star Alliance gold card holders are pointed to these days I think. The big lounge under Concourse D is reserved only for those flying Thai biz class (and I assume ROP gold card holders, but might be wrong).

    I usede the one at D today and it was chocca....but thinned out eventually. No bloody power points neither....crap lounges anyway.

    I experience that in many business class lounges around the world... They seem to have been designed before the advent of the internet and business people actually wanting to use their laptop. OK, I haven't encountered a lounge without free Wifi yet (apart from Vientiane), but finding an electric plug is often a challenge.

    Frankfurt (Lufthansa lounge terminal 1 - used by Qatar) and Paris don't have free wifi.


  10. Not surprisingly many here say they will opt out if the time comes.

    I'm 75 and have no intention whatsoever to do just that, maybe because I believe it to be a cowardly act.

    I prefer to try and cope with whatever life throws at me.

    However having said that I find it very strange indeed that animals can be put humanely to sleep, and humans cannot.

    Anyway as my signature says : Old age is not for sissies, but a loving wife and family helps alot.


  11. As an example :

    Oman Air business class BKK/FRA return in May 2012.

    Ita and Oman Air : 89.235,- Baht

    Mox Travel : 87.625,- Baht

    Travel agent North Pattaya : 87.500,-

    If the price is right I prefer to book with a travel agent if only for the person to person experience in case something goes wrong.


  12. I am an itasoftware man myself, find it easy to use and to check prices, then go to the airlines site to check again.

    I have experienced that Ita (Matrix) and the airlines often give the same price or Ita slightly higher than the airline, so I try out different avenues i.e. Mox Travel, travel agent, local booking agent for certain airlines etc.

    I have to admit that I have the time and the patience to do so.


  13. 1.It has become virtually impossible to make the most innocuous post imaginable without someone (often more than one) having a go at you, passing spiteful comments and casting aspersions on your motives and making wild unjustified accusations and insults.

    The main reason why I stopped posting on many different sub-forums is just because of what you describe.

    I visit this forum for some entertainment, and where I can to reply to questions asked, but only if I deem the info I can provide to be accurate.

    I do not come here to be ridiculed, insulted etc. if my opinion does not comply with expectations from posters.

    Anyway this post just to keep the topic alive (or has everything been said ?)


    • Like 1
  14. Used Oman Air once BKK/MCT/FRA/MCT/BKK in business class.

    Excellent !!

    The best business class seats I have ever experienced.

    However Muscat airport is a let down compared to their inflight experience.

    Used the internet option on board just for the thrill of it and it worked albeit slowly..

    Yermanee jap.gif

    what about the business class lounge?Comparable to the business lounge in Doha?In Bangkok you must use the Sky lounge and not the Thai lounges.In Munich you can not use the Lufthansa lounges but the Atlantic Lounge is offered.But they offer chauffeur driven limousines Qatar not.

    Oman Air have their own lounge now in Bangkok in concourse E.

    Muscat lounge here : http://www.omanair.com/wy/information-services/airport/oman-air-lounges

    Haven't used any of their lounges in Europe because in Europe I always check-in as late as possible. Lounges in Europe are generally very poor compared to the Middle-East and Asia.

    Nothing compares to the Qatar Doha premium lounge although sometimes a little bit to crowded.

    Have now used Oman Air in business class 2 times and can only confirm my previous statement i.e. the best experience ever.

    Hope to have helped


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