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Posts posted by yermanee

  1. Don't get me wrong - I am a big fan of the trains despite the rise in costs, cancellations, run down bogies and cockroaches.

    The trains simply do not run to the Andaman coast save for Trang and for anyone to go by train only to stop and transf to a longhaul bus is just a hassle, expense and a waste of time.

    Up to you!


    OP asked about the experience traveling by train to Surat and then by bus to Phuket.

    I still think it's a bit of an adventure that one should experience in Thailand at least once.

    It may be a waste of time or it may be time well spent, and for me and my friends it was the latter.

    Would I do it again : probably not but I certainly do not regret it.

    Just my opinion

    Yermanee :jap:

  2. I never carry my passport although it lives in my work bag with my PC and work permit. It's just too much hassle to replace.

    Thai driving licence has always worked when I've been asked for ID.

    Agree, either that or a copy of the passport does it for me.

    A wallet just makes it convenient for a would be pickpocket.

    Yermanee :jap:

  3. Hi there,

    I did it once with a group of friends, not to Phuket but to Krabi, which is about the same distance.

    Arranged for a minibus to pick us up at Surathani train station.

    The train experience was very positive especially the many hours spend in the resto-wagon.

    Cannot say the same about the mini-bus ride, very tiresome.

    Would not do it again, however glad I did it once, because all in all it is an experience to remember.

    Maybe one way train + bus and return by plane?


    Yermanee :jap:

  4. I think many people who read this site have very little understanding of what has been said

    At no time did I say they should be exempt from a VISA in fact they are a MUST

    What I did say is one you get a drivers licence in 1 US state it is good for all states unless you want to move to another state to live, and the same is the rule in Australia

    In context once you have been approved for full time residency in Australia you have already done the hoop jumping, why does the US immigration think they are better than Australia, or England, do American think there immigration system is better than all others

    Not bad for a country that allows terrorists into their homeland to kiil its citizens, some thing Australia has been able to stop

    So if you use the preference 1st World Country as some poster have written

    Is it not logical if you hold permenant residence in one of these countries it should make the granting of visas the same for all 1st World Countries

    and the fact she was born in Thailand or any other country should not have any bearing on this

    I can apply for a Visa (and happy to do so) over the internet for all countries in the world for my complete Family ( Mother, daughter and wife)

    Only in the US can I not do this

    So the underlying question is why do you not trust Australian Immigration to be able to do their job, yet want our men to fight your battles and loose lives in any country you decide to invade

    It seem my posting has be hijacked by western men who have a grudge against Thailand, and want to take it out on all Thai Females

    we are all meant to be in tune with each other, and all have the same ends

    Seems Austral;ia and England are able to get on together with these things but America wants to put it self above the world MY OPINION

    But as the wife has pointed out to me many Americans get turned around at Australia borders so maybe this is tit for tat as mention on this posting

    You can argue till you are Black and Blue, but in the end it seems not only the US Government feel they are better than everyone else, but is seem many of you feel the same

    I did say RULES about visa's.

    Every country has the prerogative to make any rule they want or can get away with.

    Your frustration comes from the fact that the false pride of your spouse makes it more difficult to obtain (not impossible) a visa for her, and that you seem to live a fair distance from the nearest Embassy. You can hardly blame the US for these facts.

    Rules are there for a purpose and even if we don't (want to) understand their purpose, the rules are the rules.

    No malice intended.

    Yermanee :jap:

  5. My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

    Lets not get all mawkish here, it's not rocket science. She's trying to visit a 1st world country from a whatever country. It seems the op's bird has a very high opinion of herself - nice Thai female trait that. That foreigners can walk into Thailand is immaterial... they make it that way to get easy money in. Suggest getting her to swallow her pride and things will go more smoothly. Ask her what she thinks about her ability to buy land, houses, cars, businesses in these countries while enjoying immigration-free stays for the duration. What's that? but, but, but... thought so. :whistling:

    America is no longer on the same level as Australia, look at your countries Financial Mess

    Its a laugh when you hear Apple Computers has more cash flow than the American Government

    It seems you all missed the point in question

    It is not the fact she needs a visa, she does and even I do

    Her question is she has already passed the test when she became a permanant Australia

    Why then does she have to jump through all the hoops again, if she gets an Australian passport, which I will finally get her to agree to all is okay

    I like many others have no desire to go to America, as I already live in a better place AUSTRALIA

    But it was her dream

    Now she can see all that I have been telling her about America was true

    The origional Post was


    So she can legally stay work and live in Australia ( the best country in the world)

    SHE HAS A FAMILY, A HOME, AND INCOME (Good proof she is not trying to get into America)

    But what upsets her is


    But in America she is treated like a person from a 3rd world country (not just Thais but many other countries as point out in this posting)

    There is no doubt she will not have problems if she does what the require

    The posting was only to say that it is unfair that once you have passed the test in Australia, that American embassy not take this into account

    As said before this is my Thai wife's feeling, and she is allowed to have her personal feeling

    She has 2 young children under 4 years of age and she has never been away from them, and feels she should not have to

    As a sample she said to me

    She has a Thai drivers Licence

    When she first came to Australia it was recognised and she could use it

    She only needed to get an Australia licence when she was staying here

    To make a long story short

    The writiing are her feeling, right or wrong these are her right

    I do not agree with many things she says or does

    But I believe in her right to say what she feels

    Her argument is valid

    Westerners (Americans) get a 30 day visa on landing in Thailand

    Then why can a Thai or any other national get a similar visa to visit America if they have already proved they are not an immigration risk

    Cut and Shut


    Each country has different rules in place regarding visa's.

