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Posts posted by yermanee

  1. I've found that sometimes Agoda will display the list price up so that it can offer what seems to be a greatly discounted rate and then when I check the site of the hotel I see that the actual hotel price is close to the discounted rate. I'm not so bothered though, any discount is better than none.

    Thank You


  2. According to a local newspaper in my home country, Malaysia Airlines no longer accepts children under 12 in their 1st class on all aircraft, plus on their 380 the upper floor will also be child free.

    I have tried to find confirmation by Google but don't seem to find anything.

    If true I find this a step in the right direction.

    What's your opinion and has anyone confirmation of this.


  3. I actually took the time to read and digest all that and would have to agree that there are similarities to Thailand. Trying to compare what goes on in rural Thailand to what happens in the various cities is like comparing night and day. That is why we get so many widely oposite answers here on thaivisa.

    Thanks for reading, IanForbes. As Thailand becomes more prosperous, I just sincerely doubt we will be seeing as many threads with older gentleman making the same positive comments about how they are treated and revered.

    So, that's more reason to enjoy the heck out of it now.

    I'll check back in 10 years, assuming TV will still be around. smile.png

    Just as an aside. Have you ever considered that affection, connectedness, camaraderie, gratitude, loyalty and even love seem to be human traits largely disappearing in the west but still found here in the east ?

    Yermanee jap.gif

    • Like 1
  4. Nonsense, what you have posted is as clear as mud.

    Regardless of wheather or not I should have read the fine print which of course in most cases you would need a legal team to decipher the re-booking cost is absurd and of course you know it.

    Oh by the way this is not an outbound departure but a return so can not be classed as a first fare component. It is in fact the 3rd section.

    I have over the last 12 years travelled First and Business class as well as economy and now wonder if there are differing tiers in these classes, anyone know if this is the case?.


    Only me and half of the participants on this thread have told you so.

    But you don't have to believe us.

    Do a ghost booking on qatar airways and you can choose which subclass you want to use, each one a different price off course and different restrictions.

    Yermanee jap.gif

  5. Fantastic topic, thanks to OP for posting it.

    To give just one example, at Songkran the whole family comes to show their respect to me, i.e. wish me sawatdee pimai, and they throw some rose scented water over my hands and shoulder. That's respect and the only thing I like about songkran.

    Unfortunately it's a big family so I'm soaked at the end of it all but I love it !

    In my home country I'm just an old fart who doesn't know the latest trends in music, fashion etc.

    Well done Kerryk !

    Yermanee jap.gif

  6. Chivas,If seats had been available in the same class that you already held then it would no doubt have been Oman's standard fee change of £50.

    No seats in that class then you wait until there is, or pay the difference as others have stated for a higher fare ticket. Makes no difference that you will be sat in exactly the same economy seat.


    Im sorry am I missing something here, So exactly the same seat carries a charge of over 17 thousand baht. Just maybe its me and somehow i have lost the plot.

    But this sort of charge when they admit they have empty seats in economy just does not make sense,

    Why when I have as always booked direct with Emirates/Etihad/BA/Eva/Sri Lanka/Thai have I never encountered this problem.

    I will now book a new flight with another airline and Oman can stick their airline where the sun dont shine.


    To OP : Just to make it clear that Oman Air is not at fault, here's an extract from their fare conditions available on their website :









    So again it's not a rip-off.

    Next time read the conditions before you book. It should be no surprise that one airline does it just a bit different than another.

    It's always easier to blame someone else isn't it.

    Yermanee jap.gif

  7. The first step is to refuse to be called, and referred to as a "farang".

    The more we encourage them to call us "farang", the more distant and objectified we become.

    We could at least try to encourage them to start to notice our different nationalities, it will be one step closer to make them realize we are people too.

    Personally, I do not like the word "farang" at all.

    Is this the 698th thread about Farang not being or being an offensive word or the 712th thread?

    What I am saying here kid, ever since there has been a Thai Visa people have been discussing this issue and this word. Trust me it has all been said before years ago and months ago and weeks ago and the people who think Farang is a bad word have always been proved wrong. But don't take my word for it. Look back at anyone of the 700 odd threads about the word Farang over the past 10 years.

    The only thing that has been proven is that the word can be used in a negative way, a positive way or a neutral way.

    The fact that most Thaivisa members think it is the latter doesn't prove anything.

    And I do believe that anyone has the right to dislike something you might like.

    Just my 2 cents


  8. To be honest im not sure if I did or not, I have booked so many flights from the uk to Thailand over the past 12 years yet never encountered this before.

    Up until very recent I was a Gold member for years with Skywards (emirates) and dont recall ever buying some sort of low class economy, In fact I always assumed if you booked direct with the airline (online with no travel agent involved) this could not be the case.

    And regardless 17825thb, are they mad.


    I'm afraid it's not a rip off but conditions attached to your booking as mentioned by Endure.

    Economy class seats are divided into multiple sub-classes i.e. the cheaper the fare you pay the more restrictions apply.

    I understand that you feel cheated but it often helps to be informed.

    Yermanee jap.gif

  9. I have just been confirmed through the agency that the credit card will not be required, as it has already been confirmed electronically. Thanks for the feedback.

    So you booked through an agent and paid him with your credit card ?

    That explains it. Could have mentioned that in the beginning ohmy.pnghuh.png

    Yermanee jap.gif

  10. But you don't appear to have the "What if I check into a cheap crappy hotel Gene" !!.. wai.gif

    I agree with you. There is no concept of consequence, possibly as a result of no accountability or responsibility.

    BTW: I would not be using that shower !! If you have an option, choose another hotel.

    Does the hotel have free WIFI ?


    • Like 1
  11. I fly on the 20th of May and have a lot of miles left.I could not find any remark on their website.If you get news please pm me.

    I fly on the 9th. Will note the miles required for some items and post here.

    Anything in particular ?

    Yermanee jap.gif

    small elctronic devices like a dictaphone,or small leather bag.

    That's pretty vague as a discription especially the leather bag. What kind of bag ?

    Name me one specific item and I'll see what I can do ok ?

    Yermanee jap.gif

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