    The U.S. has restrictions regarding citizens of certain countries.

    What in god's name makes you and your wife think that she should be exempt from this rule?

    Just my 2 cents

    Yermanee :jap:

  6. I remember years ago, that an airline was offering Business Class as buy one get one free to the UK, I wonder if these kind of deals will ever happen again.

    That was Gulf Air if I'm not mistaken.

    But it was not entirely free. The taxes on the second ticket had to be paid.

    As for airlines to Europe where you don't have to step over another passenger if you have a window seat, you can add Oman Air to that list.

    Business class with Oman Air is in a 1 - 2 - 1 configuration as in most airlines first class service.

    Just for information.

    Yermanee :jap:

  7. What I will say about Air Asia is that whilst they do advertise a headline rate all their add ons are available to see on their website, and during the booking process you are able to add on or deselect some of those you don't want.

    Take a look at today's press and have a look at the air fares offered by major carriers and travel agents, they all show a headline figure adding that fuel surcharges, taxes and other costs are extra, but they say what the extra costs are until well into the booking process.

    I note that Thai Airways, to it's credit, quote fully inclusive prices on their website, I recently priced a flight to London on British Airways, the headline fare was 24,000 Baht for the round trip, once all the add ons were included, and they don't go into full details, the fare was in excess of 42,000 Baht.

    Dear Oldgit,

    I understand that you like Air Asia, but please accept that not everybody knows how to beat the booking system that's specifically designed to confuse the unwary traveler, and even that some people who know how to beat them at their own game don't like it one bit.

    The fact that you benefit from your knowledge of the system, doesn't mean that the system is transparent and honest, and that dishonesty is what many people are complaining about.

    What could be easier than just publicize the basic price and a list of extra's which you can choose from, but no that would be to easy.

    No malice intended.

    Yermanee :jap:

  8. Air Asia seems to be following what other budget airlines in other countries have been doing for years. I remember showing up without a boarding pass on Ryan Air...at least I think it was Ryan Air? They were going to charge me some crazy amount to print it out. Luckily, they made some mistake so the agent had to print it out anyway.

    We also drank a bottle of wine while waiting for the flight as our carry on was 1kg overweight!

    It's just no fun flying any more....

    I beg to differ. Flying is still fun for me.

    But not with Air Asia. I don't want to fly through hoops just to avoid some added on costs like opening specifically for Air Asia an SBC account.

    Also I don't know now where I want to spent some quality time in 6 months from today.

    If I feel the urge to travel I look at the airlines offers, choose the one with the best quality/price offer and go ahead.

    I understand that some posters here like Air Asia for what it is, I cannot deny that for some people it's a godsend that they can fly cheap, and I don't begrudge them.

    But please allow me to travel in the style I want because in the end it's my money and I think I'm entitled to spend it anyway I want.

    Fact is that all the budget airlines try to milk their customers, and very often with sneaky methods and I don't like that.

    Just my 2 cents

    Yermanee :jap:

  9. According to info I had from True office in Lotus Pattaya North, you will need a special cable (coax) and a new (expensive) modem plus the usual start-up fees.

    Am currently on their 14 megs which I'm quite happy with, so no need to change for me.

    Yermanee :jap:

  10. That may not be so simple. Suppose the retired person is old, sick, speaks no English and cannot manage his/her bank account. :( I would think it wiser to open a joint bank account. Why would Thai authorities object to that?:huh:

    This is why I was annoyed with the poster reporting an exception. It's not helpful to you.

    I guess that's me.

    Well don't let the fact that I have year after year (by different officers) received an extension based on a joint account get in your way.

    Whatever the reason behind it is not important, what's important is that there are exceptions to the rule. And maybe, just maybe there might be others.

    Yermanee :jap:

  11. Most people don't want to have that kind of money shushing around in a non-interest-giving Thai bank account :)

    I agree, mine is a time deposit account with a yield of peanuts, but I can't be bothered. At my age money is not so important anymore (for me), I cannot even spend my monthly pension because my lifestyle doesn't require a lot, and when is enough enough ?

    Yermanee :jap:

  12. Does the account have to be in the sole name of the person on a retirement visa?

    YES, it most certainly does.

    In general immigration will NOT accept a retirement extension application from a person using the bank account method if the account is a joint account.

    Not to contradict you, but I have been on a retirement visa for ages and my bank account is a joint account with my wife.

    Yermanee :jap:

    I don't know about retirement extensions, but for the marriage extension it must be a sole account. We tried using a joint account years ago but were told in that case to double the deposit IIRC.

    I'm talking about Pattaya Office at Jomtien Soi 5.

    Explanation might be that this bank account has more than double the amount of 800.000 Baht in it, but can't remember (old age coming into play :lol:) if this was a requisite or not.

    Might also add that I'm on my 22nd extension (with the same wife btw) and am always treated cordially at the immigration office where I know some of the officers for years now.

    Yermanee :jap:

  13. Does the account have to be in the sole name of the person on a retirement visa?

    YES, it most certainly does.

    In general immigration will NOT accept a retirement extension application from a person using the bank account method if the account is a joint account.

    Not to contradict you, but I have been on a retirement visa for ages and my bank account is a joint account with my wife.

    Yermanee :jap:

  14. History lesson.....the PIGS used to have currencies that were worthless. The average Italian, Greek or Spaniard 20 years ago would have ripped your arm off for a Yankee Dollar.

    Thanks for the history lesson !

    Thank God the British Pound and the British economy are doing so well.:whistling:

    Yermanee :jap:

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